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Bounty Suggestion


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A couple of the smods and admins have talked about this suggestion but I want to know who else would like the idea. Instead of the bounty hunters having a bounty hunter tool, make the bounty board intractable and let bounty hunters pick which ever bounty on the bounty board they want and then they go on the hunt. This was brought up because of new people playing bounty hunters just rdming anyone on the board and wondering were the money is.

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No there are major issues with this like people picking their friends to boost leaderboard, Targeting others, and general cheesing with it to only pick someone thats standing infront of you. The bounty hunter however should maybe get a text message when you become the job telling you to pickpocket cops for a target or maybe make the job description a bit more obvious (I tihnk it didn't mention how to get a target last time i checked). The hunting system is fine imo, u get a slightly delayed red dot to follow and you know the name of the person so that feels good.

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There definitely could be some changes to make it so they can't pick the same person over again. But what Piklas said about being random is a better idea so they can't rig the leaderboards.

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Would be kinda cool to be able to pick who you would like to go after then again, like many here have stated it could be abused in two main ways. I'd be interested in more suggestions like this though.

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