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Hydraulics, Ball Socket & Physical Property


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i felt like this should be its own seperate suggestion from my mutiple one.


bring back some of the tools, namely hydraulics, ball socket and physcial property tools.


hydraulics made for some awesome stairs, doors and all kinds of contraptions.


ball sockets are fun to mess around with, doors, trapdoors, etc.


and physical property tool, which made for some fun hobo cars, bouncing props and other things alike.

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hyraulics can lag the server but it used to have a limit, should have a limit now aswell,


ball socket is impossible to crash the server with.


physical properties you can drop fps with no gravity props flying about, which is not allowed, stated in the motd.


  • Spawning props in public then making them no gravity before letting them fly is not allowed, it ruins some people's FPS and is dumb in general.

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