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[Official] Suggestions for the Server


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If I am not mistaken it's not that you're told that "you should not build in PD because it's against the rules" there is legit barrier that prevents you from building in the PD. If you notice that you cannot build in PD and then figure out that you can spawn a prop away from the barrier and then move it in so it would stick there, I feel as that falls under the common sense rule where "I know I can't build here but I can force myself to build here by doing this". I think I will just allow CP's to base though and prevent them from buying entities because that is the reason why they couldn't base in the first place.


CP Radios are too expensive, the only way to say if a player can hear another player is by using a very expensive function that is called hundreds of times a second with a full server (it still holds being the #1 most expensive function on the server). One solution to that is making a radio system that is easy to use. I forget which games have this, I think it's like CSGO or Overwatch. If you want something like that then that's 100% possible. I can show locations to CP calling for certain things + it can be broadcasted to all CPs


Increased jail time was experimented with but people hated it. Back with the EvoCity update that tried make this server as serious as possible, jail times were as high as 20 minutes. Then when the update was reverted it was kept at around 10 minutes and people still complained that it was still too long so I decided that 4 minutes is fine. Lowering the jail time with the auto-want is fine.


Changing how the non-lethal looks is fine and I can do that


A PD Supervisor sounds pretty neat


CP's have the easiest way of making money. Any purchases from the PD screen is split among everyone, fines are split among everyone, you get an increased payday and you get the regular payday, you get extra money for arresting someone with a bounty. I may include some extra ways for them to earn cash though


If it continues on this road to being a chaotic, anarchic, wasteland that harbors cop-haters, minges, and corrupt staff, I will cease to exist here.


DarkRP is beyond the most chaotic gamemode known to man, I have tried making it less about killing and more about RP in the past but that's not what people want. People just like killing each other, the amount of RP in any DarkRP server is very minimal. Except I still try to include updates where RP is a factor, I still hold by my words that any DarkRP experience is a lot better when you're doing something random with someone. Smaller DarkRP servers usually have a larger amount of RP because not everyone is blood thirsty. Then you have CC's which make all the matters worse which remain as the #1 mistake of this server but at this point, cannot be removed.


If staff are being corrupt, please report them. Anyone who says "it's not worth the time" just contributes to the issue themselves


Yeah I mean I guess you got me there, but this is just how my mind works I guess. I'll try not to do things like this in the future.


That could work I guess. Kind of like the panic button? only thing is, that system is broken now it shows the name of the CP calling in the correct spot most of the time, but the white sillouhette is pretty much always flying all over the map making it very confusing. I guess if you can't implement an in-game group voice chat button, I can still try to get good CPs to friend me and join me in a group call through steam or use my zello walkie talkie app or something.


Well it doesn't need to lowered too much if you do that, or maybe add a rule where people that are arrested via autowant can be charged with a fine afterwards in the jail. I was saying the maximum kidnap time should not exceed maximum jail time.




double yes. you're the best.


That would definitely be awesome, maybe raise the existing one a little bit, 750 doesn't even buy full health. I've noticed other people have started to complain, independent of me or my post.


Yeah true. I mean I get that it's "dark" RP, but that doesn't mean the CPs should be intentionally handicapped in so many ways. It loses its appeal when all the minges or demon children are on and we are not allowed to defend our only base from the Hoarding massive public or constant attacks whereas everyone else can. Like even hobos can have keypad doors. Wut..? Oh and going back to the CPs building thing. Now they are saying even as mayor, I cannot "prop block" PD with a keypad fading door on the outer door. Mi cara said I "can lock the door but not prop block it", despite two other mods previously telling me that it was allowed. Is a keypad door not ALSO a locked door? Like what actually is this? Everyone seems to think they are entitled to the PD because of the Armor Station, which is also lockable, so why do they think it's theirs? Because everyone is obssessed with robbing the bank, maybe THAT should be nerfed. In the new map PLEASE make the bank seperate and have an alarm go off when it is being robbed. That way the Civil Protection Department can be a Civil Protection Department and not a "I do whatever the heck I want because fuck the police" Department. Thanks for replying.


And as for reporting corrupt staff, yeah I got you, I just prefer to try to warn them first if their actions are becoming unjust and let them know even they are being watched so that hopefully they don't develop that superiority complex over regular players.

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Civil Protection are not intentionally handicapped, they are supposed to be the most powerful jobs in the server and if you don't feel like they are then I can work on that. Without the current systems in place they would serve 0 purpose but as of right now I think they hold some meaning


You can lock the door and deny people the PD screen access. I mean there is legit a button to disable it entirely on the mayors control panel. You are allowed to lock the front door. I might aswell disable the barrier that prevents people except the mayor to build in the PD for now too. There was a really good reason as to doing so but I forget

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Am I the only one that misses black out bases? I think there should be some handicap if you decide to use a blackout base such as only having 1 fading door as apposed to the normal 3. Maybe not 1 way props If you have a black out entrance. Just a suggestion, let me know what you think?

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Civil Protection are not intentionally handicapped, they are supposed to be the most powerful jobs in the server and if you don't feel like they are then I can work on that. Without the current systems in place they would serve 0 purpose but as of right now I think they hold some meaning


You can lock the door and deny people the PD screen access. I mean there is legit a button to disable it entirely on the mayors control panel. You are allowed to lock the front door. I might aswell disable the barrier that prevents people except the mayor to build in the PD for now too. There was a really good reason as to doing so but I forget



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i feel like people might exploit and make their friend vip and then just kill them.


How can they.  When you start up a vip event, the person that becomes the VIP.  He gets teleported to a random location.



I am focusing more towards the Survival/Prop climbing events though


and also you could do that to make someone leave their base so you can raid them. i feel like people will find a way to abuse this

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Streamline CC editor swep trading so that Sugar does not have to get involved every time someone wants to sell a CC swep. Cuts down on CC scamming and takes work off of sugar so he can do shit.

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Streamline CC editor swep trading so that Sugar does not have to get involved every time someone wants to sell a CC swep. Cuts down on CC scamming and takes work off of sugar so he can do shit.


Next update will include a revamped CC editor and I thought of a pretty good way to include that option. A cool thing too is that you can theoretically streamline custom content too which means you can get CC weapons and CC models immediately ingame but that will probably come later

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Consider this extremely positive feedback:


It is more balanced in that it has a slower firing speed and requires more skill to use, but mostly it just feels so good to shoot. +100

My suggestion: Never get rid of it.


Also, if you are stunned, make the master sword not be able to let you fly away. -.- And disallow being able to fly away the fucking microsecond after damaging someone (like an attempted kidnap that failed, or caught in the act by a CP, you can just fly off and suffer no consequences)

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