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[Official] Suggestions for the Server


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Make Lockpicking Fun, Easy,hard,Difficult!


Lockpick like a true Vault-Boy!/Nord!







How will this help? Regular lockpick is long and bland.


But in this you have to have SKILL! It makes it more REAL!


Another suggestion if you are gonna get this addon for the server


On a ZombieRP Server has the same thing and You can lock pick out of jail and into lets say the cp armory

There could be a box and if you lockpick it you can get out of jail!


Sugar if you wanna see this system in action just tell me and ill go on this Zombierp server :3

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Make Lockpicking Fun, Easy,hard,Difficult!


Lockpick like a true Vault-Boy!/Nord!







How will this help? Regular lockpick is long and bland.


But in this you have to have SKILL! It makes it more REAL!


Another suggestion if you are gonna get this addon for the server


On a ZombieRP Server has the same thing and You can lock pick out of jail and into lets say the cp armory

There could be a box and if you lockpick it you can get out of jail!


Sugar if you wanna see this system in action just tell me and ill go on this Zombierp server :3


I can look that this. I don't know if there would be any issues regarding performance or anything. Plus, even though it would require more "skill" it would completely ruin that 10 - 15 second wait time of getting into a base to prepare, you know what I mean? If people are too good at it, it would be just like opening a door immediately.

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These locks are diffrent from the fallout locks. They are harder. TRUST ME


and It adds Realism! People will love it!



Also Everyday around 7-9 PM the server is full. Make the slots 60! or 55! What eveer


Increasing the player count is not an issue. I want to get all performance hiccups out of the way first

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd just like to say a few things about the swap sniper class.

1. The intervention is under powered 1 shot to the head + 2 to the body is not really manageable once they start moving (3 shots to kill maybe 4 if all body shots)

2. Intervention is buggy it can only be zoomed in once and if you unzoom and try to zoom in again it doesn't work (Only happens if you zoom in shoot then zoom out and try again.

3. Sidearm kinda sucks why not an auto pistol or sidearm smg like an uzi.

4. No battering ram so you have to buy them off of a black market.

5. Its a vip class that is kinda weak compared to the other S.W.A.T.

6. Bomb ass armour nothing needs to change there.


What i am saying is the Swat sniper is underpowered for what it is. perhaps a better sniper such as a Barret 50.cal or a laser sniper. Or just improve the intervention cause that "gun" is weak.

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I'd just like to say a few things about the swap sniper class.

1. The intervention is under powered 1 shot to the head + 2 to the body is not really manageable once they start moving (3 shots to kill maybe 4 if all body shots)

2. Intervention is buggy it can only be zoomed in once and if you unzoom and try to zoom in again it doesn't work (Only happens if you zoom in shoot then zoom out and try again.

3. Sidearm kinda sucks why not an auto pistol or sidearm smg like an uzi.

4. No battering ram so you have to buy them off of a black market.

5. Its a vip class that is kinda weak compared to the other S.W.A.T.

6. Bomb ass armour nothing needs to change there.


What i am saying is the Swat sniper is underpowered for what it is. perhaps a better sniper such as a Barret 50.cal or a laser sniper. Or just improve the intervention cause that "gun" is weak.


1) Upped the damage a lot for the next reset

2) I will try it out

3) I will fix that

4) I will also fix that

5) 100% agree

6) :)

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I want to start my suggestion off with a question, why was pocket removed?


OK, pocket is a very necessary tool for servers that allowed pocketed printers/bit miners. More than once when post-raiding stage when im carrying printers back theirs that one guy, you know him every raider does.


"Hey, nice printer your carrying"

"Uh, thanks I guess."

"It would be a shame if something happens to it." *shoots and kills you and destroys printer*


What I'm trying to say here is that adding pocket would make this stage of raiding so you don't have random players RDMing you and destroying the printer you worked so hard for. Being able to pick up printers will most likely increase the amount of raiding making the server more fun :) ( since more people actually get profit out of it). Please Sugar consider my appeal and add pocket back. 


EDIT: yes, i do understand this is only one use for pocket and inventory pretty much destroys pocket in all cases except for this one.

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I want to start my suggestion off with a question, why was pocket removed?


OK, pocket is a very necessary tool for servers that allowed pocketed printers/bit miners. More than once when post-raiding stage when im carrying printers back theirs that one guy, you know him every raider does.


"Hey, nice printer your carrying"

"Uh, thanks I guess."

"It would be a shame if something happens to it." *shoots and kills you and destroys printer*


What I'm trying to say here is that adding pocket would make this stage of raiding so you don't have random players RDMing you and destroying the printer you worked so hard for. Being able to pick up printers will most likely increase the amount of raiding making the server more fun :) ( since more people actually get profit out of it). Please Sugar consider my appeal and add pocket back. 


EDIT: yes, i do understand this is only one use for pocket and inventory pretty much destroys pocket in all cases except for this one.


So the pocket was removed because of it being a single log on inventory. While the inventory we have now allows it to stay with you through crashes / resets / ect. It's not like I wanted the ability to pick up entities but its super easily abused. The way it worked was:


You can spawn 2 printers, so you spawn 2 printers

You realize you're not making enough money and want more but you can't get more printers

Pocketing it reduced your entity count by one for the printer...which means you can just buy another one and then throw out the one in your inventory

Rinse and repeat until the server is named PrinterRP and you win the game.



Same thing goes for bitminers too. Although we would love to have it, for these reasons we cant.

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Ok, sorry for spamming suggestions but i want to improve the server. These new circle printers are very bad, only 25000 max storage and takes 7 years to get their. I liked the old printers the server had because they were upgradable which made them need to be protected more and makes more better defences so funner raids. circle printers only take 10000 to make and are terrible for farming money. your better off making meth but I always get raided while making meth so its a no from me. I hope the old upgradable printers return maybe keep circle printers as a starter printer and just add a more expensive one to pair with it. if we just keep circle printers its gonna be the most boring thing ever thanks for reading. (sorry for not caping and terrible grammar but im in a rush.)


 edit: (i mean like about 15000 upgrade.)

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I don't find them to be the worst. With the old printers it took a bit to get your money back once you maxed out 2 and if you had a problem before with the fps/crashing that was always something that would be in your mind. I personally don't mind the circle printers but then again opinion is opinion.

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