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North Bear


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by North Bear

  1. Since this only happens when you try to run high end games I think your graphics card or mothermoard has not been supplied with enough power. Try to compare your power supply input with your graphics card and motherboard.

  2. Make it so that new players only get kidnapped for a minute max. A lot of new players immediately ragequit the server after they get kidnapped because they do not want to wait for a time that long.

    Also make a timer such as the revolt timer, clientsided ofcourse, that shows how long you're still kidnapped.

    Edit: Could also be the same as the jailtimer, pretty sure this is a clientsided timer too :)

  3. You have to pm sugar for a cc? Yo why aint it automated?

    There are like 10 lvl 30+ gangs rn, thats gnna mess shit up as soon as they reach 50.

    • Like 1
  4. New job suggestion


    Riot team 6 slot job:

    This job helps out by clearing the streets in a lockdown and help out by giving protection in raids.

    6 slot job so that there could be a riot team instead of 3 people just swerving around. 3 seems not enough to me.



    Non lethal pistol

    Riot baton

    Riot shield

    Flash grenade

    Tear gas



    Imagine just seeing riot crews marching through the streets clearing it out, amazing right?




    RIOT shield: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=290282950&searchtext=shield

    RIOT Baton: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=158882496&searchtext=baton

  5. Bitminer server becomes empty on crash, no way to recover it too. Suggestion would be to let the server stay even if you dc. Same thing as processors and printers :)

    Also a suggestion for bitminers, for real buff this..



    25.181.891 AT 20:23

    25.249.665 AT 20:35

    25.262.869 AT 20:39

    25.285.060 AT 20:49

    25.373.568 AT 21:03

    25.392.341 AT 21:11

    25.495.231 AT 21:33

    25.622.178 AT 21:57

    25.734.856 AT 22:20

  6. Bug



    Using stealth camo and being looked at through the other side of a materialised wall, the glow material to be precise makes you invisible for me and for the people I have tried it with.

    Swave, South Bear and Salty Bear saw it too.


    I noticed it when Rigbe raided me together with Noahh, I only saw floating weapons so it was very hard to see where they were. at first I thought they were a broken model of some sort but after they had used a material grenade I noticed they were skeletons and I should have been able to see them the whole time (camo'd ofcourse). Afterwards I decided to test this out with Swave, screenshots below.


    How to reproduce: Using stealthcamo and standing behind red/orange glow materialised walls.

    Evidence: https://imgur.com/a/KOtbl


    Priority: High if everyone has this bug

  7. Cops cuffrush with adrenaline and instacuff, big bummer for normal RP situations.



    cops should’nt be taking drugs, /demote them

    Does not state this in the rules or such and its highly debatable if this is corrupt or not. People in the military or any gov position often take weed or any other drugs to relax themselves for whatever reason.


    that’s in your country, here it’s illegal and will get you fired/arrested.

    drugs are default illegal and without a law saying they’re legal, cops can’t break that law or else they can be demoted

    drugs are default illegal and without a law saying they’re legal, cops can’t break that law or else they can be demoted


    Okay, then some mods don't know their rules I guess. Not going to call names because thats stupid but thanks for clearing this up.

  8. Cops cuffrush with adrenaline and instacuff, big bummer for normal RP situations.



    cops should’nt be taking drugs, /demote them

    Does not state this in the rules or such and its highly debatable if this is corrupt or not. People in the military or any gov position often take weed or any other drugs to relax themselves for whatever reason.

  9. Ingame name:  Panduh



    Steam name and ID: Panduh  -/-   STEAM_0:1:78503972




    How many warns do you have: Only 3




    Any past gangs: CX




    Why do you want to join: I have a lot of respect for CX and I honestly never thought of me leaving. Other people reasons that they left are: CX is dead or some shit. The reason I left CX was because of people just joining of gang rank and how many people are in the gang. I never really saw anybody put any effort to actually level up and gang besides Mark, me and some others. The reason I want to join Bears is listed below:


    - The gang is named Bears (most obvious one because I like pandas)

    - Lots of dedicated members

    - Lots of active members

    - Lots of friends in Bears

    - Allies of CX

    - People actually try to level up the gang



    Good app, I know you from CX so I know what kind of person you are :p

    You're allowed to join imo, just find one of the officers or ask me ingame once you're online.

    Once CX becomes active again you're allowed to go back to them if you please.

  10. No, people tend to join to leach off of the high level untill they find a better gang. This is seen as betrayal so we keep a list.

    edit: If it would had to do anything with the banking raids I could've put a lot more names on it.

  11. Increase motivation for staff members. A lot of staff get crippling depression instead of motivation out of doing sits.


    Maybe a better reward for doing a sit, I heard it was 1k right now. Maybe change it into a random item such as with fishing or a chance to get suga dollas for accepting sits. Shit like that, idk.


    1k isn't a reward for doing sits, it's to make up for lost RP time where we can't be out fining people or printing money. Even in casual RP, you can make way more than 1k for three minutes of your time.

    We wouldn't give staff an advantage like random items or suga dollas just because they do sits. We are just volunteers. 


    (Unless Sugar wants to do that, then I guess we do do that. I wouldn't mind (hint))


    Edit: There are a few projects in the works. One will be popping up soon. Maybe a couple little things to recognize staff that do work will add up to increase motivation and moral. If you have any other suggestions on this specific topic, feel free to post them since it's something I'm very interested in doing.


    Thats awesome dude and I sure will post these if I get some ideas :)

  12. Increase motivation for staff members. A lot of staff get crippling depression instead of motivation out of doing sits.


    Maybe a better reward for doing a sit, I heard it was 1k right now. Maybe change it into a random item such as with fishing or a chance to get suga dollas for accepting sits. Shit like that, idk.

  13. Whenever a bankheister has failed a raid, a shitton of bags supposedly stay behind. The only way for the bankmanager to clean this mess up is to take them to the launderer and retrieve the money (failrp basically).

    Make it so that the bank accepts the bags whenever its not being raided so that the bankmanager could put them back in.

  14. Do something about instant cuffing. All I see from some gangs is that they cuffrush with that talent. When I raid or others raid, cp's track the raider down and just run inside with their cuffs instead of their weapons because this proves to be more efficient. It just instantly cuffs you and breaks the whole scenario immediately.

  15. Potential Bug



    Description: I was getting raided as a bankmanager and stopped them by using my very nice legendary ak with 0.022 firerate.

    As soon as I killed both of them I got respawned and tped outside for the automated KILL THE VIP event. This respawn made me lose my well beloved AK47 which was really rare :/


    How to reproduce: Being respawned and losing well beloved weaponry.


    Priority: Medium

  16. Better life suggestions.



    - Vote the bankmanager in.

    - Have at least 25 people on if not more to avoid overnight scumbag empty raids.

    - To be able to raid the bank you need at least one bank guard.



    - Give out xp more frequently. 25% quicker or such.


    Weapon modification

    - Even though it had been nerfed it seems that it has been nerfed too much, no one wants to weapon mod anymore because the chances to get something good are way too small.


    The abomination

    - Give out a prize/xp for killing it if its on rampage.


    Ronald My Donald

    - Let him sell hamburgers that give a small statboost?



    - Add in Pet Treats, new item that people can buy from a cook or dealer or make themselves. Feeding this to a pet gives you and them a bit of xp.


    Judge Gabe

    - Give this man a banhammer swep.

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