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[Applications] TitsRP News


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Opening for one more person (preferably a staff member) to take the spot for Staff Promotions / Demotions, Notable Bans & Member News!


Can i reapply for it?


I kinda want to wait for a new person. But if after 3 days no one applies then sure.

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Your Steam Name: Beersy

Your ingame name: FeBreezy

Your Steam Profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/CanYouFeelMeNow/

What segment would you like to be a part of?: Staff Promotions/Demotions, Notable Bans & Member News [Available]

Why do you want to join the team?: Because im boooooored as fuuuuuuck. Plus a got a new sexy desk microphone that record high quality as fuck.

Anything else you would like to add? (leave blank if you have nothing to add)

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Your Steam Name: Draygon

Your ingame name: Draygon

Your Steam Profilehttp://steamcommunity.com/id/Dray_Gon

What segment would you like to be a part of?: Staff Promotions / Demotions, Notable Bans & Member News!

Why do you want to join the team?: Because reporting the news is such a fun thing to do! I've been apart of many small community news teams. Notably my school's. I really hope I can get the job. I like to explain what's been going on out in the community. This was the spot I wanted before ScorpS took it. And I'm definitely up for it. 

Anything else you would like to add? (leave blank if you have nothing to add) I'm really active, so you can probably get ahold of me easily. Unless it's school, or Scouting of course. I'm not 100% sure if my recording would sound great, since I'm a squeaker and all. I have a decent mic though.


idk if this is allowed but



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Your Steam Name: Beersy

Your ingame name: FeBreezy

Your Steam Profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/CanYouFeelMeNow/

What segment would you like to be a part of?: Staff Promotions/Demotions, Notable Bans & Member News [Available]

Why do you want to join the team?: Because im boooooored as fuuuuuuck. Plus a got a new sexy desk microphone that record high quality as fuck.

Anything else you would like to add? (leave blank if you have nothing to add)


You got here second, so I can't accept you for that position. But if you want your application to be changed to World News just say so!

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