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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Ospevon

  1. That's dumb... Then there's really no reason to buy armor on spawn.. Other than that its a bit op for everyone to have armor, hence the reason sugar moved it to 50 instead of 100 on custom classes and raised it up on cops
  2. Ospevon

    Watch out

    Who is it? We can add them to the watch kist, and you know NOT LET THEM EAT MY CHILD (our joke) but yeah what is there name and we can add them to the watch list
  3. I will also be taking a break
  4. Hey Tits when I ger home can I msg you about some things to optimize a server? This girl I know is making one and imma help her!
  5. See, was that so hard ospe? Accepted Yes
  6. Your Steam Name: Ospevon Your ingame name: Ospevon Your Steam Profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Ospevon/ What segment would you like to be a part of?: Gaming news and Interview (please let me do both, if i cant do both i will do gaming news) Why do you want to join the team?: I want to join the team because it seems like a fun thing to do, plus i need more stuff to do then sits in my free time! Anything else you would like to add? (leave blank if you have nothing to add): I fuck bitches and get money 24/7
  7. Spy- Tools: None Weapons: Pump shotgun Advert Abilities: None Team: Swat/ CP (meaning he is working for the swat/ CP to catch bad people in there base) Description: Is a SPY for the swat/ CP, Can base with people, but only people he is spying on, at all cost do not let them know you are spying. CANNOT Raid, Mug, or Heist. Slots: 1 Vote required: Yes Salary: $30 Player model: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=158915192&searchtext=spy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Robot- Tools - Bludgeon, Lockpick, Keypad cracker Weapons: Pump shotgun, Galil Advert abilities: Can /advert War on CP (swats, mayor any cop job actually) Team: Robot Description: You are a Robot, You can do /advert War on Swat at any time, but you must wait till they accept to kill them. You are only allowed to raid PD. Slots: 1 Vote required: No Salary: $40 Player model: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=119968146&searchtext=robot ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yes I know I said it would be long, but for now I got some schoolwork to do I will finish up the list when I can, if you want leave your suggestions here also!
  8. If its a key logger then they know this as well, but they probably only care about your items. keylogger? where is there anyway to get that off of here?
  9. My Steam account has been compromised (hacked) I was in a csgo game, after that i start getting hecka emails steam saying all my csgo items were being sold someone of my friends were message asking for free skins (not me ofc) So with that being said someoen is IN my account, I AM TRYING IN ALL MY POWER TO CHANGE THAT, SO with that being said, i want all staff to know that if I EVER join the server acting really weird (Not doing sits, RDMING, And not using my mic, or even using my mic with a different voice) TO BAN MY ACCOUNT ON SPOT IF ANY OF THOSE THINGS START TO HAPPEN WITH ME Like i said i am trying with all my power to change that fact someone somehow get into my account ( to let all mods know its really me i will join the server and say "carrots" in admin chat just to ensure everyone it is indeed the real me. well, have fun all!
  10. Nova I'm on my phone how many stars do you have
  11. Type Record 1 in Console and then stop
  12. My bad guys haha, just a little happy to be able to access the forums now.
  13. I did not consent, but I guess neither did the slaves R.I.P
  14. Ok guys so I have not been able to access the forums from my computer (was randomly signed out and it won't let me sign in) so I gotta use my phone I'll try my school computer when I can, but I just wanted to let everyone know if you asked me to check out your mod app. That is why I haven't yet.
  15. Let's be honest here I -1 this, you were a minge in my eyes and argued with staff why to many times
  16. Even though this is not in the correct section or right template. I +1 this appeal, simply because you admitted your mistakes. Also it was mostly Prime who fucked up not you. where do you want me to appeal? MERRY CHRISTMAS The report section and use the format I believe
  17. Sorry you guys are kinda the same, but like I said move it to the proper area and use the proper format
  18. Ospevon

    Staff Sucks

    Sorry to hear this! I have not been on due to holidays but when I can I'll try my hardest to help!
  19. Wrong format and forum area please move it to the proper area (and BTW don't use another account when one is already banned )
  20. so i am a mod on the server, but not on the forums blocking users from replying on the forums is stopping alot of the staff from being able to leave there thoughts on the person ples fix
  21. Like I said cut the shit, being a asshole to a mod and a forum mod is going to get you in trpible. So stop while you are ahead and dont argue.
  22. Ey bro cut the shit, I have no idea what is going on but don't be a fucking asshole, now fuck off or actually talk about what happened.
  23. Ospevon


    Oh well I'm not sure then it seems way different to me
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