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I feel like as well as just having 2 years go by, what about also a long amount of play time without getting banned/warned would have around 1-3 warns being taken off? like 750 hours or something? going for 750 hours without a warn or ban, then that shows you have changed at least a little. Though 750 hours could be considered a small time frame, so something higher would also be better.


Overall a +1 for me

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On 12/8/2020 at 10:34 PM, SEWER OVERLORD said:

It's 50 warns dude. 50 chances. I don't think any other server on G-Mod gives you that many chances to fuck up. If you fuck up enough to warrant 15 warns, that alone should tell you to not be dumb in the future and to play more carefully. Say what you want, but if you fucked up shit when you were younger, then tough, you got warned for it, and that's just how it is. If you actually changed and are no longer that rule breaking kid, then having 45 warns should be no issue since you aren't that same kid you claim to not be. Breaking the law IRL leaves a permanent mark on your record. It just doesn't go away after 2 years cause "oh past is in the past". 

TL;DR, be smarter and just don't get warned. Not hard to follow rules and not be warned. -1

Sewer, I don't know if you remember this, but NITRP used to be a perm ban on TitsRP. Do you think that if someone had NITRP one time they should be wiped from the community? Like come on, people deserve more chances. I know you will probably say something about how you have 49 chances to learn your mistake, but you don't know the constant stress it puts on people who have high warnings. I am genuinely scared of the trial mods on TitsRP because if they get something wrong (which they will) I have one giant of a fucking headache to deal with. My computer isn't able to record 24/7 without shitting itself so recording for more than a minute isn't an option for me. 

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[ Neutral ] 

Overall I like the idea, but only if the person in question has actually learned from their history and has changed completely. A great example of this is Alexios, he used to be really toxic and mingey but has grown up and changed a lot. I don't think this should be added to the server though, I'm sorry.


Edited by Raccoons
i accidentrly hit button im sorruy c::::
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On 12/8/2020 at 5:49 PM, Slick said:

If we decide to let warns after a couple years drop off, we should lower the ban threshold.

i think this is a good idea, maybe not by a substantial amount, but 10 or so warns could be a good starting point. 


this gives players, who actually care about the server, time to look at their warns and see that if they mess up in x amount of time they will get banned. this also gives them the option to take a break from the server and wait til their previous warns pass if they are that scared of getting more warns. 


i get that this could be abused, but if we are going to settle on the 24 month period that most people seem to agree on, i don’t think it’ll be that big of an issue considering it’ll only be abused once every two years.

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On 12/21/2020 at 3:47 AM, Tuss said:

i get that this could be abused, but if we are going to settle on the 24 month period that most people seem to agree on, i don’t think it’ll be that big of an issue considering it’ll only be abused once every two years

also, if people abuse it, you could probably just not make the warns disappear for that person.

Edited by Tuss
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