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Question about chat/who can hear what


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Hey, I was wondering about certain chat commands. For example , if you are using !p or /pm and you are beside people, it says that people can hear you talk. Can they actually hear your pm? Same question for /g or /gang for instance. Lets say i want to tell the CP the PD code but there are people all around me in PD. Can the people hear me talk in group? For /pm or !p say you are in spawn, and around like tons of people. Could they see or hear your pms? I want to know if i can save myself the trouble of running away to find a place with no people to send a pm. Also one more question, can the mayors assassin see group chat? Because if they can't it would be a great way to check who is who by seeing if they cant enter without breaking down doors or just ceasing to enter.

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The only people that can see the chats are the certain people in each group, for example between PMs only you and the receiver can see it, group chat for PD only actual PD can see it (Mayor's Assassin can't see PD group chat) and only your gang can see your gang chat. Nobody outside of these can see them.

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K thanks, i am still confused as to why it says on the oeft hand wide of the screen in people are in my proximity they can hear me

K thanks, i am still confused as to why it says on the left hand side of the screen in people are in my proximity they can hear me

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