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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Ospevon

  1. Ospevon


    TBH I hopped on the server and had no idea how to use plogs or anything they are so fucking confusing to me. Send halp
  2. I wasn't thinking the police stun batons but the HL2 stunsticks ohhhh ok
  3. I'm pretty confident I can do this I will add that! stunsticks on BMD is horrible idea.. then people will just run around stunstick abusing and hitting random people...
  4. Erm.. Sorry to inform you BUT move this into the appropriate area (report area) until then this will not be dealt with and also USE THE PROPER FORMAT.
  5. Wait so the new command is /plogs? or ???
  6. I completely agree I will beckme rich on pornhub THE TITLE OF MY VIDEOS WILL. BE "Animated facejob" then I will be rich
  7. Ospevon


    WHY IS YOURS A FUCKING OVAL!!???!?!?!?!?!?!?!
  8. Ospevon


  9. Even that would be amazing, not even the 'by Christmas part'. Us having a custom map is the awesome part. I just get tired of the generic Map and it would be cool to have one we can call our own. You get so much more power when you own and can edit the map to your liking. Changing little details every once in awhile like the texture for the road or like 'borrowing' a building from a different map would be enough flare to make the map feel new again. he could even get some super admins to help if it was possible to do!
  10. Yea, this is exactly what goes through their minds. I will never understand it. Evilmelon was a good side but had TERRIBLE FPS and crashed randomly due to a missing model or material.. I forgot which one. Always great because it had a wonderful PD and 2 banks. Roads sucked ass though. Downtown is just that "staple" map everyone plays. I just want a good PD. That's all I want ): Cops seriously make the game. I say you get a few people and make a custom map for the server, like make it how you would like ir.
  11. So for some reason all the accepted mod apps are gone for me? Not sure why unless sugar or someone deleted them, but if not is there anyone that can't see them either?
  12. Neko is best neko, Thus making Neko my Senpai, so saying this.... Senpai notice me
  13. So today was my first day as a T-mod and I would like to say thank you for accepting me, I am happy I am able to help keep the server a nice and friendly environment, So far I have been able to help alot of people with their problems getting stumped a lot but since they staff team are super friendly they helped me learn :)
  14. I have a class suggestion for vip or member. Class name Verdugo Class model http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=272148309&searchtext= Class Weapons The Deadric sword (i believe that is it, it is already on the server? its the short one that you can gain from un-boxing), The screw driver swep ( http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=112354597&searchtext=melee ), and the brick (already on the server) Class Rules 1. Can advert " I am Verdugo, I desire a sacrifice." Every 10 minutes.( Can kill one person, ANYONE can kill him/her after they advert this.) 2. CANNOT call Raid but can assist in one, CANNOT Heist, CAN revolt. 3. Can kidnap but does not have to advert. 4. Lives on the street. (Can build like a hobo and what not, but he cannot live in a house.) 5. CAN ONLY USE MELEE WEAPONS ( Swords, bricks, or any other melee weapon only. ) 6. I ran out of rules. Well I hope you like my idea, if so please let me know or if not let me know also :)
  15. well the teletubbie is my baby daddy so he already loves me <3
  16. seems kinky ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  17. No fuq you I cant be active on the server so I wanna be active here during school fuq you this is my job. THERE DOES THAT MAKE YOU HAPPY? (look at your title, where it would normally say Member) *Blacnova runs away hands in the air, crying.* GUUD GUUD i am now the helper of this forum :D *Blacnova continues crying.* *slaps blacnova with a piece of cheese* "stop crying.. nerd"
  18. No fuq you I cant be active on the server so I wanna be active here during school fuq you this is my job. THERE DOES THAT MAKE YOU HAPPY? (look at your title, where it would normally say Member) *Blacnova runs away hands in the air, crying.* GUUD GUUD i am now the helper of this forum :D
  19. No fuq you I cant be active on the server so I wanna be active here during school fuq you this is my job.
  20. WELL I figure since I wont be on the server as much (school work) I can try to help people who need help on the forums while I am not on the server! I am basically on the forums 24/7 anyways I constantly check for new post or for people who need help :) So if you need help leave a reply to this thread or make an new one and ill try!
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