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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by smer

  1. The video is unavailable
  2. Now everyone thinks I learned how to mic spam off this post, and everyone is saying I copied you. :cmonBruh:
  3. I'm pretty sure this is with a lot of the melee weapons. This happens with the drilldo too, or at least did.
  4. smer


    watch what u say about respected fool
  5. Hi, welcome to the server. My name is Matt as well.
  6. Wait, so I'm starting drama with my thread but this isn't? Nice.
  7. *says rep bombing is childish* *does the same exact thing with only himself*
  8. Yeah, as Chance said. Theatre bases are incredibly OP and impossible to raid, a cinema add-on might lag the server but I think doing something to help the situation would be great.
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