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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Sloth

  1. In-Game Name: Sloth SteamID: STEAM_0:0:528479263 Your Plans For Halloween: I will be chilling at home on the game with the homies, and talking in discord calls with them. (btw Spartan I hope that you are doing well my homie.)
  2. So in my opinion I say that this would be a great touch within the server. I barley see cooks unless it is in a base. So with this it will make so much more possibilities within the RP scenarios. So this will be a +1 from me.
  3. Well of course keep the fountain but also you would not have to go to an area with a lot of props so less lag when going to it in my opinion if it is in spawn and everyone knows where spawn is so it will be easy for those who just buy CC’s to go to and or edit them. And spawn has not been a role play area in my opinion and it has NPC’s and RDM zone for those who want competition and it also has TitsRP Banks but yea and the two CC NPC’s have nothing with role play like all you are doing is buying and customizing.
  4. So I was wondering if the CC Editor, and CC Maker could also be located in spawn, In one of the spawn buildings or on the right side of the fenced in area of spawn. So this would make it easier for those players who would want to make a CC and or edit a CC when they load in game or want to do it there.
  5. Sloth

    C4 rules

    I agree with Sea Bear on this because I had a base set up before and it had happen to me and my props went away and I didn’t know how until I was told it was on the other side of the wall so I couldn’t prevent it. +1 I am not sure what is in the meta change slick is talking about but if he says to not worry then I’m not going to worry.
  6. I agree because I have had situations where I need a potion, but I can’t make it due to the fact of the chemical engineer had been removed, and I agree that it should be added back in, and Kotos has a good point of making it a bit more difficult to make the potions. +1
  7. So I attempt to load the server and I load in the server and I close out the rules since I am an active player and then I enable x2 core rendering, and then a white screen appears with "Disconnect: [Quad0] Kicking Slothxxz for Player callback time out." but yet i have never had this happen in the past and this has been going on for at least five hours and I am not sure why. I do take like 8-15 minuets to load in but i always load in and am able to play but today just hasn't been working out for me and if I could get information on this or have this resolved that would be greatly appreciated.
  8. In-Game Name: Slothxxz Age: 18 In-Game Rank: VIP My main focus when playing is: To enjoy the game, grind jobs, and support others. Total Hours Played on TitsRP: 75 hours Discord ID: Slothxxz#4011
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