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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by Sticks

  1. I think it would be really cool if the terrorist could use the ultimate explosive in their arsenal for maximum roleplay

    So my suggestion is to give terrorists back SBC cannon


    Serious suggestions only please!! Maybe a terrorist is given a grenade, not a made up cannon!!!!


    shut up nerd

  2. If u really think a tag with more power will give your words more value you shouldn't be an admin.


    Just look at me im onli permium VIP and people take me serious even when im meming!



    yeah same but i’m just user

    Well stated Vexxy. THe whole "greed" thing is very unlikely. It usually takes at least half a year to get admin and I don't think anyone has gotten it under that. Its also more time but that's circumstantial. If someone was truly only here for the power they would be gone by now. Every single admin we have has proved their worth and earned the title. The other abusive, crazed people are outta here. Being a mod is like a crucible before coming admin. Those who abuse, break rules, suck, they perish. Those who go above and beyond are rewarded. I haven't seen any other admin besides Walter on the server since I'd say February. I may be wrong because I'm not on 24/7, but why comment on the issue when you're not that involved in the community anymore? 


    Just sayin.


    Gent, Fantasma, and Dindu have all been on within 7 days. Just because you don’t see them doesn’t mean they aren’t there

    I do recall saying "I maybe wrong" pal



    you said you may be wrong in regards to Blac’s activity not other admins’

  3. If u really think a tag with more power will give your words more value you shouldn't be an admin.


    Just look at me im onli permium VIP and people take me serious even when im meming!



    yeah same but i’m just user

    Well stated Vexxy. THe whole "greed" thing is very unlikely. It usually takes at least half a year to get admin and I don't think anyone has gotten it under that. Its also more time but that's circumstantial. If someone was truly only here for the power they would be gone by now. Every single admin we have has proved their worth and earned the title. The other abusive, crazed people are outta here. Being a mod is like a crucible before coming admin. Those who abuse, break rules, suck, they perish. Those who go above and beyond are rewarded. I haven't seen any other admin besides Walter on the server since I'd say February. I may be wrong because I'm not on 24/7, but why comment on the issue when you're not that involved in the community anymore? 


    Just sayin.


    Gent, Fantasma, and Dindu have all been on within 7 days. Just because you don’t see them doesn’t mean they aren’t there

  4. Is there any way that the old processors can be implemented back but loot tables changed so there not as overpowered. I feel the need for chemical barrels and metal to actually get good loot out of it is just a waste of time in my opinion but i am a farmer so i like staying inside my base and not having to go outside every over minute to get chemical barrels to refuel my processor also the metal thing inst that bad i do not mind that



    oh no god forbid you actually have to work instead of just pressing e every 5 minutes

  5. I've done a heck of a lot more than you. You no longer play on the server and abused your position so your opinion is irrelevant and I'll just throw this argument in the trash



    What would that "heck of a lot more than you" be? Taking more sits than me? Not hard, I was staff for 6 months and was inactive for most of that. And besides, I do still play the server, so that points irrelevant as well.

  6. Diagonal you act like you did ANYTHING for the staff team. I don't sit in admin land spamming claim, I'm just quick on the trigger.



    And what have you done for the staff team? None of us do/did anything for it other than take sits and ban idiots


    Also, https://titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=8416&pid=57345#pid57345


  7. If we are allowed to vote on who we want to see promoted, I would vote griffin, peanut or booper (if he keeps being super active).


    Griffin is one of the most active, sit taking mods i have seen and has a shit ton of experience.

    Peanut has a shit ton of experience and a lot of patience and clear thought. E.G. him and I spent like 15mins grilling this one mass rdmer who was sly af and had a good coverup but peanut finally tripped him up.

    Booper, we all love booper, hes grand daddy booper. Must I say more?




    Sure, you may think breh, u been here like 3 months tf u know about these people. Yeah well little did u know, I suck staff dik over the weekends. Just ask gent.




    Griffin only has a lot of sits because all he does is sit in admin land spamming “claim ticket”

  8. Hours Played : a few


    Vote : (For new admins / Against new admins)


    Reasoning: Why? What good will it do? (These are examples, Just give your thoughts and why you voted X or Y)

    Admins are simply not needed. The majority of these points involve “oh yeah i think that admins r gud n i’m going 2 subtly plug myself 4 admin xd” but in reality, admins can do 3 things that mods can’t. They can promote, demote, and perma ban. 


    The first two are irrelevant because mod apps are too easy to get through because frankly the application is too easy (look at my post in mods/admins regarding new template) It’s also irrelevant because the 2-4 admins that are active are fully capable of promoting one or two people a week and demoting ~1 each month. 


    Perma banning is even easier. Look in ban logs, take 5 minutes to copy a steam id and press the button. There’s maybe two or three perma bans needed a day, and they’re never needed immediately because they will always have a 7 day buffer to do it.

  9. •don't be a cunt. people want staff that are mature, respectful, and preferably friendly. If you're that guy that makes staff sigh, growl, or look away every time you talk to them, your chances of becoming staff are about as good as your chances of not dying to rdm for a week straight.


    how’d i get staff then

  10. thanks go out to Booper, Wavy, Doc, Backwards, Walter, Piklas, Kayla Rigbe, Noah, Griffin, Snooper, Ty Tass, LSD, Dindu, Gent, and Panduh.


    Awhh, thanks for putting me on the list!! 


    Booper stinks btw


    I cri evreteim :'c


    both you too dw. i missed a ton. too many to remember

  11. i am resigning


    thanks go out to Booper, Wavy, Doc, Backwards, Walter, Piklas, Kayla Rigbe, Noah, Griffin, Snooper, Ty Tass, LSD, Dindu, and Gent. 


    You guys have made this a fun experience. 


    not leaving the community just staff 

    • Like 2
  12. Tab, Warn, and ULX menu all can be sorted alphabetically. For the tab you hold tab and go to the top and click the arrow next to name.


    For warms and ULX you click the white bar with text in it at the top of the list. 


    CC editor needs this change tho.

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