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Fuck Blowtorches


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BLOWtourches need a nerf. For how short they are and for how long they can make a prop nocolide and transparent its just op.



A. Make it so it takes longer to get rid of a prop

B. Make it so props nocolide and become transparent for less time

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They are perfectly balanced, just build a better base in a better location is all I can say, if you have a good base raiders wont use them because they are too valuable and other tools are better to use.

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As someone who raids all the time I can guarantee you that blowtorches are FAR from broken, you need to be face to face with a prop to use the thing which already makes you an easy target, they're usually bought for 200k each and unless you have a really bad base you should never be afraid of getting raided with a blowtorch, also they're not silent they make a really loud noise and last less time then all other explosives that break/no collides props. If you want to counter blowtorches just make a decent base or heck just make a base with all fences.

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