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Add the ability to create ranks of power in gangs


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Hello my name is fuel. So you may know that the way gangs currently work is there is an officer of the gang, and that's it. There is also owner but the way it works now is a little silly. My suggestion is maybe the gang leader can create more ranks and use a color wheel to customize what each ranks color is with like RGB panel? That would be pretty neat. You could also make ranks through a panel and each ranks color could display in the gang menu and near their name surrounded in brackets when they talk in gang chat or something. I know this doesn't sound the coolest to a lot of people but by allowing this you can make your officers feel better. Promotions regardless of the permissions like if they are even identical, mentally will create an achievement to strive for. So, for instance. Nightraid was a gang that had a lot of ranks but a lot of them were just for discord and served no in game promotions ie najenda was officer and that's about it. Your gang cant even have a co owner which aint the collest. How will this be executed?

So, you do !gang, and in the corner with talent and level talent, there is a ranking that is reserved to only owner of the gang. You will be able to create new ranks with, like i said a color wheel (it would be like the ranks by default this isn't necessary that much) and that's about it.


Maybe to tie into this we have more gang permissions? IE you can ban someone from joining your gang again, mute someone from talking in gang chat, etc



Edited by Fuel
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