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[Official] Suggestions for the Server


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Suggestion: Add Corrupt back in.


Reason: Oh god yes. 


No but in all seriousness it did change things up for the small amount of time that the Corrupt was alive. Also, if you do add it in then please disable Mayor while Corrupt is up. It's quite awkward when the Corrupt and Mayor stare at each other, but there is no RP reason to kill the other person without calling war and the other person accepting.

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Suggestion: Add Corrupt back in.


Reason: Oh god yes. 


No but in all seriousness it did change things up for the small amount of time that the Corrupt was alive. Also, if you do add it in then please disable Mayor while Corrupt is up. It's quite awkward when the Corrupt and Mayor stare at each other, but there is no RP reason to kill the other person without calling war and the other person accepting.



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Suggestion: Add Corrupt back in.


Reason: Oh god yes. 


No but in all seriousness it did change things up for the small amount of time that the Corrupt was alive. Also, if you do add it in then please disable Mayor while Corrupt is up. It's quite awkward when the Corrupt and Mayor stare at each other, but there is no RP reason to kill the other person without calling war and the other person accepting.


I wanted to suggest this too but I thought everyone would say no because of how corrupt I was lmao

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Make it so you can remove clothing, but you don't completely lose it.


People can see your real name while you're masked if they talk or type (bugs the shit outta me.)


I hate having to rebuy my shit and mess with the positioning or rotations after I die or change jobs.


That's about it.

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Make it so you can remove clothing, but you don't completely lose it.


People can see your real name while you're masked if they talk or type (bugs the shit outta me.)


I hate having to rebuy my shit and mess with the positioning or rotations after I die or change jobs.


That's about it.


You mean like hide the clothing in general but it's still "on" you? I can do that


The reason why it doesn't go more indepth with the "MASKED" thing is because people can exploit it easily. Just think, some guy comes into the server, buys a mask and RDMs everyone. Or even some guy occasionally kills someone and it shows "MASKED PLAYER" and the guy who died says "Uh, some guy killed me, I don't know who". I guess you always have logs but is it really worth all of the hassle just to remain hidden in a sense? I guess a feature shouldn't be barebones for the sake of assuming people will abuse it very hard. One thing I think I will do is allow you to make anonymous adverts.


I think making the game more intimidating to play is actually more fun. Like you should be AFRAID to raid someone, you should be AFRAID to have someone out to get you, you should be AFRAID of dying. In general DarkRP servers its just "I will pay u 200k if u raid me lol". But I think I may be stepping over the line of the majority of the garry's mod community vs my mindset.


I used to play on an RP server for another game and it was always scary when you heard a sound and some threatening message like "Guy in the blue car, get out of the area or die". This is what I am talking about. I can't link times but it's at 6 minutes exactly.



You can save outfits for the next reset and load them

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I really like Arma 3: Life and Altis soo:


If you want to make it more like that, or more intimidating, I would reccomend


Adding a prone function, you could bind it in console or something, that'd be sweeet.


At night, make it slightly darker on the client side, then have dealers sell nightvision. It would make raiding more strategic, and you can plan it.


Make the clothing backpacks actually hold items; make the backpack drop the items when you die.




I might be taking your statement a bit far, these ideas seem entertaining though.

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That's the thing though. I think at that point we are crossing the boundary of the minority vs the majority of the people on GMOD. It's like the gamemode darkrp.


If you go on the Facepunch forums, everyone hate DarkRP with a fucking huge passion. There isn't that one person who says "Hey, I think it can be a good gamemode". To explain a bit of what I mean:


There will be a thread saying "Help my server doesn't get any players, I am running DarkRP with "custom content" and no one joins" and everyone just says "Well DarkRP, there is your problem. Pick a unique gamemode and people will join" (which never happens btw, custom gamemodes will have hours slaved and slaved into them and will never get played because everyone plays DarkRP or TTT) or "Learn to code your own shit and be unique, stand out but you shouldn't be on DarkRP"


Everyone on there assume 99% of all DarkRP servers are ran by 12 year old who only want to monetize their server and allow people to buy weapons and tools that give them a huge unfair advantage and are just ran with full scriptfodder content.


They aren't wrong because some of the people who request help on DarkRP are pretty damn stupid. Like "Wear is errror it say like 420 in my job file but no error me see. Here is error! pls respond fst and xsuperquikj~!" (Error says the line is on 420 and it's because TEAM_POOP is missing a comma at 423). Plus you have to think, if everyone HATES darkrp, why is it the most played gamemode? Minority vs Majority. Most kids don't sign up on forums and become part of a community. They just play to dick around until 8 PM when Mom says the Porkchops are ready.


But getting back to my point, what I am saying is that even if me, you and 10 other people think it would be absolutely awesome to make it more "Arma 3ish", we are the minority. People would leave and drop like flies *cough cough evocity update*.


There has to be a solid line to draw where 12 year olds think its cool and we think its cool. If you haven't noticed, ever since the PD update it seems that our playerbase dropped a bit. I don't know it's because the PD system is too unforgiving or the community just loves no RP. In my opinion, most people want to play DarkRP for the base wars. Not for the RP. You have to be very careful of what you add because 1 fuckup can cost a huge chunk of the playerbase. But in my opinion, it's 100% worth the few players dropping for the increase of maturity in the community.

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