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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Rigbe

  1. Rigbe

    Gun Dealers

    Good idea for sure I think everything should be purchasable in stacks such as drug seeds too, i find myself taking a nap while buying seeds to grow. Drugs are the same way as well as armor. Also buying things that can be put directly into your inventory would be nice.
  2. Cool nibster I like these ideas alot. So first off the License vending machine is a great idea or maybe an NPC (whatever's easier tbh) and set prices on gun licenses and maybe even drivers licenses? That allow you to be able to buy a vehicle just to be a pain :) Lottery tax, I believe this could help but there really isn't a "vault" for it to go into unless you mean the PD bank which I believe the rewards are static (Random but always X amount of shipments and X amount of dollars randomly, feel like coding in the tax would take a minute) Police supplier; id tend to agree yeah its weird to buy weapons from civilians but it stimulates the economy which could then hinge off your last idea which is really cool. So I played in a perp server a while back only old fucks that play gmod will remember pulsar effect role play. They kinda took darkRP and turned it into a different game mode. Cars are in there, there was a mayor system that gave access to economy tabs. The better the city was doing the more money HE made which made the job awesome income as well as the CP and even the civilians (Granted there was a paycheck system) If the crime rate is down (Not too many arrests / fines) then the crime bar went down which didn't take as much income from this pool the government had to spend on things. Also it was really cool they had like these decisions you had to make and based off your answer something catastrophic could happen if you dont' fix it. For instance and this is really fucking neat: A local orphanage needs blood donations to keep their kids alive. Do you want to put money into this from your medical budget or theres a bridge that is starting to look pretty bad outside town do you want to fix that instead? Depending on your answer nothing could happen...Or lets say you decided to donate money to the orphanage well guess what that bridge might have collapsed because of it at a later time making your decisions really cool. I remember one it was like the local weather station needs funding for more accurate depictions of possible weather disasters. or Police need more vehicles so they can catch criminals. If you paid the cops a tornado had a chance of just whipping into the city and actually breaking cars and killing people if you weren't careful. You must have played on this server clearly as the idea stems directly from it, i totally agree it would be awesome in titsrp.
  3. I hope you have a good one.
  4. ooooomg woww hiiii saraaaaaa!!!! welcome to our community!!!! dont listen to the other mean people you're always welcome to play on our serverrrrr.... Alsoooo edd ed and eddy is the best anime :3 anywayy have a nice day!
  5. https://imgur.com/a/2DpYLOj We patrolled the streets for a while, it went well.
  6. 4/29/18 Added Under Basing rules: Keypads may not have any delay on them opening. EX: Your keypad has a 30 second delay but then opens for 5 seconds. (To avoid confusion and unnecessary sits.)
  7. Rigbe

    Bugs / QOL

    Bug Description: Cannot craft Planter Accelerators How to reproduce: Try to craft one. Priority: Low _______________________________________________________ Bug Description: Talisman for printer upgrades does not work. How to reproduce: Take the talisman then upgrade your printers, you still get charged. Priority: Low _________________________________________________ Quality of Life Description: Upgrading printers accidentally. When you gather money from the printers occasionally it will hit the upgrade and waste some money. How to reproduce: Run back and forth gathering, randomly without looking directly at the upgrade circle it upgrade them. Priority: Low Quality of Life Description: The Dual Elites and Doom 2017 Charged Burst Shotgun are completely useless. How to reproduce: The CSS .40 Dual Barettas literally do like less than 1 damage per shot. The Doom shotgun only has 1 pellet and also does very very low damage. Priority: Low
  8. type record shit in console then stop record
  9. hecko and welcome, Our gang is Dinglefuck (Pending name change if sugar ever adds the option to) 54% to Level 55 Talents: Master Fish, Precious Life, Pretty Penny, Morpher, and Weapon me up! Our mission is to play on the server, have fun, help people, and enjoy our free time together. We work together to prosper. Attached below will be the Google forms that allow you to review the information of our gang and apply using the google form. Any questions? PM Rigbe ingame or on steam, have fun boys. Roster & Rules: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1cWoQBKdu-hFrYV_vwo_GT79R7GeW8nQQ_6gQ2s52LiA/edit?usp=sharing Application: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe1vEcSbYnxpXtGCb7IYXHEKk7AqN2KWR451AYpb7KrvgHelw/viewform?usp=sf_link Report a Dinglefuck: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfQ4P1rAGy4-8m_oArMncNIJ6qNbEzm-47xdQDFVoE0rHLbMg/viewform?usp=sf_link
  10. Hours Played : 476 + whatever i had before the new server. Vote : Vote for additional Admins Reasoning: Why? What good will it do? (These are examples, Just give your thoughts and why you voted X or Y) : We need a few active admins so that we can delegate administrative tasks across more available people who want to play and make the server better. There are usually discussions all the time about staff changes / complaints that moderators can only assist with opinions and offer advice on how to deal with them. I believe we need to set up a few moderators to choose from and maybe add two more total. Griffin would be a good choice. The longer you've been here the better your chances are you'll offer something to the community to make it better.
  11. Rigbe

    Unbox glitch

    Bug Description: When unboxing towards the end randomly you will have 2 crates left and not be able to use them. When you go to unbox it does not do anything, I believe it may actually still give you an item but the text does not appear (Not sure about this honestly) How to reproduce: Unbox 20+ items in one sitting, randomly this will occur when you have only a few crates left. Priority: Low
  12. Bug Description: Killing yourself as grim reaper gives 2XP. It does have a cooldown however it could be abused over time. How to reproduce: Go grim reaper and kill yourself. Priority: Low
  13. I can confirm a few users have messaged me stating that they also lost items, randomly not at the bottom. If you are in a gang with extra inventory slots and you leave those items are gone, however once you rejoin a gang with the items they will be back. This however is not whats happening. I lost 900 wood as well, only item missing and I know for sure I wasn't mugged with that perk. Edit: It appears to be the extended inventory from Gang perks that is bugged currently.
  14. Rigbe

    2 bugs

    You can eat an invis potion and become invis during revolt, don't know if its a glitch or bug but its possible. Also the C4 thing has been around forever. Also the Cat model does not show as orange if a cop, (Cop CC's) that should probly be fixed too.
  15. Rigbe

    Money Pot exploit

    In this instance the money pot cannot be removed, touched, hacked, or anything. I have confirmed this.
  16. freeze all props, find out whos spamming, remove them.
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