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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by NotBiased

  1. Excuse you sir? Its a fucking Weeb Zoo.
  2. Hate to say this but you were to late and we are now only accepting based on experience and improving me and Phar.
  3. Oh look, actual effort, your good I'll get you the discord link
  4. Swat medic, thats all I gotta say.
  5. Quality of Life Description: Master Chief ddoesn't have access to an Arrest Baton, Unarrest Baton, and Battering ram when he joins the CP but he has everything else How to reproduce: Be MC and work for the PD Priority: Low
  6. Bug Description: Vaders Lightsaber doesn't have proper hitboxes and you can only kioll someone if you back into them whilst bending forward when he has the vader model, but the skeleton model it works fine. How to reproduce: Go Vader first life you have skeleton model and it works, after you die and have the vader model it doesnt work Priority: Medium
  7. Gnome is tame compared to the majority of minges I have dealt with.
  8. Sorry that's not in this years budget, nor the schedule, I can fit you in February 31st however.
  9. Since everyone seems to be intent on joining the Family, I will make this Unofficial Official Gang Thread for The LeBlanc Family. [align=center]Roster: Heads of the Family: [/align] Valentine LeBlanc / Pharyan LeBlanc Gambino: Silent Gambino Underbosses: Daniel LeBlanc Shadow LeBlanc Capos: Vorducas LeBlanc Gadreel LeBlanc Zareox LeBlanc Family Members: Wavy LeBlanc [align=center]Xander LeBlanc Carbon LeBlanc[/align] Homer LeBlanc Sean LeBlanc Alive Gambino Soma LeBlanc [align=center]Andrew LeBlanc Jukes LeBlanc[/align] Samo LeBlanc Gnome LeBlanc Sr. Gnome LeBlanc Jr. Kalysta LeBlanc [align=center]Honorary Members: Base Builder NPC[/align] Rules: 1. Don't be a bloody minge, otherwise we will have a talk. 2. If you raid someone, unless they have done wrong against you, DO NOT blow up their stuff. 3. Do not give out dupes without explicit permission from Valentine or Pharyan. 4. You never betray the family. 5. Follow the COC or get booted. [align=center]If you want to join, you must build up a reputation and/or impress a high ranking member. [/align]
  10. Two golden printers.
  11. Oh get out of here you scamp.
  12. Usually, if you get banned on an alternate account and its SHARED then both accounts will get banned but if the alt rebuys the game or gets shared with another person, then they can return So your saying if I get banned I should just go buy another account and play on that one instead? Isn't that literally just avoiding a ban?
  13. My guess, it could be like the Hibana glitch from siege where it's just randomly activated.
  14. Hammer is a bitch, I learned it then something fucked up and now it won't work and I'm too lazy to fix it.
  15. I wouldn't even say its your fault here Dindu, really the whole problem stems from the fact that he/someone went around the system to get him unbanned which shouldn't be allowed or tolerated regardless of who the heck you are/connections with staff, then it causes shitshows like this. But I'm just a randy Rando what do I know.
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