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[Official] Suggestions for the Server


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I have already mentioned this but think i should push it becuase it would be a cool idea.


Add in the prone add-on(laying down) of course.


I think that it would make raid's a litte more intense and interesting.

People could make some cool bases and integrate it in to raids.


I also think that it would make being a Hitman or Assassin look and feel more like a actual Hitman/Assassin.

For example,maybey a Hitman has a hit on a player,he can integrate he prone into RP so he lay's on a roof in order to get a more tactical view.


It would just be very cool in general.



I have this add-on and i neer experience lag or FPS drops.I also used to play in a MillitaryRP that had over 70 player's on at a time and never experienced FPS drop's or lag,just in case some were wondering.


I think though this would be a small add-on,it would be a huge hit and be super cool to have.


I had a whole response written out for this a few days ago but I actually just never posted it. Long story short, we use some really janky playermodels. This goes for the playermodels that are regular / VIP job models and CC models.


Playermodels are not supposed to be small. If any playermodel has a modified view-height (I actually do that but you get the point) then that means their playermodel is small. Take the weird anime girl or the pets for instance. You're not supposed to have playermodels that are like that.


I am not against the pone addon but not only could it cause massive issues like extensive crashing, I just don't know how well it works in general. I don't know if there is error handling or if there is any type of way that catches bad playermodels from proning.


All you really need is an animation to apply to the model + offsetting it's viewheight and you basically win. Might be something to check out later though

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For the Massive Boss Battle Event idea, How about the whole server Has to Fight it and it costs 5mil to start. It would bring everyone to admin zone and everyone gets 1 life. And if the people beat the boss, everyone who participated (whether u survived till the end or not) gets 1mil, and the person who started the event gets 10mil (since they risked losing their money). But the Event Should be REALLY Hard to win. After The boss is defeated once, it levels up and becomes even harder to beat the next time. This would be cool because it would be the 1st co-op event and everyone benefits if they win.


Just Felt Like it needed a push, I really like this idea. And yes the Payout would be THAT much because its supposed to be THAT hard. Like trying to solo a destiny raid hard.

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For the Massive Boss Battle Event idea, How about the whole server Has to Fight it and it costs 5mil to start. It would bring everyone to admin zone and everyone gets 1 life. And if the people beat the boss, everyone who participated (whether u survived till the end or not) gets 1mil, and the person who started the event gets 10mil (since they risked losing their money). But the Event Should be REALLY Hard to win. After The boss is defeated once, it levels up and becomes even harder to beat the next time. This would be cool because it would be the 1st co-op event and everyone benefits if they win.


Just Felt Like it needed a push, I really like this idea. And yes the Payout would be THAT much because its supposed to be THAT hard. Like trying to solo a destiny raid hard.


It would also be nice if you wern't allowed to use your cc so no one was completly over powered

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For the Massive Boss Battle Event idea, How about the whole server Has to Fight it and it costs 5mil to start. It would bring everyone to admin zone and everyone gets 1 life. And if the people beat the boss, everyone who participated (whether u survived till the end or not) gets 1mil, and the person who started the event gets 10mil (since they risked losing their money). But the Event Should be REALLY Hard to win. After The boss is defeated once, it levels up and becomes even harder to beat the next time. This would be cool because it would be the 1st co-op event and everyone benefits if they win.


Just Felt Like it needed a push, I really like this idea. And yes the Payout would be THAT much because its supposed to be THAT hard. Like trying to solo a destiny raid hard.


It would also be nice if you wern't allowed to use your cc so no one was completly over powered



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new emote, when you say thanks sugar or thx sugar in chat it plays audio of dale's wife from king of the hill saying "thanks sugs"

hats chat so we can use our steam emoticons

add a rule for pills, my dude I will even write it for you.



  • Morphs may not be used in RP,use it only for its aesthetics, not utility. (treat as a costume) 
  • If you become AFK you must un-morph.
  • If you are chosen as the VIP you must remove your morph immediately. 

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new emote, when you say thanks sugar or thx sugar in chat it plays audio of dale's wife from king of the hill saying "thanks sugs"

hats chat so we can use our steam emoticons

add a rule for pills, my dude I will even write it for you.



  • Pills may not be used in RP,use it only for its aesthetics, not utility. (treat as a costume) 


what about the pills with weapons?

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Personally  I think You should be able to rp as the pill you become.


If you cant Rp as a pill then whats the point of becoming one? Like your not allowed to do anything now.


So This is how I think it should be and you guys let me know what you think.

1. you can rp as the pill you become. So Combine would play as a cop for that life, zombies go around killing people, and ect.

2. You cant Raid, mug, or kidnap as a pill.

3. Pills would be EXPENSIVE since you CAN rp as them. This way people with money finally have something to do when they are bored. So for a zombie pill as an example, you would pay like 50k to be kos able and be allowed to go and kill people. For a Poison zombie? maybe like 100k. So nobody will want to spam this either. (peaceful pills like the pidgeon should stay relatively cheap since u only fly around)

4. And Even if this turns into cancer and/or gets abused, IT CAN ALWAYS BE REMOVED/CHANGED IF SOMEONE COMPLAINS

5. So after my shit job of trying to get this added why not give it a try?

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