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Possible resolution for the biggest problem on the server


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Just forget abut the SMOTW thing, but I think checking sit logs every 2 weeks and making sure staff is active is a good way to get rid of staff that dont take sits and dont do anything. I understand staff are players too, but the most frustrating thing is when I make a report and i see a staff member sitting in fountain in his gambling booth when their are 5 active reports they could be helping with. Another thing ive been seeing very frequently is staff only dealing with something only if it happens to them. I dont want to just make a forums report for IRDM when their are staff members online. I have tried doing votebans and votekicks and an smod or higher usually cancels it which implies they will deal with the problem, but they never do.

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"But the biggest problem on the server in my opinion is staff not taking sits." - That issue will never be fully fixed. It's a given that some staff want to be lazy. In my many times as staff viewing from different ranks, I have noticed that some people want staff just to have a cooler tag or they just want to be bias to their friends. It's a double-edged sword when it comes to staff because you either have good people, or you have bad people for the role. Like @Rubik said, it's a volunteer job. In other words: "You can't have god-like staff members if gods don't apply" - Sugar Tits


"1. Staff Member Of The Week (SMOTW)- This can be a temporary Discord role that can be given to the staff member who has taken the most sits with 0 reports during that week. Kind of like an employee of the month. Whoever gets SMOTW, could be given an item in-game that could range from some XP to a T3 crate. I dont think a bunch of suga or cash will be a viable reward because it would probably break the market" - Regardless of the sit count and reports, you could have a person who just half-asses it. I have seen many staff members do it, and it still goes on to this day. Though I am not staff anymore, anyone can see that would just be a huge competition for the staff which, like Tass said, it's what the server does not want to have. However: though it will most likely turn into a competition, in a sense, it's sort of like promotions. If you are a well-rounded staff member who actually cares about the server and helps players and is overall a really great staff, then nothing will really hold you down for a promotion. When other people are promoted, I have seen it myself where some moderators would say something like: "hey, A got promoted to B for doing well. I think if I really aspire to be a better staff, and stop bullshitting around, I think I can get promoted myself.". That may seem like a guy who wants to be promoted so badly, which sometimes it is, but other times I have seen it be extremely beneficial. Staff who can change their acts and go above and beyond is what I see in a good server regardless of what their track record may be (unless you've done things like Rigbe or some shit then idk bud)


"2. Check sit logs every 2 weeks and make sure that staff members are taking sits and being active. If not, discipline them accordingly. Whether thats a demotion or a slap on the wrist. Admins and higher could give staff members warns which i feel would work pretty well." - Again, I can see your point to this, but staff can half-ass their sits or just take sits really poorly. I feel like if you would want the staff to take good sits, you should have Senior Moderators or so spectate over their sits and after the sit, have a discussion over the performance and give proper feedback, advice, and suggestions for the staff to have a better understanding of how to solve certain situations. Of course, there are some Senior Mods who can fuck up a sit, but using them to do that would be more appropriate since they have more experience (usually), and rarely will they mess up. In a case where an s-mod would mess up, then an admin will deal with the situation.


Other than that, my main issue is that no one plays the pig job which makes me sad

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"But the biggest problem on the server in my opinion is staff not taking sits." - That issue will never be fully fixed. It's a given that some staff want to be lazy. In my many times as staff viewing from different ranks, I have noticed that some people want staff just to have a cooler tag or they just want to be bias to their friends. It's a double-edged sword when it comes to staff because you either have good people, or you have bad people for the role. Like @Rubik said, it's a volunteer job. In other words: "You can't have god-like staff members if gods don't apply" - Sugar Tits


"1. Staff Member Of The Week (SMOTW)- This can be a temporary Discord role that can be given to the staff member who has taken the most sits with 0 reports during that week. Kind of like an employee of the month. Whoever gets SMOTW, could be given an item in-game that could range from some XP to a T3 crate. I dont think a bunch of suga or cash will be a viable reward because it would probably break the market" - Regardless of the sit count and reports, you could have a person who just half-asses it. I have seen many staff members do it, and it still goes on to this day. Though I am not staff anymore, anyone can see that would just be a huge competition for the staff which, like Tass said, it's what the server does not want to have. However: though it will most likely turn into a competition, in a sense, it's sort of like promotions. If you are a well-rounded staff member who actually cares about the server and helps players and is overall a really great staff, then nothing will really hold you down for a promotion. When other people are promoted, I have seen it myself where some moderators would say something like: "hey, A got promoted to B for doing well. I think if I really aspire to be a better staff, and stop bullshitting around, I think I can get promoted myself.". That may seem like a guy who wants to be promoted so badly, which sometimes it is, but other times I have seen it be extremely beneficial. Staff who can change their acts and go above and beyond is what I see in a good server regardless of what their track record may be (unless you've done things like Rigbe or some shit then idk bud)


"2. Check sit logs every 2 weeks and make sure that staff members are taking sits and being active. If not, discipline them accordingly. Whether thats a demotion or a slap on the wrist. Admins and higher could give staff members warns which i feel would work pretty well." - Again, I can see your point to this, but staff can half-ass their sits or just take sits really poorly. I feel like if you would want the staff to take good sits, you should have Senior Moderators or so spectate over their sits and after the sit, have a discussion over the performance and give proper feedback, advice, and suggestions for the staff to have a better understanding of how to solve certain situations. Of course, there are some Senior Mods who can fuck up a sit, but using them to do that would be more appropriate since they have more experience (usually), and rarely will they mess up. In a case where an s-mod would mess up, then an admin will deal with the situation.


Other than that, my main issue is that no one plays the pig job which makes me sad


I kind of trashed the SMOTW idea because of the reasons above. But, I have noticed on other servers, you can give a review of how good staff handled the sit from 1 star to 5 stars. Maybe something like this would help with the problem because its straight from the players so if the staff member who takes the sit and they are being biased or dont deal with it properly (like if they warn for something that should be an obvious ban)

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reviewing staff? heeelll naw, some rando whos getting banned could just rate one star, and the biased part can also be applied to the rater, the rep system is already a clusterfuck of a system as it is, how do you expect rating to go about?

aand lets be honest rating stff or sits just sounds dumb.


also booper the only people who play pig are the sabotagers who fuck over people doing farmer leaderboard

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"But, I have noticed on other servers, you can give a review of how good staff handled the sit from 1 star to 5 stars." - @"voltz07" has already stated why it wouldn't be that much of an effective system. The only way I could see that work is if you're on a really serious server that has active staff watching the loggings of ratings which wouldn't really be that hard to do but it's not too worth it considering we already have a reputation system. In fact, that was one reason why the rep system in-game was implemented. It was a way for users to give their opinions about other players and staff sits, but unfortunately it came to the point to where Sugar had to make it where Admins+ can delete ratings due to how inappropriate most were. Such as "I hate n*ggers" or "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" was the most ratings. With that being said, I even had to make a template for the actual rep removal process due to how common the rep system was being abused: https://titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=10798. My view of the rating system would be the same because if a person gives a staff member a 1 star rating, then it's a huge issue and the upper staff team will need to look into, but once again, as voltz said, it can and more than likely will be abused if something like that was added. I personally think a staff (one on one) review would be more appropriate since I don't see staff abusing that considering Doc or Rubik will stomp their peckers in the ground.


TL;DR: Ratings would be similar to reps, due to how it can have consequences in a small sense


However, I wouldn't call the idea of ratings "dumb", but there are better alternatives to this considering this server just carries way too many minges.


Also, @"voltz07" it doesn't matter if they sabotage a farm, I gave the pigs that order and I need more troopers.

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reviewing staff? heeelll naw, some rando whos getting banned could just rate one star, and the biased part can also be applied to the rater, the rep system is already a clusterfuck of a system as it is, how do you expect rating to go about?

aand lets be honest rating stff or sits just sounds dumb.


also booper the only people who play pig are the sabotagers who fuck over people doing farmer leaderboard


Ill try to explain the system that ive seen on other servers. When a player makes a report and a staff member picks it up, after the sit is over, the player who made the report gets a pop up on the side of their screen that says something on the lines of "How well did Bill handle the sit?" with a 1-5 star rating thing that you can interact with. The player who was reported obviously doesnt get to rate the staff member because that would be extremely biased.

"But, I have noticed on other servers, you can give a review of how good staff handled the sit from 1 star to 5 stars." - @"voltz07" has already stated why it wouldn't be that much of an effective system. The only way I could see that work is if you're on a really serious server that has active staff watching the loggings of ratings which wouldn't really be that hard to do but it's not too worth it considering we already have a reputation system. In fact, that was one reason why the rep system in-game was implemented. It was a way for users to give their opinions about other players and staff sits, but unfortunately it came to the point to where Sugar had to make it where Admins+ can delete ratings due to how inappropriate most were. Such as "I hate n*ggers" or "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" was the most ratings. With that being said, I even had to make a template for the actual rep removal process due to how common the rep system was being abused: https://titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=10798. My view of the rating system would be the same because if a person gives a staff member a 1 star rating, then it's a huge issue and the upper staff team will need to look into, but once again, as voltz said, it can and more than likely will be abused if something like that was added. I personally think a staff (one on one) review would be more appropriate since I don't see staff abusing that considering Doc or Rubik will stomp their peckers in the ground.


TL;DR: Ratings would be similar to reps, due to how it can have consequences in a small sense


However, I wouldn't call the idea of ratings "dumb", but there are better alternatives to this considering this server just carries way too many minges.


Also, @"voltz07" it doesn't matter if they sabotage a farm, I gave the pigs that order and I need more troopers.


The rep system allows players to know who to play and base with but we cant pick who takes our sits. So the rep system when it comes to staff members doesnt really help

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"The rep system allows players to know who to play and base with but we cant pick who takes our sits. So the rep system when it comes to staff members doesn't really help" - It can be used to give feedback. When I say "it can be used", I mean very lightly considering, as I stated above, it is mostly to be abused. That's what I was trying to point out. I was given a few rep points on how I handle situations as an Admin when I was one. Most of them were retarded, but there were a few. I do have to agree that the rep system isn't the best choice though for rating sits, but it's the closest thing we have.


-In a case where a staff handles a sit poorly, you report that staff member. If you have valid evidence and everything checks out, then that staff will be given a punishment of some sort.


-In a case where a staff handles a sit appropriately, you can speak up about it. There are plenty of threads on this forums about how they recommend staff to be promoted due to doing a lot of helpful things in the community, how they handle the sits well, etc.


All in all it's your decision if you want to speak up about a staff's performance. That's why there are "Reports" and "Ban Appeals" or "An Admin's DMs" for the bad ones and a "Post New Topic In Discussion" or "An Admin's DMs" for the good ones.

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