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Reason For Absence


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Hey you guys! You may or may not have noticed, but I've been gone for quite some time, and I'd like to just provide some context as to why.


At the moment, my computer has been almost unfixable for the past 4-5 months. (This is just a guess, honestly I've lost track..) Me and my family have been doing everything we can to try and get this fixed. We've been to about 2-3 computer shops, each of them have tried something and failed. Right now, we are still trying to find solutions, and with school coming up, I've been stuck with no time and lots of stress. My high school band is putting me into "band camp" starting tomorrow, so it may take a while before I get this sorted.


I want to clarify that I have not quit the server, and I have not resigned from my moderator position. I am doing everything I can to get back to the DarkRP server that I love to play on. I can't wait to see you guys!


Cheers, Hoovermon


(This was written on my phone, so there might be some typos, and the text is not edited in my typical style.)

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Hoover I loved seeing you on the server tried contacting you about everything before we had to set you back to VIP. Trust me man kinda the thing we had to do in your absence. If I were you I'd ask if you have a CD version of your Windows OS and do a full reboot if it was a virus if it isn't that tell me what's wrong with it and I may be able to help you out.


Your neighborhood Server Rabbi and close friend, Succ The Zucc.

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