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North Bear


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by North Bear

  1. Definetly school


                                                                                                                                                                                                   not sjw safe space staff rp making the server exaclty what its appeal used to be. A server that doesn't bog down the players with a billion rules and had more emphisis on context/rp

    I too exploit sometimes to get demoted

  2. Re-render the table, walk away from it and walk back to it with something such as keys out.

    Also potions need at least 1 to be made set! It's default is 0. You can do this by scrolling up on the selected potion.

  3. Recently dat boi and doge got added back in but I honestly see no real spark between the classes and the players plus dat boi is just a dead meme.

    The legacy jobs however give you a sense of it being somewhat exclusive to you, you've been picked to use that certain job etc.


    What if doge, dat boi, ronald mcdonald, vaper got added to the legacy roulation. This way we get the old titsrp sense back in some sort of a legacy vault.

  4. Yes I'd also asume it would be to avoid the "suicide to avoid roleplay" intention. Not much we can do about that unless you have some special mechanic you're thinking of.

  5. Prop limit ideas would be iffy and too much p2w, right now how the plan is layed out the big money shop will have an increaded prop limit option.

    Job descriptions is something a lot of people have been complaining about, I think it's time we set up a small sheet with uses the f4 template and make it somewhat better.

    The staff stuff is cool, wonder if thats a quick win or if it would take long to make.

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