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Gun Stand Replacement


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So, as we know theres a ton of issues with the current gun stands and how they are just giant blockages and pretty much take up the entirety of the street and arent always 100% clear because someone has a material right next to the stand and you cant read the text.




I provide this as an alternative and a cleanup so we dont have an ugly mess of a gunstand that is our current system


The only major negative is ammo but everyone usually buys ammo from the f4 menu using a keybind anyways so its not going to be 100% missed, if we nessesarily need an ammo box we can probably have another spawnable by gundealers that spawn the ammobox and prevent people from buying it and switching off by having it despawn the box if they switch off

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Well I still feel we need a replacement even if its not the one I linked the ones we have are currently more of a hassle on the user as they can really only be used in large buildings and outside which forces people off the sidewalk and all that jazz, there needs to be something smaller that isnt just a giant wall of invisible hitboxes we can work with.

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The gun stands are fine...

Problem is people's placement, which staff can easily move.

I don't know if it is possible, but having gun stands that server spawn and are locked in certain locations, that can be purchased and loaded by dealers.

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