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[Changelog] DarkRP Server


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December 24th Changelog


Some server lua error fixes along with clientside fixes. I know no one like seeing "fixes" but its better to fix them than to leave them be + it can help with some FPS issues. I am working on making Santa a little more polished since I fucked up for the past few days. He will be running in the server until the day after New Years. Enjoy the loot!


  • Fixed Jeeps from being pocketable + deleted everyone's inventories that had them because it breaks the fuck out of everything
  • Fixed WaterLevel on Wabbajack
  • Fixed GetShootPos on Sledgehammer
  • Fixed GetShootPos on Doorcharge
  • Fixed Bibles from being pocketable + deleted everyone's inventories that had them
  • Fixed GetDriver on Combat Jeep Transport and Combat Jeep 1 and 2
  • Fixed GetEyeTrace on Throw_Attack method for brick
  • Fixed all values for disallowing pickups for certain Entities
  • Removed Jeeps, they run really expensive functions
  • Fixed Compatibility for Car Dealer + Door System for cars
  • Quick fix for meth dealers / gun dealers for not becoming santa
  • Added a nice little rotation effect to presents and completely revamped its location

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December 25th Changelog


Merry Christmas my friends. Unfortunately, I will not be on at all today and I will be back to doing some more server things tomorrow but for now, just hang out with your family and eat cookies or something.


  • Some lua fixes
  • Changed logs. I really like these, let me know what you think.
  • Promoted some people

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December 29th Changelog


Due to some events causing me to go outside, I have been forced to confine myself to waking up  at 7 AM now to get at least 3 hours of server work per day. I lied, it's just I have Ikea delivering furniture at that time so I need to be awake. But I will also be doing some stuff.


  • Fixed 3 "Throw Methods" by setting a valid check on the server and not the client
  • Added a few ULX commands to better help the sake of staff. This includes friends, freeze all props, profile, watchlist, ipban for headadmin+ 
  • May fix thirdperson confliction with FAdmin spectate
  • Staff case claimer thingy that someone suggested maybe
  • Fixed police car not being spawnable from the car dealer?
  • Cleaned up some packs by removing christmas props I never spawned in cause they looked like SHIT
  • Probably will do something else in regards to fixing some silly lua error. I will update this post when shit hits the FAN

I also want to add back in Gbans but apparently it's broken and the whole team working on that is revamping it. I don't know how long that is going to take but they are "almost done".


But yea, that's all for tomorrow. I should start pickup up the pace again significantly after New Years or something..hopefully? Either way, I am off until the 26th of January so there should be at least a solid two weeks where everything gets a lot more optimized, a lot more polished and a lot more fun, cancerous, sirlepeepee smells like ass, like DarkRP. I don't know if you guys would be interested in a road map for the server since I always wanted to do one but I don't think anyone would be interested in the long term goals for the server in general.


I know I don't specifically make every ounce of content and after all, this is a Garry's Mod DarkRP server and will most likely never be anything more than a Garry's Mod DarkRP server but I still like believing that it's something more.

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December 31st Changelog


  • Fixed Third Person confliction with FAdmin Lol I guess not
  • Removed Santa + Presents
  • Fixed Sledgehammer Eyepos + added a better tracing method
  • Fixed Sledgehammer animation
  • Added Admin Popups
  • Added "SuperAdmin Chat" which will replace regular admin chat for our staff to communicate. Use $messagehere to contact other staff nvm we don't need this

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January 2nd Changelog


First update of the year



  • Fixed Lightsaber model error
  • Fixed Browning SetColor and GetOwner errors
  • Added Kidnapping logs to Dlogs
  • Added Car Damage logs to dlogs
  • Either fixed or removed right click from keypads, I may just add a safety check to prevent it
  • Fixed Ignite method on fire plasmid
  • Added Bring option on admin popups

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January 4 Changelog


I worked on polishing the Santa system today which I am a little late on that..since I removed him..but no worries! I had this idea from the way Battlefront worked and thought it was an interesting concept. This is super early and I just learned about how some basic networking works, I introduce Legendary Jobs. It's simple. If you're a cop, you will become a Legendary Cop. A gun dealer or black market dealer gets a Legendary Gun Dealer. Anything else gets a Legendary Raider. This basically runs and works just like how Santa was picked..except you have more choice and it is a lot more rare. I may add Santa back in as a permanent job and include an option on the panel that allows you to become Santa instead.


Here is the screenshot of what it looks like when you get picked.




These jobs will be VERY powerful. It's super early so don't expect them to get x y and z until a few days after. It also may have some weird bugs since I can't seem to pinpoint. Why it spams 'HAS BEEN CHOSEN TO BECOME A LEGENDARY JOB" 2 or more times is beyond me. Maybe it's being sent too fast but what do I know.


Note: This probably won't be added in until tomorrow afternoonish. Depending if I feel it's ready or not.


Some other stuff:


  • Switch logs to bLogs
  • Fixed some netmessages on some prophide weapon
  • Fixed EnabledMotion on Precision

I will also look at a lot of networking tomorrow. Seeing if we are using and initializing network strings we never use. I also want to see if I can do some more optimizing. I have some more tricks I want to try out. Our lua errors currently on the server are very slim. The only errors we get are from other people joining from other servers or running different addons.


I also wanted to start working on the new Downtown based map. I was thinking of doing a lot of optimization to it before I started adding anything. Except, the PD is the #1 priority to re-work. Then adding sewers and then..I don't know. We will see where we go from there.


Another thing I wanted to do was to make a Respected ulx group. This would work just like VIP and it would allow people in this group to use more tools. There are so many cool tools blacklisted for the sole reason that they crash the server easily. Giving people more tools = cool creations = more fun. And NO wire is NEVER coming into the server.


Uh, that's it. Not even a changelog, kinda like some upcoming changes coming in the next 2 - 5 days.

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January 5th Changelog


  • Added saftey checks to both the sender and the receiver for the unboxing addon
  • Safety check on SetAnimation on the sledgehammer
  • Fixed Chainsaw gun error that only made more 120MB worth of errors
  • Fixed all cop MW2 Weapons

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January 6th Changelog


Clientside and serverside performance should be significantly better now.


  • Changed CSS weapon base for networking optimizations
  • Removed some initialized network strings that were never used
  • Timer changes on ULX
  • Removed a CalcView file that was running like crazy on a playermodel that is rarely used
  • Optimized HUD to 1/4 of its calling value
  • Removed a lot of unnecessary hooks being called

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January 9th Changelog


Time for some networking optimization, I found a console command that dumps all tables currently being ran in the server and its a godsend.


  • Removed RBG NPC since I don't think anyone uses it and it has 12 network strings
  • Removed 6 network strings in ItemStore that result in trading which is disabled
  • Removed 4 network strings that result in the hackphone hacking a camera which has been disabled
  • Removed 3 network strings with eating Popcorn because why would you even need that
  • Removed 20 network strings with drugs, edited them so they are still usable
  • Removed 1 network string with KeypadCracker Sparks

Some other things:

  • Rewrote how some weapon bases handle their SWEP:Think function by using a more modern technique
  • Removed a bunch of unused weapons
  • Removed a bunch of clientside files being ran when you don't need them
  • Removed some default gamemode entities that we don't use
  • Removed useless effects / details and entities that were unused
  • Removed some files that were forcing clients to download some extra models / materials that you didn't need (bitminers,drugs,motd,
  • Removed 2 hooks in Lightsabers that we don't need
  • Further changes to removing useless code inside Buu's Base
  • Disabled sitting on players due to millions of table inserts which will eventually bog down your frames and cause a leak
  • Optimization to player sitting, running code that was essentially disabled
  • Removed 3 hooks in sitting which will not effect actual usage
  • Removed heavy timer on sitting and rewrote it with a simpler method
  • Removed sandbox save_load file which contained some hooks and a network string
  • Removed Drugs for now since they are almost entirely useless
  • Fixed Car Health, car dealer was not setting the health serverside
  • Updated some server config options with networking








After (Doesn't show a direct comparison since the local server is different from the dedicated one) :





The networkstring should be around 10 less on the dedicated server


Err, I will get around to posting results when its done




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January 12th Changelog


  • Further optimization to Sitting mod
  • Removed over 75 effects that were never used
  • Cleaned up custom class models for lower model precaching

Next up, further compression to older custom class materials (I changed them to 512x512 instead of 256x256 resulting in a 200KB+ difference). I will also see if I can optimize the HUD any further and I definitely want to optimize the meth entities. I am also going to clean up some more entities that are lingering inside these workshop packs. Also, I don't know if you guys are going to have any FPS effects but I am now sitting around 285 - 295 FPS in my usual spot where I stand for FPS tests. This is up from 270ish.

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