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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Psychopathic

  1. Going to be honest, understand where you're coming from but you also have to understand where mods are coming from. Yes, we're moderators to help the server, but also want to play the game occasionally. I was on for about 4 hours today, and was able to actually do rp shit for about 30 minutes of that. I don't get anything special for doing moderator stuff, and seeing reports like this is bullshit because I was on during the time, but were constantly doing other sits. The entire time I was on the server had more than 70 people online. So if you make 6 sits in 30 minutes, like Dimitri said, how many other sits per half hour do you think are going through? While I was online there were about 5 moderators on 2-3 were pretty consistantly taking sits the other two weren't. But that is something not for this thread edit: and as for "getting better mods" [video=youtube]
  2. Will there be a minutes posted about what was talked about? or just the recording
  3. Shows what happens, once it's done processing.
  4. I understand the checkpoints thing, as long as it's done correctly and not just a fucking annoying wall with no1 around. Even wanting to build the sniper towers and building a PD Headquarters right next to the PD. BUT there isn't a reason for a cop to own anything not directly next to the PD IMO.
  5. I'm 99% sure Sugar has explained this before, and has previously stated that it won't be fixed because it has to do with the models(pm's and gun models) not having the correct constraints or something along those lines. and like quarrel said, this isn't high priority at all lol
  6. Earl, if I remember correctly I have warned, and banned you for doing exactly what you just admitted to doing.
  7. Psychopathic

    CC Editor

    It's because the Lightsaber is a 10million weapon, so it only shows the other 10million weapons (being grenade, camo, lightsaber, and the breachingcharge)
  8. I don't agree personally, but it is 100% legit because they were in a party UNLESS the person that died (the base owner) told his party member after he died, then the base owner broke NLR. Quote from Neko Like, the whole reason you need to get involved first before killing someone who is killing X person is to make it so it's NOT low effort RP. If you aren't involved in any way to the person, NOW you need to talk it out first. Being in a party ALREADY makes you involved with the person. Hence the reason people make parties!
  9. Bug Description: Citizens spawn with Stun Stick - Arrest Batton - Unarrest Baton - Battering ram UPDATE : ALL CLASSES HAVE THESE, and weapon checker How to reproduce: spawn as a citizen when you enter, get all those items Priority: high - people will probably abuse the shit outta the stun stick - the rest can't be abused to badly being a citizen (cant battering ram unless warrant/arrest unless they are wanted)
  10. update/bump - I had 2 printers down for about an hour prior to server restart, didn't leave the server until I saw that people were back online (5/90) and when I rejoined !recover didn't do anything
  11. It was during a server reset and i waited until the dc timer went to 0
  12. Quality of Life / Bug possibly? Description: !recover doesn't work, and when the server crashes/restarts the recover information doesn't pop up when the server restarts How to reproduce: have miners/printers when the server restarts/crashes, on reboot /rejoin recovery system doesn't seem to be in place Priority: Low
  13. that class would be more annoying than anything. trying to go through that many weapons for the one you want would be a bit much
  14. DAMNET SUGAR I NEED THAT $500. I'll see myself out now. (But on a serious note, does that 500dollars mean THAT much to you? Lol
  15. ... Then I think you might be doing something wrong lol. With the current prop limit I can build a badass base with decent chunk of props left over
  16. https://titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=4021 It's about the job being abused by the wording of it. The juggernaut class isn't able to grab a Cannon and MassRDM the public. The terrorist can. The current way it should be is to pushes the player to be a terrorist, not hide the first five minutes... then massrdm and let the mods deal with the 20 massrdm reports. Imo there are three viable options. 1) fix wording of the class advert after 5 mins, and to try to have players be active with the beginning of the !terrorstart 2) limit the class to ak47 / armor only, no use of shit like cannons (or make cannons not /invholster) or 3) make the class have custom swep that is a bombvest, they run into a room and make a big boom that is all it can do. Not as harmful but you still get your child like rocks off by massrdming On my phone so post might be worded extremely stupidly. Auto save deletes words randomly
  17. If you're being sarcastic, and this is in reply to https://titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=4022&page=4 reply there, this isn't about afk. This quality of life report is about poor wording in a class' description / job use. And a hopeful change of it.
  18. Quality of Life Description: After 5 minutes of someone doing !terrorstart it says the terrorist attack is over, but according to the terrorist description this is when the terrorist can kill everyone How to reproduce: either after 5 minutes the "terrorist spree has ended" needs to be changed, or the description needs to be changed. As well as once you type !terrorstart it needs to /advert Terrorist strike or something... right now it's not doing that. Or the description can be changed to introduce !terrorstart as what you're supposed to be doing. Priority: high > Shard keeps going on mass killing sprees and its getting the server into a fuckin frenzy
  19. Same thing as before, just wanted to let Sugar know again due to the other post being closed Bug Description: When putting down a dupe it will only put down one prop then say the dupe is finished How to reproduce: Attempt to put down dupe using advanced duplicator; only have one prop pop up before it saying finished Priority: Medium
  20. Yea,something along these lines would be awesome. Half of the straight massrdmers seem like they goserver to server whenever they are unbanned. Would be nice to be able to know when they were banned/length/reason And if it was suggested I apologize. Was just thinking about it today after banning a couple massrdmers that probably have been banned before
  21. Something that shows previous bans, similar to !warns... would be nice to be able to see if the same user has been banned x times for rdm/mass rdm
  22. Bug Description: When putting down a dupe it will only put down one prop then say the dupe is finished How to reproduce: Attempt to put down dupe using advanced duplicator; only have one prop (Was working for Le Moist, didn't work for any of my previous working dupes though) Priority: Medium Relogged twice, still not working as intended for me
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