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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Watermelone

  1. use !ms to switch models rather than just killing yourself and making it a further problem
  2. Pardon me, but I don't see the relevance in basing for 15-20 hours as if you know how to base you can make easily 40 mil in that time-span. I do understand your point about the CP being unpopulated and I agree with that, but I do not understand why you think I shouldn't be a moderator off the basis of a comment, although you are entitled to your own opinion and I am not the type to stop you from having one, all I am trying to say is that event tokens are hard to come by and if someone is smart enough to use it in a way to prove beneficial for themself I simply don't see a problem with it, but I do agree with the event not being done with less CP, due to the same thing with PD bank heists not being able to be done without a certain amount of police force. I don't understand why you have to insult though lol.
  3. I did read your replies, and my point is that if someone wants to use their event tokens, who are we to stop them from using something they gained on their own behalf.
  4. you can do this with any event, vip events can even give you 2 tokens back instead of 1, its just how it works man. if someone wants to grind for a long time waiting long time periods for a PD heist, then what do you want us to say, ya know?
  5. You are very fortunate then, either way, events cost 1 mil or an event token (which is still rare). If someone wants to spend that much, or do events, then let them be to do so.
  6. Zek I can tell you this much, any rare shipments are very hard to come by in an event, and either way if they're using event tokens (which are still rare by the way) and just a question how do you manage -117 rep lol
  7. The mayor gains extra XP as they play for surviving unfuns, revolts, giving paydays, and taxing players. This suggestion is pointless for the mayor, Although I recommend you report that bounty bug in the bugs section.
  8. Alright so lets just put this to bed, this doesn't effect anyone if there is no CP's, as a very small amount of people are going to be killed, which leads to a small amount of people complaining. If someone wants to use an event token, they are more than free to do any event of their choosing, as event tokens are rare to come by. Also, if someone wants to play as mayor they should be ready for any barrage of any sort, as becoming the mayor by your own choice is putting a bullseye on your own back for an entire server of bored teenagers.
  9. if you wanna be a hitman like this, just go play bounty hunter, its on leaderboard already
  10. people would probably do stupid and racist things in their agendas.
  11. yes +1 +1 +1 my gang has this talent and it doesnt work, dont wanna waste 1 mil to spend on a reroll either lol
  12. removing player shadows would help out alot with both the bug, for players who dont know and it gives a bad mojo to and it would help with lag to remove player shadows.
  13. he was using a spiderman gun not jetpack i was shooting at him and it was like impossible to kill him.
  14. Bug Description: not sure if its client sided but player shadows are messed up. How to reproduce: not sure still Priority : low as it might just be me. Heres a screenshot to show you what its like. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/787501577659524659/73511F9592828AD4DE0D9CD9E2DA11A7C778590B/
  15. Bug Description: Processor times are sometimes (varied by players for some reason, as mine do not do this) around the 1500-2000's in seconds, although you may still be able to click E on it after 300 seconds, this still tends to confuse players who end up just blowing up their processors. How to reproduce: Purchase a processor, use it, then see if the time glitches. Priority: Low, as it is just a visible glitch rather than the actual time. I'll add the screenshot in a little bit, as I'm doing this on my phone rather than my PC.
  16. Legendaries: Apportioned Limbo (Lewd Sniper) Damage : 33.36 Recoil : 2.224 Fire-rate : 0.0544 Special : Has a 5% chance to do explosive damage on hit. Poorest Crimson (Aug A3 Rifle) Damage : 30.36 Recoil : 1.876 Fire-rate : 0.051 Special : Your shots have a 32% chance to knock-back players. Emotional Private (Dindu Tits AWP) Damage : 176.8 Recoil : 1.995 Fire-rate : 0.8375 Special : Shooting a player un-cuffs them immediately. Tallest Raging (SB-2 Shotgun) Damage: 22.1 x 3 Recoil : 1.37 Fire-rate : 0.252 Special : Has a 22% chance to give you armor. Intemperate Disturbance (Double Barrel Shotgun) Damage : 66 x 2 Recoil : 9.45 Fire-rate : 0.315 Special : Has a 26% chance to ignite players. Commuter Trinity (MG-Spinigun) Damage : 24.84 Recoil : 1.056 Fire-rate : 0.0441 Special : Your shots have a 44% chance to fling your target. Treated Feral (Dark-RP AK-47) Damage : 53.6 Recoil : 2.1 Fire-rate : 0.0536 Special : Has a 17% chance to ignite players. Grinding Gleem (Dindu Tits AWP) Damage : 179.4 Recoil : 1.995 Fire-rate : 0.75 Special : Your shots have a 29% chance to pull in it's target. Alright Limbo (M134 Minigun) Damage : 24.3 Recoil : 2.1 Fire-rate : 0.0576 Special : Has a 43% chance to ignite players. Commuter Bronze (M21 Sniper) Damage : 109.6 Recoil : 0.0414 Fire-rate : 0.455 Special : Shooting a player un-cuffs them immediately. Attained Justice (Jackal Desert Eagle) Damage : 83.4 Recoil : 4.11 Fire-rate : 0.183 Special : Your shots have a 39% chance to fling your target. Boundary Smooth (Dindu Tits AWP) Damage : 178.1 Recoil : 2.01 Fire-rate : 0.8 Special : Has a 40% chance to heal on hit. Goalless Brass (Rheinmettall MG3) Damage : 27.93 Recoil : 2.085 Fire-rate : 0.056 Special : Your shots have a 48% chance to fling your target. Civic Carbine (M249-LMG) Damage : 28.14 Recoil : 2.025 Fire-rate : 0.0544 Special : Your shots have a 30% chance to pull in it's target. Folic Obsidian (Minigun) Damage : 23.12 Recoil : 2.04 Fire-rate : 0.06 Special: Has a 21% chance to heal on hit. Comparable Feral (M4a1) Damage : 32.64 Recoil : 1.35 Fire-rate : 0.0469 Special : Has a 34% chance to blind your target. I have about 20 more than this, so hit me up on discord to check out the rest of the sale. Epics : The list of epics is very long, so please message me on the discord given below. Explosives : Tactical C4 - 75k Per C4 (8 in stock.) Blowtorches - 130k per (9 in stock.) Makeshift Timebomb - 20k per (30 in stock.) Trisha's Launcher - 60k per (32 in stock.) Tokens : Gang Tokens - 150k Per (SOLD OUT) Metal Tokens - 25k Per (SOLD OUT) Tree Tokens - 25k Per (SOLD OUT) Processor Tokens - 600k Per (4 in stock) Chemical Tokens - 150k Per (SOLD OUT) Mini Printer Tokens - 55k Per (200 in stock) Enchantment Tokens - 30k Per (SOLD OUT) Materials : Wood - 1k Per Metal - 1k Per Electronics - 2k Per (SOLD OUT) Chemical Barrels - 4k Per (SOLD OUT) Suga Dollars - 14k Per (8000+ in stock) deadshot#5852 - Discord this is all to fuel my gambling addiction at roulette obviously.
  17. was in-game name. but i did change my steam name too, but im not sure, when I hop on later i'll test it out again.
  18. Im making a suggestion that you add checkers and chess tables, with wagers, around the fountain, and make them invincible to if thomas shows up just incase that happens This would bring something to do for people if there arent many bases, players on, etc. and I believe it would be popular if alot of players were on. Max wager being 1 mil, minimum 1k
  19. sorry to inform but i raided ya and it was like 2-3 weeks ago:( sorry tho man
  20. I would personally like to either apologize to or thank people who I have been offensive to in the past, because you are what has helped me grow further into a more genuine human. I apologize if I've ever harmed your feelings in any way and hope in the very near future to be friends. Therefore, I would like to introduce a proposition of friendship to everyone on this server Find me anytime in game and I'm more than willing to have an in depth conversation with you on any topic you want, Also if you ever need help, you can come to me. It's nice to meet you.
  21. Bug Description: Changing name after doing leaderboard stuff (example chem barrels harvested) makes you no longer own the leaderboard spot. How to reproduce: Complete a lot of leaderboard goals, such as harvesting like 250 chem barrels, then change your name, it will reset you back down to 0. Priority: Medium-Low
  22. glad to see a fellow player happy, and glad to hear you were able to escape such a relationship.
  23. np, thanks for reading them :) check out my other ones!
  24. simple suggestions, why so hostile lol.
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