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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Ospevon

  1. there should also be a rule added where PD and mayor cant make pd a fortress.... Pd and mayor cant base due to "failrp" so why should they be able to "base" (make pd a fortress with fading doors and stuff) in pd, in my opinion those thrash together.. basically a loophole that shouldn't be allowed.
  2. ive also had the see through texture glitch or what ever its called.. you cant really stop it.
  3. Video game designer/ tester, Military, or a full time streamer and youtuber (this one will be the hardest by far to achieve )
  4. Ospevon

    CP Bug

    hey, isnt 10 mins in jail that seems no fun, but you should find a way to make a jail yard for the players can atleast run around and play ball or something (kinda like a prison yard)
  5. i am closing thread now, please do not open it back up nvm im fucking retarded and have no idea how to close them... actually i do not think mods can close them, if they can please tell me how. i am dumb and stickied it can another staff on the forums close it you know what i mihgt just delete it i have no idea how to un sticky it, tbh i dont know how i ended up stickieing it but sheit i goofed i wonder if this will work
  6. i am having a few errors with the illidan model... ill let you know if i can fix the errors or not
  7. aah :/ but yeah ust let me know if you want morphed or unmorphed
  8. if i was able to do this, i wouldn't request pay i'm just a friendly guy :D ALSO knowing you would like illidan to be morphed or unmorphed would help alot.
  9. ahhh, a fellow WoW player. I mean I can try, i'm pretty sure you can just find the file of illidan and edit it then add it to the workshop, if not there are other ways i can try
  10. Yes I have done this once Pretty fun Experience Was a 1 time thing Got in trouble Was worth it Will do it again someday and record it for you to see. FUCK TH FONT TAGS AND COLOR TAGS IT WONT GO AWAY
  11. ^ agreed, i think warns should ware off at some point, Ex.) Preschool, you get 1 warning 3 being the max, if you get 3 warns you get put in timeout (aka a ban on the server but more warns) the warns you get in preschool go away the next day. example over... So im not saying if you get warned it should go away the next day but i think warns should slowly go away, another Ex.) Ospevon Has warned Sugar for RDM A month or so later the warn goes away or becomes inactive (meaning it won't affect the player its ust there so the staff knows what he has done in the past) Over So I think this would help a lot, because new players join the server they dont know they rules entirely and want to play, they break 1 or 2 and get warned, it was an accident, then a few months later the warns are either gone or inactive like i said above, (sorry if i sound retarded I was up all night with musical because he was helping me with something)
  12. there is no possible way for him to hack you through that system, but maybe he was hacked, let's hop not. OR Hes quitting pc gaming and wanted to be nice.
  13. ANOTHER BIG QUESTION.. your sister is a gamer? lemme get her number? how old is she? you tryna help a niqqa out?
  14. Ospevon

    uhh hi?

    cant perma ban, only a mod, thats why i made this to inform higher ups, cant remember his name tho
  15. Ospevon

    uhh hi?

    I was on the server yesterday under my new RP name ( Nut ) and i banned someone for 7 days for a ddos threat, his words were jumbled with letters and numbers combined (how trolls tend to type) EX. ) "H3ll0", I dont have screenshots of him saying it but, after i banned for a week I was told he was a VIP and an active player. After the ban he msged a friend saying he was messing around and what not, but DDOS threats are a serious issue and should not be joked around with. BUT i just wanted to let everyone know what happened. It was a 1 day log in to see how the server was, it was horrible at the time I was on Mass RDMers everywhere, but i stayed and handled it all until i got it all done. I repeat it was a 1 day thing, i will most likely not login to the server again, unless ya know i come back to it
  16. Ospevon


    I have decided to leave the server. There are mutiple reasons I am leaving the server, for instance, like Mr.President said yesterday "No intention to RP? Any RP in this server gets shot down by the people who just fuck around and have mega OP custom classes. The closest thing to RP I've seen in a while was Noval's big kingdom thing, and even then it was minimal RP. This isn't an RP server, it's a Weeaboo Custom Class Deathmatch Server where the gun dealer is obselete because of all the custom classes and their workshop guns plus most classes spawn with guns." - Mr.President. I agree totally with what Mr.President said, I understand that custom class earn money for the server to run off of, but they also ruin the whole "Roleplaying" thing of the server. Yes i know there are gonna be people arguing about this topic "Just dont mess with the custom classes" "Just buy one of your own" In most cases that is whats said, I myself have actually been told that a few times. Sugar i think you should try something.... something as in, remove everyone from every custom class for a day.. without notice just remove everyone off the custom class they paid for, then the next day add them back or whatever, the point in this is to see how the rp would be with out all the super weaboo custom class' and just give them a exuse of the custom class file got lost so you need to add it back or something, i think this is a good idea, if not so be it. I really did like this server, this was the ONLY server I play on gmod, ya know? (unless I was mass rdming and getting banned off of other servers for fun <3) but it changed from when I first joined, it changed ALOT, the server its self, the staff team, and the community. The Staff: Grew more lazier with every new staff member. ALOT of things have changed within the new staff team, the old one was a beatiful staff team tbh. The Server: To many OP custom class', so many things have changed its hard to list them all. The Community: Turned to cancer, full of douchebags. Sugar you are truly a good server owner, BUT there is alot you could change with the server, like i said, i think you should randomaly remove custom classes and then turn off messages or something for you dont get spammed then release a statement about how something got messed up... Without all the custom classes so many more things would happed.. Some examples are that the other classes would come to play, more rp situations could happen, the community would most likely change because no one would have more power than power than someone else.. and if you like this idea i wold suggest removing custom classes as a whole. Like I said sugar you are a great owner. Hope you imrove the server some more. Have fun and game on!
  17. Ospevon

    Pop up??

    Ever since the about about box has been added I keep getting these weird pop ups on pc and mobile?? Why
  18. I know, but blacnova said he's gonna warn or kick them for failrp.
  19. Yes, but not respawnin is not failrp...
  20. Blacnova I'm in my phone so I can't reply, but if they don't respawn it's not "failrp"... School time with Ospevon: Rp= Role play Roleplaying= doing stuff that imitates real-life, anime (for the weebs), and games. Death= real-life- you die and cant respawn... Anime- only in some you are allowed to come back,BUT someone usually has to use a special item to revive you.. Games- in every game you are allowed to come back to life... Now back to the main thing, I do understanding we are Rping/ imitating real-life, thus giving people the option to respawn if they want to, or don't respawn... A warn or kick for failrp is ridiculous .. Now you are trying to make up reason to warn and kick so I mean...
  21. Vinny is like 10.. Also don't do drugs kids ;)) Shrooms is one heck of a drug
  22. Anyway to remove shadow knife damage in spawn
  23. True true, But it would be easy detected of someone was abusing it, for example. "Ospevon has joined the server.... Ospevon has left the server" if it. Continued it would be a easy fix and a ban, plus if someone or some people were to abuse it the server would lag, logs would be a pretty simple thing to add to support this also. (Claim Printer logs could be added)
  24. Ok I kno haven't played, But I think a. Suggestion is to make it for the Cops or more with the playerbase So I think every player/ class should have a phone or some sort, where you could call the cops on someone or even use it for a private chat. Also, another thing that would be cool is to enable players to get a restraining order against other players (of course they would have to hold a court session and have proof they harassing/ Stalking/ or sending death threats, if the player who was served broke the order they would be arrested (the suggestion above this about the phone goes with this, for the player can call the cops on the stalker) but yeah. And I said this before but a way to claim someone's printer as your own for people can't d/c after being raided to take there printer back..
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