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Rollback Lootcrate Nerf


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Ever since the lootcrate nerf they have turned into total garbage, I get that it's a gamble but 100k to make back practically nothing is just a waste, not to mention you can open around 500 T2's and get 2-4 proc tokens, it seems a bit unfair at this point but thats just me, I think prior to that change they were perfect.

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Thats not the point nor am I saying that whatsoever, theres plenty of ways to make money, but $100,000 for absolutely nothing in return is absurd, the lootcrates should have just been left the way they were, you as a player get to decide how you want to make your money, who cares if lootcrates are your only source of money making, so be it.. but they've completely killed the lootcrates and many others agree with this, just a thought :D

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lootboxes are a cancer anyways.


it's your fault for gambling. 


you gambled and you lost, don't blame the staff. the goal of a lootbox is to lure people into predatory spending habits to begin with, and you're falling into the trap. blaming the lootbox creators for not giving you anything good is the dumbest fucking thing I have seen in a long time. 


go grind in the 10,000 other ways to grind in the server. I found four legendary weapons as a treasure hunter in <30 minutes. 


Lootboxes should be like mining for gold with a pan in the river.

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Birddog, I understand its a gamble, I knew that going into it, everyone does.. its a lootcrate for crying out loud. of course its going to be a gamble, but for them to nerf them is kind of pointless, its not like players were getting millions of dollars off of lootcrates, i still lost money 99.99% of the time from the lootcrates, but now it is beyond garbage, its one of those cases where its not even worth existing anymore if the odds are going to be that far against you.. Like i said, prior to the nerf you still lost money a lot. I could open 100 and get around 10 proc tokens with some decent weapon, now I open 500 and get 2 proc tokens with absolute garbage items left and right, again its not worth being in the game if theyre going to nerf the drops but not make it somewhat cheaper, personally I think the loot crates were well balanced and optimized prior to the nerf, and so do a lot of other players, its extremely frustrating when you spend a lot of money only to get nothing, and again I understand " I t s   a   G A M B L E" but atleast the game prior to nerf could make you some money back, now its just dead completely. Thank you for your honest input!


-Edit - Also I'm by no means blaming staff for this, they obviously have their reasoning for why they make these changes, I'm simply voicing my opinion and stating that I and a large number of players think they have been nerfed a bit too hard, I never once said this is the DEV's fault, youre putting words into my mouth now. The devs can do whatever they so desire, and I can almost guarantee you that this post isn't going to help the current state of the lootcrates, but hey its worth a shot.


Also it seems like youre implying that I ONLY open lootboxes to make money, this is simply not true, I use just about every money making method, lootcrates are just a fun thing to do on the side to test your luck, they were perfect and very reasonable prior to the patch, and now (like I said) they are completely useless and a waste of money, prior it was almost like a coin flip, I base proc tokens off of the majority of success with loot crates because they can translate into a decent amount of money made back from the money you spent on the crates. If theyre going to keep this insane nerf they should atleast lower prices a bit, its very steep for the return. Just my opinion though!

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Lootboxes were not nerfed, im not sure where you're hearing that from. The only thing I have touched with them in the past year is making it so processor tokens on a tier 2 lootbox are slightly less uncommon.


But that being said, I did look at the average worth of lootboxes and at this time, you are basically being scammed. Lootboxes on average generate 1/3 of the price they're worth just because thats lootboxes. When I implemented them I did want the player to obviously spend more of their money versus getting their value out of it but to me 1/3 of the price on average is pretty bad and not fun


I made a lot of adjustments to them for tomorrows reset so they are not as bad!

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Hey awesome, I'm so glad to hear that, I didn't want to come off in any negative way its just it feels like theyve been changed so much, like I said about 6 months ago i could open around 100 and still lose money but get wayyyy better stuff than what I get from 500 now, a lot of us are super stoked to hear this! Thank you for changes, this will for sure make more players gravitate back to the system I think! 






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