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[Official] Suggestions for the Server


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Maybe a fire/arson system?


It would be custom if Sugar would be willing to make it.


Firefighter job to battle fires 

Fires would not damage props, but may break down doors over

Pyromaniac job to create fires

Fire that can spread

Fire that would set people on fire


We would need:

Lighter (or some form of fire starter)


Gasoline (or some form of fuel)

Fire Extinguisher


Fires could pop up randomly? (maybe)


he's already shut ideas like this down before, and i'm sure it would just anger some players and seem un necessary & fires are pretty intensive.

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I really Love the gang system, but I think it should be improved.  Here are some of my thoughts:


  • Gang Wars: Using the War NPC, an option to start a war between 2 gangs would be really cool AND the winner gets a prize of either a gang level up or A LOT of Gang experience

- If this idea is introduce, make each participant a Mafia Member and the owner of the Gang an Mafia Leader

-War ends when the each of the gang members on a gang are dead.

- This is introducing the event of Team death match, which would be cool.



  • Showing the type of gang your in the UI or in chat tag (like the past)

- This will show people what type of gang they are in or if they are in a gang.

-This can go towards all gang (CP/Thief)


  • Change the perk on the PD Perks about Drug dealer...

-This is a really bad perk because no-one is a drug dealer on the server.

-I think a cool perk that could replace this one is reduce the cool down for CALL BACKUP


  • Arresting Pedophiles grants Experience (Maybe a perk that Increase the amount, just like the printer perk)

-Most people don't know about this rule, but my favorite part about being CP is tracking down Pedophile

*****This will increase amount of sit coming through*****


  • A Perk that allows when one person becomes wanted, If you are CP then it shows on the map until they get arrested

- This should have a timer and if the man is not arrested in a certain amount of time then it goes away on the map





Maybe a fire/arson system?


It would be custom if Sugar would be willing to make it.


Firefighter job to battle fires 

Fires would not damage props, but may break down doors over

Pyromaniac job to create fires

Fire that can spread

Fire that would set people on fire


We would need:

Lighter (or some form of fire starter)


Gasoline (or some form of fuel)

Fire Extinguisher


Fires could pop up randomly? (maybe)



There are a lot of servers that use the fire system and Honestly they destroy server performance...

I love the idea of this, but I know the cons of having this type of system.

Most servers are now trying to step away because of they legitly destroy there server performance.

Unless Sugar could Optimize the shit out of the system, this is most likely not going to happen.

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The gang system was created when I was learning SQL so the majority of the effort was put into that while the actual core content and gui is lacking or at least the gui is because I hate it. It will have a revamp at some point.


Fire in general is expensive but we never reach over 40% of our server CPU even at a full server so adding in anything is never out of line. The thing that bugs me about fire is that it's easily abused. Think of people that hate the preacher job. The preacher will come over and throw a bible at you every once in a while and basically rdm you. Now think about fire. How would you like it if someone had the ability to physically burn you + your house. Just because people can do it, they will do it. The amount of people banned because of the abuse and ignorance to VIP jobs is crazy.


Fire has nothing to offer other than to be a nuisance. No one is gonna be like "Wow this server is cool because shit randomly ignites" or "Wow this server is cool because I keep getting lit on fire by some guy" or "Wow my money printer just blew up and now my whole house got deleted because it lit on fire, this is siick"

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The gang system was created when I was learning SQL so the majority of the effort was put into that while the actual core content and gui is lacking or at least the gui is because I hate it. It will have a revamp at some point.


Fire in general is expensive but we never reach over 40% of our server CPU even at a full server so adding in anything is never out of line. The thing that bugs me about fire is that it's easily abused. Think of people that hate the preacher job. The preacher will come over and throw a bible at you every once in a while and basically rdm you. Now think about fire. How would you like it if someone had the ability to physically burn you + your house. Just because people can do it, they will do it. The amount of people banned because of the abuse and ignorance to VIP jobs is crazy.


Fire has nothing to offer other than to be a nuisance. No one is gonna be like "Wow this server is cool because shit randomly ignites" or "Wow this server is cool because I keep getting lit on fire by some guy" or "Wow my money printer just blew up and now my whole house got deleted because it lit on fire, this is siick"

even so, if a system like that were to be added, we'd better prepare to change the server name to CrashRP bc that'll be happening ALOT

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update fines in pd rules

Fine Amounts:

$0 -50 for a minor offence                                  Ex) Hobo's Buidling in the street

$50 - $5000 for a mild offence                            Ex) Stealing someone's items, Raiding someone's house, Mugging

$5000 - $15000 for a severe offence                  Ex) Killing another human, kidnapping another human

$15,000 - $20,000 for an extreme offence         Ex) Killing more than one human, repeated murders, killing an officer, raiding the PD

$20,000 for a terrorist offence                        Ex) Killing more than one officer, kidnapping the Mayor, killing the Mayor, calling a terrorist ac

just changed extreme and terrorist

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Well,here goes my EXTREMELY THOUGHT OUT and ORGANIZED plan for a...Now hold on,before i begin,and this goes for Sugar,and everyone else who has a locked down thought on this idea,i have compiled a GIANT list of plan's,reason's,and many thing's that will support my idea,along with some critical problems this idea would FIX in the server.Now please,Sugar,and the rest of the community,please,really read and think about everything i am saying today,and give it some SERIOUS thought.

Ok,today,i am suggesting a 


Now,i know what EVERYONE is thinking,"Sugar said no more map changes as it drops player base"

BUT GUESS WHAT,with this map and idea's,might make the server even a little BETTER.

So dont loose your shit just yet,take a look at all the information i have organized for you today.

Ok so here is a small video i made of the map,this is not all of the map by any means,there are lots more of the map to explore,including underground tunnels!

But anyway,here is the video,sorry about the ending credits,standard youtube outro i had XD





So as you can see,the video shows alot of the map and some places you can go,witch,you have to admit,the map looks truely incredible

So now i will list reason's on how it could help better the server,elements it could improve by A LONG SHOT,and some other things.



  1. It would make the Hitman and Assassin jobs 100 times better by adding more stealth areas to kill targets,long range skill would improve and add more realism and intensity to taking out target's.It would also make players actually have to search hard to find target's,instead of saying"Sir,place a hit,thank's" and then grabbing a master sword,taking 3 minutes to go around the whole map and find them.You would actually have to look around,do some recon work,and find the target.
  2.  This map gives the opportunity to add Air vehicles and more realistic vehicles and such to the server for better RP,realism,travel,etc.
  3. This map add's WAY more space for events,because you could have some parts of the map for better events becuase there is A TON of space and unique areas for events.
  4. This map allows for MANY people to build big bases,without running out of room.It also makes it to were players could get creative,as there are MANY unique areas of the map for building and RPing,such as giant hill-side's,castles,city,underground and much,MUCH more.
  5. This map OBVIOUSLY provides more room for player's not feeling so bunched up and in a giant cluster.
  6. The map is very clean,sleek,and all the areas that are in-acessable are very cleverly blocked off and nicely done
  7. The map is very unique and would give players a chance to play something other the classic "downtown" map almost every server uses.
  8. This map has alot of nice areas that could be used for the "spawn" to be created.
  9. This map has a HUGE skybox,making it easy for possible air vehicles to be used without crashing into the top of the map.
  10. This map has quite a bit of area's for "gang" or team bases to be created.
  11. This map has a few nice places for the PD to be placed.
  12. This map has some great area's to replicate the "global harvest zone" in the mountains or hillsides.
  13. This map allows for some very good fun and RP
  14. The map has some secret areas for those who enjoy exploring
  15. The map allows for ALOT of new features to be added,witch if this map actually gets used,i have some great suggestions already planned out
  16. The map not ONLY has normal houses,but some lake houses,castle,military base,etc,for WAY more extensive and free options to build,or play how YOU want.
    Now im sure i could list some more,but this gives you general idea of the amazing possibility's and role play this map offer's 

  1.  Yes Sugar,im aware you always say no,but please,think it out FOR REAL,and i think that ALMOST everyone is a little,if not completely bored of this map.

  1. Yea,its fun and all,and yea people have dupes for it,but its so small,and everyone knows were everything is,its hard to build and play how you REALLY want to,and people can explore the map in literately less then 5 MINUTES.


And think about it,Sugar,you KNOW that is getting a little bit difficult to add more content to the server,because you running out of ROOM AND IDEA'S that actually is DECENT content that players would enjoy,and you,and everyone else knows its true aswell.

Besides,if the map wasent a big hit,you could just switch it back.

Sugar,your a AMAZING server owner,i know you can do it,just think about it,i listed so many GOOD and VALID reasons

Like i said,think about how many great possibilities this map could unlock for you,WAY more content,and more!

REALLY think it out please.


And everyone else,i want to hear your opinions on my idea,and what you think about it!

And the map is called gm_fork

Also credit to Puggy for helping me create some parts of the video.

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In My Opinion A Map Change Is Much Needed, All Reasons are very valid and true



Here we go....


Another group of people want a map change....


Every time we switch the map, it destroys our player base.

Sugar has said multiple times that he is not going to switch the map based on previous experiences.


It's good to see recent players suggesting a map change again. <- This happens once or twice a month

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In My Opinion A Map Change Is Much Needed, All Reasons are very valid and true



Here we go....


Another group of people want a map change....


Every time we switch the map, it destroys our player base.

Sugar has said multiple times that he is not going to switch the map based on previous experiences.


It's good to see recent players suggesting a map change again. <- This happens once or twice a month

Cullen,you didnt even read the whole thing,becuase i touched on player base,and how i could improve.

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