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[Official] Suggestions for the Server


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How about a vape dealer job? They can sell vapes for a high price (so people still try to unbox them) in a shop. This means anyone can vape if they have the money.



I also coded the job and the entities already, so I'll PM them to you (be warned, syntax errors may lurk, I don't code LUA that much, so double check it just in case a missing comma breaks the entire server or something like that).

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This One I think is very important so please make it a thing sugar.  If you haven't noticed there has been a mass amount of mass rdmers, overfinings, and just straight up too many people who break the rules very often. And Even when there are staff on, it still too much to handle. And when staff aren't on, using the voteban/votekick system never works cause people don't vote!  Its so bad (at least to me) that I have even considered applying for mod, but I don't exactly want to be a mod, I just want to be able to get rid of the mass rdmers.  So as a veteran to the server I have thought of a few ideas to help this problem.


1. Let people demote even when there is staff on. I think a warn for doing you job wrong as a cop is not enough these days. if you don't know the rules enough then you just should be allowed to play the job. And after a demote, the player who got demoted should be banned from the jon for 15 minutes (or some other amount).

2. Vips, or at least vips that you trust (like me) Should be able to straight up be able to ban people for up to 30 minutes, for the obvious things like mass rdm and mass rda, extreme overfining, ect. Maybe make like a vip+ rank or something for this that you have to apply for or something. That way, people like me who don't want to be staff and deal with everyday problems but want to get those mass rdmers off the server can.

3. Maybe add a 5 minute delay before someone can click close on the motd page so it force them to read the rules (for the first login only). Idk how this could be added but it would be nice to inform new players about the rules that are quite unique to the server like the no adverts rule (except counter).


Anyways, Sugar Please take heavy consideration on this, cause I cant take the frustration of not being able to ban these mass rdmers when they get on.

And Worst comes to worst, if it doenst work you can always remove it/change it.

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This One I think is very important so please make it a thing sugar.  If you haven't noticed there has been a mass amount of mass rdmers, overfinings, and just straight up too many people who break the rules very often. And Even when there are staff on, it still too much to handle. And when staff aren't on, using the voteban/votekick system never works cause people don't vote!  Its so bad (at least to me) that I have even considered applying for mod, but I don't exactly want to be a mod, I just want to be able to get rid of the mass rdmers.  So as a veteran to the server I have thought of a few ideas to help this problem.


1. Let people demote even when there is staff on. I think a warn for doing you job wrong as a cop is not enough these days. if you don't know the rules enough then you just should be allowed to play the job. And after a demote, the player who got demoted should be banned from the jon for 15 minutes (or some other amount).

2. Vips, or at least vips that you trust (like me) Should be able to straight up be able to ban people for up to 30 minutes, for the obvious things like mass rdm and mass rda, extreme overfining, ect. Maybe make like a vip+ rank or something for this that you have to apply for or something. That way, people like me who don't want to be staff and deal with everyday problems but want to get those mass rdmers off the server can.

3. Maybe add a 5 minute delay before someone can click close on the motd page so it force them to read the rules (for the first login only). Idk how this could be added but it would be nice to inform new players about the rules that are quite unique to the server like the no adverts rule (except counter).


Anyways, Sugar Please take heavy consideration on this, cause I cant take the frustration of not being able to ban these mass rdmers when they get on.

And Worst comes to worst, if it doenst work you can always remove it/change it.

the 5 minutes forceing you to read the !motd would just make everyone mad on how long it takes

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This One I think is very important so please make it a thing sugar.  If you haven't noticed there has been a mass amount of mass rdmers, overfinings, and just straight up too many people who break the rules very often. And Even when there are staff on, it still too much to handle. And when staff aren't on, using the voteban/votekick system never works cause people don't vote!  Its so bad (at least to me) that I have even considered applying for mod, but I don't exactly want to be a mod, I just want to be able to get rid of the mass rdmers.  So as a veteran to the server I have thought of a few ideas to help this problem.


1. Let people demote even when there is staff on. I think a warn for doing you job wrong as a cop is not enough these days. if you don't know the rules enough then you just should be allowed to play the job. And after a demote, the player who got demoted should be banned from the jon for 15 minutes (or some other amount).

2. Vips, or at least vips that you trust (like me) Should be able to straight up be able to ban people for up to 30 minutes, for the obvious things like mass rdm and mass rda, extreme overfining, ect. Maybe make like a vip+ rank or something for this that you have to apply for or something. That way, people like me who don't want to be staff and deal with everyday problems but want to get those mass rdmers off the server can.

3. Maybe add a 5 minute delay before someone can click close on the motd page so it force them to read the rules (for the first login only). Idk how this could be added but it would be nice to inform new players about the rules that are quite unique to the server like the no adverts rule (except counter).


Anyways, Sugar Please take heavy consideration on this, cause I cant take the frustration of not being able to ban these mass rdmers when they get on.

And Worst comes to worst, if it doenst work you can always remove it/change it.


1 is a good idea, I can agree with that, demotions are practically useless at this point.


Now let me get on to why having vips ban people is a bad idea. You see, the staff are made to have a ceirtan mindset, and they're able to keep their cool no matter what, but ceirtan vip members are unable of that, and I'm pretty sure people would just abuse that ban command and start banning people who they dislike, or even mods at that.


Having the motd last 5 minutes open is a bad idea. We'd probably lose half of our playerbase by doing that, and we wouldn't be able to drag new players in, as that humongous time wouldn't be waited by all the new people trying to get in on the server, they'd just log off and fuck off, and go to another server.

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(In response to boom boxean)


Number 1 - Bad Suggestion, mods used to be able to demote/job ban until one day the permissions were revoked for some odd reason. I suggest re-adding this power to moderators and adding in job ban groups (all of the cop jobs, for example). People would just abuse this power and it's probably for the best if it stays in the hands of the mods



Number 2 - ABSOLUTELY HORRIBLE IDEA. Ok, adding ban to the VIP job would make it possible for any old joe to mass ban if they had $5 to spend. Adding in VIP+ would make our server seem like a cashgrab, which is not what it's about. Adding in VIP+ applications would be pointless, we have a moderator rank. Either become a staff or stop complaining that you don't have power to ban.


Number 3 - No, just no, this would kill our playerbase faster than the evocity update EVERY MAP CHANGE EVER COMBINED. I don't need to explain why.

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I still Believe the vip+ rank should be added. I'm gonna go into a little more detail about it in this reply. So basically only vip's can apply for this. It should be treated like a mod application but slightly less difficult to get the actual rank. The only thing the rank would come with is the power to ban people up to 30minutes. And the only thing the vip+ people can ban for is the obvious things like mass rdm and mass rda, ect. And they can only ban when staff are afk or not on or if the staff that are on are busy dealing with stuff. And Glaze, it wouldn't be a money grab cause you still need to apply for it and people who donate anyway would probably be happy anyway cause they get the vip jobs and stuff. Plus its only 5$ anyway, anyone can pay that price. This way people who want to somewhat  be staff but not deal with everyday problems that might ruin the experience for them can help out. If anyone still thinks a bad idea or anything i have a counter argument. If you think its a bad idea and that people will be like oh hey I'm gonna buy vip and apply! hopefully i get accepted so i can mass ban hue hue hue. well the same can be said for trial mod. trial mod can just be bought and you can mass ban right off the back!. so if you think veteran players who apply will abuse then take down the trial mod!. anyways i guess that settles everything soo sugar please take some consideration into this.  And for those of you who like to comment, if its positive then ok, if its negative, just say its a bad idea, don't say HOLY SHIT DUDE THATS A FUCKING HORRIBLE IDEA. WTF WERE YOU SMOKING????.

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I don't think it's a bad idea because that's what the Respected rank was going to be when I thought about it a while ago. The issue is that of course it can get abused. I didn't really think of people applying but now that you mention it, it doesn't sound too bad. I don't entirely think that too many people would apply for the rank but at this point in time, we actually don't have any staff on the server. It's usually the same 3 - 4 people. Having a group of people who don't want to deal with the staff BS but also are smart enough to take apart mass rdmers and what not wouldn't be the worse thing in the world. I guess the worst case scenario is that you get demoted / banned from the server for abusing it.


I don't think it will be limited to just VIP's though since there are definitely users out there who have played enough to earn it.

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I don't think it's a bad idea because that's what the Respected rank was going to be when I thought about it a while ago. The issue is that of course it can get abused. I didn't really think of people applying but now that you mention it, it doesn't sound too bad. I don't entirely think that too many people would apply for the rank but at this point in time, we actually don't have any staff on the server. It's usually the same 3 - 4 people. Having a group of people who don't want to deal with the staff BS but also are smart enough to take apart mass rdmers and what not wouldn't be the worse thing in the world. I guess the worst case scenario is that you get demoted / banned from the server for abusing it.


I don't think it will be limited to just VIP's though since there are definitely users out there who have played enough to earn it.


say you add this rank, will you add a new type of application? and honestly if you want to give out the ability to ban to vip players you should atleast make it they have over 100+ hours on the server

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