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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Psychopathic

  1. Past couple days the Fading doors have been saying "There is a prop within your prop! You cannot unfade this!" Bug/Quality of Life Description:Past couple days the Fading doors have been saying "There is a prop within your prop! You cannot unfade this!" and the Stacker tool has been saying "Stacked props cannot be spawned within other props" How to reproduce: Unfade/fade a door that is partially inside another prop and attempt to stack a prop partially into another prop Priority: Medium/high for each, makes building new bases a pain in the ass
  2. Bug Description: Everyone lost... everything lol. Server DC'd then came back up... people logged in and everyone was sitting as if they were new players to the server How to reproduce: No idea what happened... Priority: (High, Medium, Low) ... kind of extremely high lol. people are kind of freaking out about it at the moment
  3. I think just a slow and steady "paycheck" would be best, so people don't and can't really expoit it. And probably only be the Staff on Duty job
  4. Kind of on this note, any way to have staff get a small income while online? Or maybe just the Staff on Duty job? Essentially just enough to cover the taxes.
  5. Now I'm getting this error with adv dupe Pasting... Blacklisted Entity sugar_boom then nothing gets duped do I need to self edit the prop out of the file?
  6. Just want to say that these two have been doing a really good job when they are moderating the server... From what I've seen, and can personally attest to, they are quick to get to sits... with fair/concise rulings. Just wanted to point out that they are doing a good job and wanted to point it out somewhere :D This is mostly cause I normally only see bitching about mods/admins... and fuck that lol.
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