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To start this off I have tested C4 myself in several different ways to try to understand it myself, so if im wrong in any of this please correct me.


C4 is a strong raiding tool used to blow up props, but can be acquired in several different ways and most people have several if not 10-20. IMO this is a item to help even the playing field of Defenders VS Raiders, but being able to glitch/exploit a C4 through a Door or wall and it not being able to be countered is just un-fun and shifts the power to raiders over defenders heavily. I can build as big and complex of a base I want to, but if someone raiding me can just stand there and C4 with no issue, there is no point in even building a base, why not just have a shootout with them from the start if that's how its going to end? I feel that C4 should be changed to where you can not use it through garage doors/ regular doors.

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Thats how its intended if you want to counter c4s theirs certain base designs you have to do ( I have multiple ) and if ur not a good builder bunzixx has good dupes just buy one off him  or me when I get unbanned I'll sell u one


Maybe I wasn't clear enough on what mechanic of C4 I was talking about, made the thread while tired af. Being able to grav gun a c4 and hold it through a shut garage door and it not being able to be interacted with is what I think is un-fun/un-fair.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ohh you’re talking about the mechanic I got reported for. I usually only use this in pd raids or revolts on the mayors office due to the lockdown button being able to close and lock the doors fast as fuck from far away. However I do believe I used it in your base in sewers (if im not mistaken). The tricky thing with that is there was no real use in me doing that because 

1) I couldn’t see the timer and had to count each number with the beeps and with the surrounding noise the beeps were too quiet anyways

2) I could only launch it so far therefor making the tactic useless as I would need to run in there and throw it to actually do something to the base


i do see where your coming from but there are little bases you can use this tactic with that actually win you the raid

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This is a mechanic that’s part of the Source engine and I don’t believe there is anything that can really be done about it from a server’s perspective.


Plus, I wouldn’t say it’s unfair to be honest with you, it gives some chance at getting through some of those cancerous crouch bases that give you zero chance of survival if you attempt to crawl through. Not enough people use C4 in their raids to justify doing anything about it.

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