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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by NotBiased

  1. I actually agree with this a lot. It's annoying when you make a base then a cop warrants you and destroys the whole base and you have to remake it. It's even more annoying when you're not staff or VIP so you can't save it then all of that work is wasted and you just get salty. Plus, CP proof doors are very strong cause of the reason of you cant battering ram it fast enough and usually cops dont always work together in raids. I dont think it should be 3 minutes though. I think it should be more of 20 seconds because the speed that the battering ram destroys props and the amount of cops that might be there with battering rams. But, other than that, great suggestion! The problem with 20 secs is the like 52 part fading doors or the 700 props stacked on one another Cops aren't supposed to raid alone, i.e. the call for back up system, so if there is 5 cops raiding one base and it lasts 3 minutes, well its not gonna take long for 5 cops to get through, not really fair for the base owner, it needs to be less than a minute at minimum. If its a minute lets say, then the cooldown on battering should be reduced I mean from a cops perspective, the fading door with 72 parts cant be battered in a minute as it stands 72 parts is a very gross over exaggeration, at most 10 on a door otherwise it's a waste of props, trust me when I say a minute at most is fine.
  2. Ban yourself noob? Oh wait you can't cuz ur badddddd.
  3. I sometimes get it with stacker.
  4. I currently cant recreate it, but it happens all the time, I'll keep shadow play open and go from there.
  5. You mean area copy the dupe? All my dupes are area copied so that could be it.
  6. Yea lemme get on and I will.
  7. Bug Description: After using adv dupe or stacker it leaves the outline of what you pasted. How to reproduce: Paste something with adv dupe/ stack an item. Priority: Low
  8. It's never happened to me once. So I dont know why its doing it for taz
  9. Works for me. No glitch on my end.
  10. Bug Description: Entity shelves dont despawn/can't be deleted. How to reproduce: spawn ent shelf, try to delete Priority: Medium
  11. Bug Description: Snoop dog somehow randomly kills people across the map with his bong/fists. How to reproduce: No fucking clue, it's happened about 5 times now, and it seems to be a recurring issue Priority: Medium-High
  12. I don't say this often but. Git_gud. Sounds like you played yourself here mate.
  13. NotBiased


    Oh son of a bitch I think I found the problem, when I used recover it spawned my ents outta the map, but didnt delete them
  14. NotBiased


    Bug Description: Spawning in your ents then destroying them doesnt let you buy more, so if I destroy my ents but want to buy them later, I can't spawn in more How to reproduce: Buy two printers, destroy said printers, ta da. Priority: High
  15. Ya'll dont get it LB is over, it was a temp thing that grew out of control, I'm starting a new thing but on Sunday the 4th Phar will be incharge of it temp.
  16. Pippy seems to have harry houdini'd good luck getting in contact with him.
  17. I've noticed that somehow the AFK timer skips the people in spawn.
  18. It will be very explosive and I hope you and your police can handle staying back near your little PD. The LeBlanc's raid the rich and help the poor to keep players coming to the server when we see a 100k raid value on our door what do you want is to do? Not touch the base? sure, we'll stay back... when you're all dead / in jail. Let me know when a cop actually inconvenienced me, I'll get back to you on that one. Oooh you will with TheDD, you'll see. We strive to protect PD from scummy criminals, even organized criminal like the LebBlancs.(This is an rp conversation, I don't actually hate you or despise you so please don't see this as a personal attack, just some fun roleplaying) Let me tell you the last time the CP unified against me, I broke them, I destroyed everything they had and I broke their will, now the CP dont touch me. Period.
  19. I imagine it will be very bloody and eplosive.. you fags better check your fire! don't be ruining innocent lives because you want to start the Tits Civil War over hurr It will be very explosive and I hope you and your police can handle staying back near your little PD. The LeBlanc's raid the rich and help the poor to keep players coming to the server when we see a 100k raid value on our door what do you want is to do? Not touch the base? sure, we'll stay back... when you're all dead / in jail. Let me know when a cop actually inconvenienced me, I'll get back to you on that one.
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