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Georgio (67th Regiment)


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Georgio (67th Regiment)

  1. This also applies when using disguises such as playing as the mayor's assassin. It will reset your model.
  2. I think it could work, but it would be odd. We would have to test around with the idea to see how it would work in the server.
  3. Bug Detective scanner will stop working after a certain time of playing the class, (Not displaying player names and how close you are to the killer) Reproduce by playing as a detective and using the scanner for a while. Low Priority
  4. Welcome to the server and enjoy your stay.
  5. I like this idea as it would take it off of your mind. If we could find a way to do this I'm +1
  6. Honestly, there never should be an AOS if outside lockdown anyway, in what scenario is it really necessary to have people arrested for playing the game, the lockdown should serve nothing more than something to bolt the doors to secure the PD, not as a tool for cops to go on what is essentially a MRDA rampage.
  7. I used to be a T-Mod myself, petitioning for rights, but now that I'm a normal mod I see how inferior you all are. You are lesser staff and therefor get lesser basic human rights.
  8. Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Succ or Sewer add a rule like that recently? But I'm still +1
  9. I agree with this, but I also feel like CP should have the ability to vote for the Un-Fun of the mayor as it could be hindering the RP experience for them too, but shouldn't count towards the cap and can't vote no. Though replying to this now is kind of pointless as its already been but in action.
  10. This sounds great tbh, but it honestly might be OP. As you already make a sizable income with Meth as it stands. My friend was using his meth lab one day and needed to go AFK for an extended period of time and was letting me use his equipment. With both mine and his equipment, the income I generated was massive. I really like the idea of this but it would need to be made so the income of the second meth lab isn't as good, kind of like the printer-mini printer relationship. I'm +1 for this idea if it is balanced.
  11. Yeah, if benny is blasting that trumpet sax thing I would love to cap him. Also +1 for piano mute.
  12. Maybe We could make it so the taser only works on people who are wanted, to reduce crossfire sits and MNLA and just NLA in general.
  13. I think it should slow you down no matter what, even if you sprinting, almost like a freeze effect like an ice spell from another game. Of course, this does make NLA much more annoying as well.
  14. In my two days of being a T-Mod, I noticed that a lot of issues come from new players and the bounty system. For experienced players with millions in their pockets its not a big deal to pay off 20 grand. But for a new player, the system is exceedingly harsh and leads to rage quits from people going to jail for 5 minutes over 2 grand. Then they think the server is bad and never come back. I suggest we reduce the punishment non-paid bounties come with, or find an alternative because it's creating too many issues.
  15. The thing is, mic spam is already annoying when you get the whole squad of hobos together. Now everyone owns a cc. Could you imagine how bad it would be listening to twenty anime skinned weebs say niko niko nee 50 times over in the span of a minute? I'll pass.
  16. If this works on TitsRP that could be an excellent addition to the security of the server.
  17. Oh, well they must have never gotten around to fixing the health bar than because it still states 100%, then after 5 starts ticking down, but I agree that change makes no sense.
  18. [align=left]Quality of Life Description: Chemical hoses only start loosing "life" when you harvest 5 barrels. How to reproduce: Find a naturally occurring chemical hose, then use barrels on it. Priority: Low [/align]
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