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[Official] Suggestions for the Server


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I dunno, man. It's apparently very, very skewed but not skewed enough that you can explain why it's skewed.




If you give a gun dealer money for a shipment and he gives you a single instead, you cant make him give you a shipment. This is nearly the same exact thing, false advertising.


Demand to see the product before giving him money. Simple solution.


So that the customer can steal it? You have a lot of holes in that solution. Just face that fact that scamming shouldnt be allowed and is not okay and move on.

Why do you think gun dealers set up complex shops? So the customer stealing the product isn't a possibility. Scamming should definitely be allowed. If you're dumb enough to fall for it, you get what you earn, thus you live and learn. Eventually you will be smart enough to not fall for scams. :)


If the person selling the guns puts "LOL ADMIN GUN SUPA OP" then maybe, yeah, but when people put "Deagle, 1 shot, super op" and charge 40000 for it (Which actuially did happen) that where its just blatant lying.

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If the person selling the guns puts "LOL ADMIN GUN SUPA OP" then maybe, yeah, but when people put "Deagle, 1 shot, super op" and charge 40000 for it (Which actuially did happen) that where its just blatant lying.


They're the same thing. Either way, you were tricked into buying something that was not as it was advertised, and it was your fault for trusting "Legendairy AWP".

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If the person selling the guns puts "LOL ADMIN GUN SUPA OP" then maybe, yeah, but when people put "Deagle, 1 shot, super op" and charge 40000 for it (Which actuially did happen) that where its just blatant lying.


They're the same thing. Either way, you were tricked into buying something that was not as it was advertised, and it was your fault for trusting "Legendairy AWP".


There isnt any way to prove a weapon is not "Super OP' if you new.

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If the person selling the guns puts "LOL ADMIN GUN SUPA OP" then maybe, yeah, but when people put "Deagle, 1 shot, super op" and charge 40000 for it (Which actuially did happen) that where its just blatant lying.


They're the same thing. Either way, you were tricked into buying something that was not as it was advertised, and it was your fault for trusting "Legendairy AWP".


There isnt any way to prove a weapon is not "Super OP' if you new.

Then you buy it, you were tricked, and you learn to not get tricked again. Easy.

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If the person selling the guns puts "LOL ADMIN GUN SUPA OP" then maybe, yeah, but when people put "Deagle, 1 shot, super op" and charge 40000 for it (Which actuially did happen) that where its just blatant lying.


They're the same thing. Either way, you were tricked into buying something that was not as it was advertised, and it was your fault for trusting "Legendairy AWP".


There isnt any way to prove a weapon is not "Super OP' if you new.

Then you buy it, you were tricked, and you learn to not get tricked again. Easy.


Okay then, im just gonna be a gun dealer, take peoples money, and not give them the guns they asked for, because apparently its okay.

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If the person selling the guns puts "LOL ADMIN GUN SUPA OP" then maybe, yeah, but when people put "Deagle, 1 shot, super op" and charge 40000 for it (Which actuially did happen) that where its just blatant lying.


They're the same thing. Either way, you were tricked into buying something that was not as it was advertised, and it was your fault for trusting "Legendairy AWP".


There isnt any way to prove a weapon is not "Super OP' if you new.

Then you buy it, you were tricked, and you learn to not get tricked again. Easy.


Okay then, im just gonna be a gun dealer, take peoples money, and not give them the guns they asked for, because apparently its okay.


If you get away with it and it fits in RP, yeah, it is, lol.

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This really only applies towards me and a select other few, but can you give respected some more powers? There has been countless times where I have been on and there is staff either afk or just not any in in general. If you could, give us the power to 

- Possibly longer ban times?

- Jail commands, such as jail and jailtp

- kick command, this is heavily needed 

I don't think anything else is needed, but we can just be a backup staff and since you know you can trust us all I think it will work out great if this follows through

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