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Head Respected of TitsRP


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Head Respected of TitsRP

  1. Sugar npc Giving the mayor the ability to spawn a tank. Make the strip club spawn Buff thee jugs amour Make hobo swep give players ebola Add the sugar npc Add the zek/exstreme gambler npc Double theives movement speed. Buff hacker phone. Change the ban message in chat to "sent *player* to voidrp" Increase stalker's speed when there is no one looking at them Change sugar dollars to k cubes Make the king able to spawn a tank Give all cp classes the kiss swep Add a work system for prisoners so they can reduce their time by producing stuff for the pd. Add a new rank for people that have served over 14 days banned called "voidrp respected" Add a stripper class called "Cynthia's Mother" Add a job called "Father,Father" where it randomly designates a player as father and you get Kevin cubes when you find him. A cp with a riot shield Have staff meetings twice a week on sat and sunday Add a head vip rank Add a currency that you can only obtain from winning event that you can use to upgrade a player's item bank. Add a an underground boss dungeon that spawn boss npc that drops shipments. Add nuclear submarine to the beach that shoots missiles Increase cp pay day make Darth Vader a gang leader and add storm trooper pm for his gang member A cemetery with a list of all perma banned users. Add a sugar tits npc that says random advice/rules when you press on him Have an obesity system with the new food system that if you eat too much or too much of the wrong foods it will increase the chance of you dying randomly from a hardattack. Fix kiss swep and make it so you can choose different positions to "kiss" people in. Add Machine Gun Emplacement in the mayor's panic room in the new map Add a religion system that is similar to the gang system but allows religions to kill other members of other religions if the leader of the religion declares war on them, and members of the same religion will take less damage from friendly fire if they have the same religion. If the leader of a religion becomes mayor they have the option to call an inquisition that lets them imprison people that they see as heretics. Have gangs be able to call a revolution that if one of the gang members kills the mayor, they can vote on which of there members they want to become the mayor. Add a robo cop cp, that gives him thermal vision and colors wanted players so he can see them from distance, and is slightly faster then normal cps Add a cripple system that makes users slower and increase their gun recoil from the amount of damage they take in one life that is present no matter if they are fully healed or not. Let the mayor spawn an attack helicopter.
  2. Damn are you still under the spell of the snake king, did k dawg not finish the job? Does k dawg have to enola gay him to fully get rid of his presence from the server.
  3. You don’t know how much this means to me. Thank you so much. You're very welcome, sir. Yea sometimes i think you are the real sugar tits on an alt.
  4. Its probly cause snake king had his tail around the server in a cold firm grip, since he has been slain by slimey the server should be back to normal now.
  5. Did you just advertise your own post onto another thread? :cmonBruh: Thats is a k dawg thing to do, smh.
  6. This is a day to celebrate, it is the day titsrp was resurrected from dying at the hands of the snake king.
  7. Damn why is Cynthia posting child porn smh
  8. Sugar needs to add this audio to the sugar npc he is adding to the server soon.
  9. Nah the jug is too weak as it is right now, it needs a buff.
  10. i thought they were the same person No that is b dawg and k dawg.
  11. It should be in braille to accommodate for the blind people on the server.
  12. You have to contact zeshthedoge or kotos to get it back.
  13. Dance moves if their models can. But yeah I agree. Isn’t really RP Remove rules in the MOTD that repeat (e.g you have kidnapping is kos in there twice) Have a promoting system for cp. Make the rebel group be able to have their own separate wars with cp. Let custom classes have access to crip and blood models and if they change their job to crip or blood they can becone one Have 2 slots for kingdom jobs so one can war with the other. Have a thief job where they can use a hound eye type thing to see people and let them assist in raids Make it so if you are in a party and you raid it splits the loot they collect evenly (have a party button that says begin raid and after 10 minute it sees how much money you have collected and it splits it) Make a gang perk that makes your car unbreakable Make a gang perk where you drop talismans every 30 minutes Make a gang perk gives you 100 armor or 50 every spawn Make a npc where you can put your cc up for sale with a description & price Make it so once a gang reaches a certain level they get to have another weapon slot on their cc Make a gang perk where you jump higher Make a hunger system where you need food to promote RP for the restaurant owner Make it so the mayor can bring all cp to the conference room where it sits all the cp down for a 5 minute meeting (mayor can end early if he chooses) Create a secret tunnel in a road (I mean like a cover in the middle of the road that brings you down to the sewers Make it so when you do shownlr it automatically spectates person you want to show NLR for (the skeleton not the person) Have terriosts be able to invite other vip members to become one. Make a way for staff to host events and invite people who are willing to join the staff event. Make it so the abomination can’t hide in their friends base (easy way to do this is when they are on rampage they are “too big” to walk through doors Make abomination have 50 armor since they get killed so easily Would be a great list if it included a sugar npc.
  14. Now sugar can use this audio for the sugar npc.
  15. Yes exactly we need a slavery system to pick our crops and cook our food. We should totes have forced labor as a prison sentence. Send people to some mining/woodcutting area, in which any metal/wood they get is given directly to the mayor's inventory. Yes and have the slave ship in the water at the beach with the npc that you can buy your slaves from.
  16. Yes exactly we need a slavery system to pick our crops and cook our food.
  17. I think you mean adderall.
  18. Just ignore this simpleton Please k dawg dont burn him alive.
  19. Nah cynthier, the pianist needs to be able to kill people with his piano.
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