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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by TitsRP

  1. October 15th Changelog


    Sorry for the delay, I have been really fucking sick the past week so not much has been done but I will try some things just to confirm the issue is with custom class playermodels.


    • Added back all Custom Class models
    • Added new VIP Job Master Chief (I luv halo)
    • Added rules for Master Chief
    • Lowered Printer and Bitminer output by another 15%


    I am currently working on a Holloween update so stay tuned. This should be done within the next 2 - 3 days.


    Edit: I also just realized that last time I "nerfed" the printers, I actually buffed them. I must over overlooked it and kinda though the lower the print speed = longer to print so everything was fast as fuck. Fixed now

  2. Ocotber 13th Changelog


    Issue still persists with playermodel crashes which is most likely due to a new VIP model added in. I will revert some changes and change some playermodels in the VIP category to some models made by trusted people. If the issue STILL persists, I will remove all models in the VIP and Custom Class category. But to speed some things up and get things rolling, all VIP models and really old custom class models will be in game, if your model is missing then just wait a day or two while I wrap some things up.


    • Changed Batman -> Indiana Jones (best I could find)
    • Changed Nation's Agent model
    • Changed Enclave model
    • Fixed Gabe texture issue
    • Fixed Teletubby texture issue
    • Fixed Hackphone (seriously this time)
    • Fixed Dlogs Job Change / Connection logs (forgot to add a hook back)
    • Added GMOD Legs


    • Changed SWAT model (46MB -> 6.7mb)

  3. Add better weapons  :D I found this addon and it just so happens to be made by the same guy that made the weapons we use now, same base and everything! It's exactly the same idea except it's CS:GO weapons, only big difference other than it's cs:go and not source is that the weapons have the inspect animation when you hit c and shows it's stats instead of just showing it's staff and turning it a bit. This was posted literally yesterday, I pulled each one out today and texted them and didn't get any errors. Only problem I saw was if you reload/jump/inspect at the same time with a certain pistol you can see the end of the hand texture.



    (this one sadly you need the textures too, it links you to them from this page)


    Also staying with the cs:go theme I found this addon also that is all the cs:go knives in one, literally all. Not stattraks though, just every skin/knife combination. Looks cool and I would defiantly pay $5 to have some shadow daggers added to my class if you had them added.




    These are actually pretty nice. The only issue is that I am very picky about file sizes. Here are some pros and cons going to this set of weapons besides default CSS:



    • All CSGO guns
    • Better models
    • Different sounds
    • Client-side StatTrak
    • Inspecting the weapon


    • Very big in file size. We run default models with custom sounds which in total leaves us with less than 30mb for the weapons we use now. This is 320MB in total
    • Seems to be a little glitchy. I used the AUG and it crashed my game due to spamming lua errors and fucked up my game
    • Would require work to swap over shipments, custom classes, regular jobs / vip jobs, ect. (Which is not too big of a con)

    In the end, its like a 50 / 50. We don't want big file sizes so people have to wait to download all of our content. Plus more models = more cache = less FPS on some computers. Although the StatTrak is really nice I don't know if it really outweighs the cons. I am not too sure though.



    I'm suggesting a better lottery system for the mayor, and the people. And also if possible a mayor grace period of 1-5 minutes.


    I can probably do this. Are you saying the Mayor should have kinda like a period where they cannot be killed? Like when voted in?

  4. October 12th Changelog


    In an attempt to remove the playermodel crashes, I have to do a vague test of removing 1 of 3 categories of playermodels. Public job models, VIP job models or Custom class job models. I am going to remove all custom class models for this reset and replace them with generic models since they were one of the last additions before the crashing started. If you're a custom class owner and your class is missing, your model will be back.


    • Removed Custom class models


    • Removed sleep function
    • Fixed hackphone

  5. Hi, this report is not valid. You posted in the wrong section and you also did not follow the template. Plus we require evidence since it is an user's word against a moderator. Ghostlygaming is new so there may of been some kind of fuck up but I can't really do anything unless any other moderators join your side and I hear their story. Thanks.

  6. Ocotber 10th Changelog


    Removal of some custom playermodels to prevent the crashes, should be fixed on the next crash. If your class was affected, I will contact you and let you know whats up.


    • Removed Our Lord and Savior playermodel
    • Removed Alloy playermodel
    • Removed Robot playermodel
    • Removed Skaarj playermodel
    • Added back VIP job models

    If the server still crashes after this, I will look into it more.

  7. October 9th Changelog


    Some lua error fixes and another curious fix for some rare crashes


    • Fixed server side lua error with people joining and attempting to project information
    • Fixed iron man swep making an error while "idle"
    • Removed all VIP job models for this reset. I want to see if it crashes or not (since the issue we are having is a playermodel one)
    • Added a News Camera man job
    • Added Bus Driver job
    • Modified file to allow mods and up to pick up cars
    • Fixed a startup error

  8. October 5th Changelog


    Some fixes and probably some balancing here and maybe a small curious optimization.


    • Lowered printer output by 15%
    • Lowered bitcoin output by 15%
    • Increased all default shipment costs by 5%
    • Removed NLR zones
    • Fixed Dlogs not projecting some information
    • Made a small script to print to your screen who left + their steamID in chat

  9. Godspeed. If there is one thing I learned in HS, please please please please please try on your AP test. You don't know how much it will actually help you if you get a 3 or above on that exam. I took 5 or 6 AP classes in HS, got a 2 on every exam and for the first two college semesters (and even my third) I have to take BULLSHIT Liberal Arts classes which makes you "well rounded". Which included Art, Music, psychology, History, Social Science, Health Class and some other shitty ones I can't think off the top of my head. Keep in mind, I am a Math / Computer Science major. If you pass it, you will be rewarded with FULL CREDITS FOR 1 COLLEGE COURSE, THAT IS INSANE. Which that means less work in the end. Hope you do well and take my word, study like a mother fucker.


    -luv sugs

  10. October 2nd Changelog


    We may of fixed the FPS drop. After some testing, I think we have it. Its actually the chat box! I have some proof here and I won't get too in depth with the whole issue but we will switch off of it and see what happens.


    Here is an initial frame test:




    Here it is with the chat flooded. Note, that I left it here for around 3 minutes and it never recovered my lost frames.






    • New Chatbox
    • Nerfed Electron Accelerator right click
    • Added back NLR
    • Added back Cinema
    • Fixed bank

    I will see if I can get some new content into the server tomorrow morning too!

  11. October 1st Changelog


    Some balancing. Still working on the FPS issue


    • Removed impact and force which causes penetration through props on TFA sweps
    • Removed penetration from some CSGO guns on the M9K base
    • Removed Skull Smasher. I thought this needed to be here

    Please let me know if anything else should be changed / balanced.

  12. Me and my friend who just donated, were trying to make more money with bitcoin mining and then all of a sudden we get bombarded through all the walls, immediately destroying all of our miners and even killing my friend, I proceed to die after, because they broke through and I was really weak because of the bullets going through the walls. I find this ridiculous. I now have no money and a diminished want to play on this server.


    Do you mean a wall or a prop? There is 1 gun in the game currently that can shoot through props which is the Skull Smasher which is also a custom gun which cost $1,000,000. I just tried the skullsmasher and it does not go through walls


    I just went on a test server to try every weapon and it seems ALL the TFA CSS weapons go through props because of penetration. Even some guns do 3 - 6 damage through a full WALL which is definitely not intended. Sorry you had a bad experience and thanks for bringing this to my attention because this should not be happening.  I will fix this for tomorrow mornings reset.


    Also, all custom class weapons are supposed to be unique. Not OP. If one needs tuning, please let me know. They should be doing no more damage than their TFA counterpart.


    Edit: Its actually fixed and I just spent the last 20 minutes looking how to record my sceen to a gif format to show you its fixed but I swear this shit is on drugs. Just trust me haha. Simple impact convar will be reduced to 0.

  13. September 30th Changelog


    One of the addons that actually caches something and noticeably drops FPS in the theater. I will have to remove it for this reset as I am curious to see what happens. I also disabled a workaround check for some wire entities which called a timer every tick.


    • Removed Theater (Temp)
    • Removed Workaround check
    • Disabled gas shooting on all clients
    • Removed some more think and tick functions in addons that don't need them

  14. September 28th Changelog


    • Fixed corrupt shipments (forgot to change it off the alt tfa weapons)
    • Lowered WaveData cache by around 30 mb hopefully. This may fix frame drop after x time in the server
    • Fixed a missing model with lightsabers
    • Removed some playermodels that are poorly rigged


    WaveData Changelog


    • Removed Snoop Weapon 3.23mb
    • Removed Sonic Sounds from swep 4.5mb
    • Removed drinking and eating sounds from food 8mb
    • Removed startup ironman song .6 mb
    • Removed "Yes" from falcon punch .22mb
    • Replaced Axe sound for RE5 giant axe ??
    • Removed all but 1 hunter pounce sound .5mb
    • Removed poop eat sound .6mb
    • Removed grub voice from RO2 weapons .4mb
    • Removed monkey bomb song .5mb
    • Replaced sound on SG550 .75 mb
    • Replaced sound on AK47 .6mb
    • Replaced sound on mp5 .5mb
    • Replaced all sounds on Angry Hobo Swep 3.5mb
    • Replaced sound on g3sg .25mb
    • Replaced fireball sound .3mb
    • Removed all but one quacking sound .3mb
    • Looking to entirely remove saber loop sounds 1.2mb - 2.0mb //done

    Total saved at this point


    26.4mb +- .5mb of WaveData Cache


    Since source limits us at 64MB, this CAN be a reason why FPS dips because the engine is trying to cache more and more and we are just hitting its limit. Unfortunately, I do not know if this is a 100% fix but its worth trying right?

  15. September 27th Changelog


    • Replaced BLogs with DLogs
    • Changed announcements on the MOTD to accommodate the latest changelog
    • Claimed server to log time
    • Monitoring resource values on test server to see what spikes what memory


    • Removed all custom models on the TFA CSS base. I kept the custom sounds because I think they sound great. (Saved 110mb of space)
    • Removed Tyrone's HUGE MODELS, I HATE YOU TYRONE (Saved 230mb of space)
    • Removed "Cop" weapons. (Saved 70mb of space)
    • Removed an extra 4 workshop addons
    • Disabled client side gas effects for guns (will help fps)
    • Removed bad file paths

  16. September 26th Changelog


    To dive deeper into this frame drop issue, we have to try removing some things that are intensive for the client and the server to handle. I will also be removing some recent playermodels as one of them is crashing the server. I will notify you if your model is removed.


    • Temporarily removed Spiderman's SWEP (this swep only thinks every frame which is 16 times a second. 5 people flying around on a spiderman gun at once is calling 80 sequences of over 150 lines of code per second. So yes, this swep is insane.) I will replace this for the time being until its confirmed it has nothing to do with it. This swep also creates lua errors for the server and client which is bad
    • Removed some custom models. Some are not correctly set up on the valve bipded and causes issues with crashing
    • Removed laser jetpack for another force emitter, same thing that will be replaced with spiderman gun (more thinking)
    • Removed another 20 think functions on sweps /entities / effects
    • Added a crazy physics catcher
    • Added DBugr for the next reset


    • Removed DBugr
    • Removed more models that are rigged weird

    Because I am getting agitated with the whole FPS issue, I will be running a profile tomorrow and debugger on my test server to find the real source of the issue

  17. ok ok, i have a idea for the mayor i think he should have a grace  period ( a x amount of time he cant be killed when becoming mayor) this would allow him to enjoy his or her time being mayor and allowing them to actually add laws and roleplay instead of switching to mayor and being killed Ex.)


    Billy bob Has become mayor.

    Billy bob places laws.

    Old man jenkins- aww shit i don't like these laws

    Old man jenkins- /advert VIVA LA REVOLUTION

    Billy bob- is really mad and spooked so he goes to hide But its to late Old man jenkins has already killed him.

    Old man Jenkins- heck YEAH- fuck da police

    Billy bob- :( i was only mayor 5 min's


    see this is the best way to explain it, most mayors have time to do NOTHING! becuase alot of people dont like rules so i say you add a grace period for mayor


    Sure, I can add an immunity grace period for the mayor. Say like 15 minutes before anyone can call a revolution on you? This still does not make you immune to hits and what not.

  18. September 25th Changelog


    • Decreased head bobbing and gun sway on TFA weapons
    • Lowered recoil by a small amount
    • Increased damage by all guns by 1.3x
    • Damage modifier now works (my bad)
    • Removed a ton of think functions from addons that did not really need it
    • Added weather system (forgot it)
    • Added a crossbow to the Assassin class
    • Removed stock system
    • Fixed Armory not giving TFA weapons
    • Added in chessboards to the map, I forgot that too
    • Added back old HUD
    • Changed MoTD temp
    • Added back Hit Numbers
    • Added server information to the forums

    I am still looking into the low fps after x minutes. The issue will be solved soon, I can FEEL it



    Personally going to be trying an Awesomium replacement because I feel the client fps drop may be in there.

    also crt smells like SHIT

  19. I think that the downtown map that we have is getting stale, so why dont we add a map thats just a different or extended version of downtown?


    Yeah, https://garrysmods.org/download/1452/rp-downtown-winter-v2 (ik its the same map but with snow, but it looks cool, right?)


    Changing the map results in a playerbase drop. Since we just moved hosts and we need to gain a new community, this is 100% impossible.

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