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I have decided to leave the server. There are mutiple reasons I am leaving the server, for instance, like Mr.President said yesterday "No intention to RP? Any RP in this server gets shot down by the people who just fuck around and have mega OP custom classes.

The closest thing to RP I've seen in a while was Noval's big kingdom thing, and even then it was minimal RP.

This isn't an RP server, it's a Weeaboo Custom Class Deathmatch Server where the gun dealer is obselete because of all the custom classes and their workshop guns plus most classes spawn with guns." - Mr.President.


I agree totally with what Mr.President said, I understand that custom class earn money for the server to run off of, but they also ruin the whole "Roleplaying" thing of the server. Yes i know there are gonna be people arguing about this topic "Just dont mess with the custom classes" "Just buy one of your own"

In most cases that is whats said, I myself have actually been told that a few times. 



Sugar i think you should try something.... something as in, remove everyone from every custom class for a day.. without notice just remove everyone off the custom class they paid for, then the next day add them back or whatever, the point in this is to see how the rp would be with out all the super weaboo custom class'

and just give them a exuse of the custom class file got lost so you need to add it back or something, i think this is a good idea, if not so be it.


I really did like this server, this was the ONLY server I play on gmod, ya know? (unless I was mass rdming and getting banned off of other servers for fun <3)

but it changed from when I first joined, it changed ALOT, the server its self, the staff team, and the community.


The Staff: Grew more lazier with every new staff member. ALOT of things have changed within the new staff team, the old one was a beatiful staff team tbh.


The Server: To many OP custom class', so many things have changed its hard to list them all.


The Community: Turned to cancer, full of douchebags.



Sugar you are truly a good server owner, BUT there is alot you could change with the server, like i said, i think you should randomaly remove custom classes and then turn off messages or something for you dont get spammed then release a statement about how something got messed up... 

Without all the custom classes so many more things would happed.. Some examples are that the other classes would come to play, more rp situations could happen, the community would most likely change because no one would have more power than power than someone else.. and if you like this idea i wold suggest removing custom classes as a whole.



Like I said sugar you are a great owner.


Hope you imrove the server some more. 


Have fun and game on!

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Sugar i think you should try something.... something as in, remove everyone from every custom class for a day.. without notice just remove everyone off the custom class they paid for, then the next day add them back or whatever, the point in this is to see how the rp would be with out all the super weaboo custom class'


and just give them a exuse of the custom class file got lost so you need to add it back or something, i think this is a good idea, if not so be it.


I am truly sad to see you go, you were one of my first friends on the server, but I guess you hate me or something now. Not sure what I did, but eh, shit happens.

I think the idea I quoted above is a really good one and I hope it happens, I've even stopped playing as my custom class mostly. I play Nation's Agent or as the Hobo Lord.

I hope you decide to come back one day.

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Sorry to hear of your leaving. This marks two people in the same week that I knew well who have left either because of the plague "RP" or actions of staff.


Yesterday was drama the size of fucking Jupiter, let's just put that shit behind us and move on. No more witch hunts, no more name calling, and no more drama.

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I can probably write a 9 page paper on a response to you but just to cover some points super quick so I don't have to write a 9 page paper (btw, 90% of the stuff I am about to say, I have most definitely said in another thread probably like 1 month ago since this cycle happens every month)


  • Custom classes were a mistake, I admit that. Back when the server opened up (almost 2 years ago) I wanted money. Now I can give less than a damn about money (hence why you can buy anything with ingame cash instead of IRL cash). A lot of people seem to think "Sugar must make bank". Being transparent, I don't make ANY money from this server. You are absolutely insane if you think I PROFIT off this server. I do this because I love it, not because I need it.
  • Custom classes in their current state are not OP. Yes, it's a bold statement but it's true. Every custom weapon is default CSS values. It does of course provide an unfair advantage since you spawn with x weapons every death
  • I don't like people's custom playermodels. I will offer my opinion that I think Anime, Undertail, Memes and any other of that stuff is weird and it offers no incentive to RP (I don't care or think of you differently if you like these things but just think about it from a RP perspective). But when you offer a service like this I can't just say "Pick a realistic playermodel".
  • In all honesty, staff is staff. I was thinking back to older times and the same stuff with staff happened. It's not like there was ever a "golden" age for staff. Although I do admit that people seem to be freaking out more than normal. I will help in the best way that I can.
  • RP in the server is limited not because of custom classes in my opinion but because of no motivation to RP. People do nothing but build bases. That's fine..but what else is there to do? Think about it.. you make money to spend on weapons to....raid a base....defend a base. There is nothing else as of right now.
  •  This server is a deathmatch server in all seriousness. I tried to change that with evocity but look where we are again.
  • I don't think the server's community is perfect. You are also playing Gmod DarkRP where 90% of players are aged 12 - 16 (no offense, it's silly to base someone's maturity by age but on average our players are that age and have an IQ of potato). This is something I physically cannot change without changing core gameplay. Which, as of right now is a very forgiving form of gameplay.
  • I have been debating dropping custom classes all together (meaning no one can create a new one). It would make VIP $10 instead of $5 and the ingame cash price would go up as well. While I don't make money off this server, it is around $120 - $160 a month to keep everything that keeps both the server and community alive and I prefer to not pay out of pocket.

Also, this doesn't relate to anything but I want to share this anyway but people seem to think I know everything. People seem to think I know when a mod abuses. I will get messages like "Hey, you demote x yet? He abused yesterday". Like jesus, if you didn't make a report then I have no clue what you're talking about.


Think of it like this. A lot of people want change but they don't do anything about it. They will sit in the corner until it just "happens". They will yell at it until it just happens. Take this analogy because I love analogies.


You own a car and it has no gas (car = community). You don't yell at the car to fill itself up(filling it up = changes). You have to physically walk to the gas station and fill it up (requesting changes  making a report / SOMETHING). You don't just expect the gas station manager (me) to come and find you and say, "HEY YOUR CAR NEEDS TO BE FILLED UP, LET ME DO THAT FOR YOU". Sure, the gas station manager may make some revisions to his store here and there but overall, if you don't let your voice be heard and you continue to scream at staff and the community without reporting them, you're no different than yelling at your car telling it to fill itself up.


Not all players are toxic and not all staff are lazy. But everyone perceives it like that.


Revisions will come and I am hoping to change core gameplay early may when I finally finish this semester. 


TL : DR I will be making this same exact post in 3 - 4 weeks when the next person says the same exact thing. I love you guys to death but holy heck use the search button or something

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-snip-IQ of potato-snip-



I love you too, thx for your effort and having a shelter for the weird people for DarkRP to express theirselves.



I'm going to write a comic for you!


-sugar with strained look-

-sugar hits big red button-

-an alert(forum thread) goes out to everyone titled NO MORE CUSTOM CLASSES-

-This said thread describes the following; Stopping all purchases of custom class and everyone has 1 week to get their custom class in order to never be changed again-

-server outrage-

-sugar makes post describing how he is just human and the work load custom classes are bringing is too much-

-server outrage still-

-sugar gives in, adds buying custom classes again... BUT... it's only a settlement-

-sugar accepts payments for custom classes but it costs MUCH more now-

-everyone kinda happy-

-sugar kinda less stressed = less people can afford to buy them = less work for sugar-


This was a Supply/Demand Comic.

Story of the comic; The demand for custom classes can not be supported so Sugar shortened the supply.(make price higher)

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-snip-IQ of potato-snip-



I love you too, thx for your effort and having a shelter for the weird people for DarkRP to express theirselves.



I'm going to write a comic for you!


-sugar with strained look-

-sugar hits big red button-

-an alert(forum thread) goes out to everyone titled NO MORE CUSTOM CLASSES-

-This said thread describes the following; Stopping all purchases of custom class and everyone has 1 week to get their custom class in order to never be changed again-

-server outrage-

-sugar makes post describing how he is just human and the work load custom classes are bringing is too much-

-server outrage still-

-sugar gives in, adds buying custom classes again... BUT... it's only a settlement-

-sugar accepts payments for custom classes but it costs MUCH more now-

-everyone kinda happy-

-sugar kinda less stressed = less people can afford to buy them = less work for sugar-


This was a Supply/Demand Comic.

Story of the comic; The demand for custom classes can not be supported so Sugar shortened the supply.(make price higher)


I think a price increase of $5 for everything would be a good idea.

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