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Why do you think the server is dying?


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I mean only reason this thread was made cause most of you retards want to be able to say racial slurs. You don't see me pissing a fit that I can't have a swastika outside my base or have hitler in my name. No no you retards would rather loop hole shit then OMG I GOT GIGAMUTE ABUSE OMFG, well dumbass for using obvious racial slurs. But then again people getting muted or banned over calling someone homo or retarded is pretty fucking autistic, it's the internet you will be call that everyday if not worse things. And yes money grinding is pure cancer, but hey that is why I watch videos on my phone until some shitler decides raiding. Anyways the reason the server is dying yes rules are stricters, which is neat I guess idc rules are rules now if we could make a rule against rigbe saying he isn't biased that be great.Btw it's a joke or is it I dont facking care who gets offend. Anyways if you constantly argue with staff,try loop holing rules cause omg your such a clever little boy/girl well you can just expect the rules to get more strict. Everyone has a breaking point, it's like bullying the kid in the back of the class eventually he is gonna snap and well play mass rdm the bullies except the only staff is the police that will take him dead or alive. And someone is gonna so wow edgy who fucking cares, god every time I get on the discord I see you retards crying and bitching at each other more than I ever did in ooc.


Pretty much this.



Unverified, unproven, unreported claims that will undoubtedly remain so.

Incomplete stories.

Straw man.

Small amounts of legitimate conversation about basing and updates, getting ignored in favor of the above.

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I mean only reason this thread was made cause most of you retards want to be able to say racial slurs. You don't see me pissing a fit that I can't have a swastika outside my base or have hitler in my name. No no you retards would rather loop hole shit then OMG I GOT GIGAMUTE ABUSE OMFG, well dumbass for using obvious racial slurs. But then again people getting muted or banned over calling someone homo or retarded is pretty fucking autistic, it's the internet you will be call that everyday if not worse things. And yes money grinding is pure cancer, but hey that is why I watch videos on my phone until some shitler decides raiding. Anyways the reason the server is dying yes rules are stricters, which is neat I guess idc rules are rules now if we could make a rule against rigbe saying he isn't biased that be great.Btw it's a joke or is it I dont facking care who gets offend. Anyways if you constantly argue with staff,try loop holing rules cause omg your such a clever little boy/girl well you can just expect the rules to get more strict. Everyone has a breaking point, it's like bullying the kid in the back of the class eventually he is gonna snap and well play mass rdm the bullies except the only staff is the police that will take him dead or alive. And someone is gonna so wow edgy who fucking cares, god every time I get on the discord I see you retards crying and bitching at each other more than I ever did in ooc.


Pretty much this.



Unverified, unproven, unreported claims that will undoubtedly remain so.

Incomplete stories.

Straw man.

Small amounts of legitimate conversation about basing and updates, getting ignored in favor of the above.



I am assuming you are talking about what they are crying about which I figured is untrue since what I said about the name thing and flag thing we discussed about a while about ago.

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F.U.N. Song

 It's not about winning, it's about fun

 What's that?

 Fun is when you 

 Fun is it's like, it's kind of, sort of like 

 What is fun? 

 Let me spell it for you!

 F is for friends who do stuff together

 U is for you and me

 N is for anywhere and anytime at all

 Down here in the deep blue sea

 F is for that fire in my eyes desperately waiting to ban you morons for having this so called "fun"

 U is for you getting banned

 N is for no survivors when you're deleting the playerb-

Admin, those things aren't what fun is all about

Now, do it like this

 F is for friends who do stuff to-

Never, that's completely idiotic

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