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North Bear


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by North Bear

  1. Bug



    Description: Muting someone that is continuesly using voice, aka micspammers and earrapers cannot be muted through the voice mute option.


    How to reproduce: Voice mute someone through tab while their voice is continuesly enabled.


    Priority: Low/Medium

  2. Bug



    Description: Model pov glitch makes you basically a walhacker that can invade bases easilly.


    How to reproduce: Change classes and it randomly happens. Possibly viewheight difference being weird or viewheight not being detected so it goes to its nullpoint.


    Priority: Very high




    Me all of the sudden being in the glitch after switching classes. Also testing out hitbox on guy below. I went from panda to chloe, both basically same height.


    Slayer getting rdmed by someone who had the opposite effect, view point being above him.


  3. Bug



    Baby grenades get duplicated by invholster at random times.


    How to reproduce: 

    Have baby grenades sitting in bank, use one of the babies straight out of the bank, walk around and throw, inv holster at random, baby duplicates and its not a visual bug.


    Priority: High


    Most likely good to make this hidden before people notice.

  4. Bug



    Description: Since the tab menu doesnt toggle you have to hold the tab key or any other bound key. Because you're holding the key it seems that the tab menu keeps refreshing itself for no reason.

    Example try to search something in the top left while holding tab, you cant click on it because it will close and if you hold it and type you see the type place holder "|" flash nonstop.

    Its not really a bad bug but it anoys me when I try to search for players.


    How to reproduce:

    Hold tab, try to click into search menu and release tab. Tab closes. 

    Hold tab, try to click into search menu and hold tab. Search menu flips out nonstop refreshing.


    Priority: Low to medium

  5. hecko, since I hit 32 warns this week I was wondering if by any chance it is possible to get warns removed by showing good behaviour? I had not been warned for about 8 months untill some weeks ago and immediately recieved a 2 week ban since I didnt get one at 25.

    I also saw some warns were given before a game mechanic had been added to deal with its problem, ex spawning in a prop while being kidnapped, is it possible to appeal those?

  6. You're implying that I am too dumb to see that its a checkpoint when all it was was a big wall infront of pd with one officer waiting for everyone to pass through insta cuffing them.

    Also how should a person know what rules are bound to said checkpoint when there is no indication of it at all. Insta cuff + weapon check + arrest without posing as a threat since you have some weapons on you but not out at all and not even getting a chance to buy a license is a bit iffy aint it. I would like to see a textscreen/law that indicate its checkpoint rules.

  7. What is it exactly you want changed? mandatory textscreens? Laws being required to have a checkpoint? Cc's being above regular illegal activities?





    Please adjust the rules so that an officer has to request a checkpoint law to be able to make checkpoints.

    Please adjust the rules so that a checkpoint needs an indication of being one and the rules that attached to said checkpoint.


    Where have I stated that cc's should be above laws and or rules. It should be made clear that cops should obey their mayor and it should be clear that its a checkpoint and it has rules.

  8. At the moment a cop, according to the rules, is allowed to build a checkpoint wherever, stop anybody passing through, randomly cuff, randomly search and more. "Do what you gotta do". Without any knowledge of the mayor or the player a cop can build one because it simply doesnt state it in the rules. You need no textscreens to indicate the checkpoint or its rules. Today I got arrested for doing nothing, just passing through with keys in hand and having some cc weaponry on me. The cop in question even requested a law for the checkpoint but it didnt get added. I made a sit about the ordeal but still the cop in question was not breaking any rules as far as the rules go though it was anoying as heck to be cuffed whenever you wanted to pass through, not even getting a chance while you dont oppose a threat and not even a chance to get a license.


    Please adjust the rules so that an officer has to request a checkpoint law to be able to make checkpoints.

    Please adjust the rules so that a checkpoint needs an indication of being one and the rules that attached to said checkpoint.

  9. From the time I have been a t-mod I see the stereotypical sniper happen a slot.

    I am stuck > taken immediately

    mass rdm > taken immediately if noticed in killfeed too to ensure easy sit..


    Indication of personal problems between the two parties > almost not taken.

    issue of rdm very well explained but is a known guy > almost not taken and staff would make excuses about it that they have to do something very quickly.

  10. `*Makes a complaint about two jump sweps* Has a gang cc with a model super small that they use for raiding. :thinking:`


    What are you even saying. Only two of my friends have the dog model and none of them including myself use it for raiding, simply because it is not allowed!

    Stop spreading lies.

  11. Quality of life



    Zoom swep in RP is not allowed because its too fast yet there are people using binds to switch out jump sweps to go with atleast twice the speed of a zoom swep.

    This is also used in VIP events to have a big chance on winning them.


    How to reproduce: Not quite sure but it has to do with having multiple jump sweps and them having their own timer so that you can jump more than once basically.


    Priority: Low/medium

  12. I think the charging continues charging part on cc's is not a good idea as it is.

    The problem I see with cc's is buying a weapon slot for 10 milion and having access to all basic weapons.

    It should be changed towards you buying a specific weapon and a weapon slot belonging to that.



    You buy an awp asiimov for 10M, you will get a weapon slot and ONLY access to an awp asiimov.

    You buy a second weapon, a pistol, you will now have two weapon slots and access to two basic weapons (the pistol and the awp asiimov)


    This way you would have to decide what to buy on your cc and you wont get instant access to everything on there.

    The 15% charging and 100k swapping toll is too much imo plus it messes up the whole cc perm list. It used to be so nicely layed out numberwise and now its so dirty looking.

  13. Wait so concentration camps are allowed but the n-word isn't?

    The argument "Its just a game" stands with everything you do basically..


    The n-word refers mostly to the black tinted people being low-lifes and comes from the 1940's when colored people had to be seperated from the others. This was about the same time when Jews were gassed, burnt, shot and worked to death in these camps. The colored people are still offended by the n-word while in modern times they have the same rights as every other so why shouldn't jews be offended by it.


    The terrorists job does no represent/reflect a normal terrorist that much and is bound to a lot of rules.

    Pedophiles are standard AOS so there is a rule bound to that as well.


    So with all these rules bound to these jobs and not being allowed to say the N-word, I'd say give this a rule too.

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