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News Anchor / Radio Host Job Suggestion


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I think an interesting job to add to the server would be a News Anchor/ and or Radio Host

Basically for the News Anchor, they could just have any model that resembles such, and go around the map filming any events that are currently going down (whether that be a major PD raid, revolt, interviewing the mayor or others, or literally anything else they want to record.) There could be an option for players to buy a TV that also has sound so they can watch from inside their base. Or if it is easier maybe it could work through the RT camera system but that wouldn't include sound so I don't know, I would leave the specifics for the developers to choose.

If this is added, there could either be a optional Camera Crew job, or the news anchor could somehow film themselves either with a mobile camera they can hold, or a little tripod they set up & put the camera on top of.


As for the Radio Host it would be the same general concept as the News Anchor, except this would be solely off of radios and not involve any type of TV screen. Maybe this could work through the boomboxes somehow? The Radio Host could just talk about things and have players in the server be "guests" in the show and discuss whatever they want.


I don't know whether this would be an easy job to add, or if it would not be worth the effort, but I thought it would be a cool addition to the server!

If anyone wants to add their input about these job/s please do. Whether you think it would be cool, think its pointless, or have ideas on how these jobs should be changed or could be improved.

Edited by RAY RAY
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  • toosii changed the title to News Anchor / Radio Host Job Suggestion

The news anchor and camera crew would be sick as fuck. I'd be so down for that. Do some on the street news and set up a news station where you can broadcast it on a TV somewhere on the map.








I'm sure someone could find a bullet proof vest that says "PRESS" on it like they wear in wars too

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I would die laughing if I would see a raid going on and the news reports barge in and say "hAvE yoU sEeN AnYtHiNg". it could be a funny thing to add. just don't know if a lot of people are going to do it because it'll 100% be a class u cant raid/base (with ents) but it could just be just something to mess with. kind of neutral in this.. 

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