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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by Sticks

  1. Hey Diagonal tough guy, I got a few words 4 u


    1. Why you are turning the shipment upside down no dur its going to go through the floor

    2. It it be reproduced if the shipment is not turned upside down?

    3. Why u say un-optimized when u run on vsync nerd


    it does the same if i put the shipment on a crafting bench upside down, it goes right through the bench into the floor. i just did not want 2 waste the money on a crafting bench. and the one in the sewers anything placed there goes through the floor.

    i will test not upside down tonight. 

    i do not have vsync enabled on gmod i do not know why i cap at 60

  2. Bug / Quality of Life


    Description: On certain areas in the map, items go right through the floor when used, has made me lose about 100 chemical barrels (Excuse my obnoxious voice and clicking i didn't think it would pick that up)


    How to reproduce: Follow the steps in the video (Excuse my obnoxious voice and clicking i didn't think it would pick that up) 


    Priority: (High, Medium, Low)




  3. ps.

    Sugar-> You have a nice server and it is great to see a person with such inspiration and a server with such inovation going on. Whoever is behind this next to sugar props to y'all. This is legit the reason I had returned to the server after my ban.


    sugar is the sole developer of the server besides gallium31 who made the map

  4. #BooperForAdmin



    Getting admin isn't easy. It takes time and you have to be an overall outstanding moderator for a great amount of time.


    I appreciate the comment and thanks for reading over my post!



    Yeah and plus you only got mod a few weeks ago so


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