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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by Sticks

  1. 2 hours ago, Abstergo McStubbins said:

    Or even making people who have already paid wait 3 months to get their models readded after taking a break from the server :swole:

    i got mine back in a day, maybe those people you are referring to should be less annoying to the sole person who does it for the server

  2. This is a post that is being made out of mald. Nerf forcetake so that it doesnt take an entire stack at a time, instead make it take a set amount, so that if someone has 30 c4 in their inventory, someone cant just take all of them.

  3. Category:





    This is a very weird terrorist bug where you are allowed to become unkillable unless you have an entire server fighting against you the entire time.

    How to reproduce:

    I don't know how to get 1000 hp


  4. Category:





    Big C4 talisman does not (in my tests) appear to affect the radius of C4s

    How to reproduce:

    Place C4, see how many props it gets rid of, place c4 with big c4 talisman active, see it gets rid of the same amount


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  5. I have recorded over 500 roulette numbers that I have bet on, there is no distinguishable pattern to any of the numbers. If you wanna know what numbers appeared last, just watch the table. It is literally RNG.

  6. Thank you for the kind words. I don't know why the other staff are being apprehensive on this post. Nub is a very good staff member as he was previously. This post will be taken into account when promotions are thought of. Once again, thank you, we are all volunteers here and the only thing we ask for is for players to not be obnoxious and disrespectful.

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