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messed up models

Wilhelm Panderino

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Description: yoshi model is very hard to land a shot (very confused on why this is a thing as i reported this way back and the model was removed and replaced with a larger, updated one but apparently someone didnt like that)




Priority: High







Description: this model shown below also contains some wierd hitboxes as well and does NOT have a headshot hitbox.


Priority: High

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This is low priority, any model with messed up hitboxes shouldn't be able to raid which was the answer to this "bug" in the first place.


If someone wants to have a small model that's fine and all but they can't raid with it which pretty much solves this issue.

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This is low priority, any model with messed up hitboxes shouldn't be able to raid which was the answer to this "bug" in the first place.


If someone wants to have a small model that's fine and all but they can't raid with it which pretty much solves this issue.


updated the priority to better reflect the impact these issues may bring about

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