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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by TitsRP

  1. get rid of the c4 its way to over powered


    Changed so it only blows up the door its put on.



    I love this server. I love everything about it, and I would like to suggest a small change to the Boombox. One of my favorite activities is playing request for people in pursuit of fun, money, or both. However, my complaint is that the cost of the Boombox is...expensive. So, I would like to suggest lowering the price from the hefty $6K to a manageable $3K, $4.5K, or lower. Another idea would be to have certain classes like, for example, the Radio Broadcaster, or even the Restaurant Owner so he/she can put a nice atmosphere to their dining area without breaking the bank (or robbing it).





    Lowering this cost will allow those with less money than some of us to have a good time with their favorite songs (and possibly cover up the sounds of a meth lab, too). Plus, it could provide a good RP purpose (like in my class examples above).


    Please take this into consideration and, if it can't work, I understand.



    Noted, will do. 2k it is. Thanks!

  2. May 29th Changelog



    I promised CW weapons before then I had a thought that turned me away from them. Long story short, I have no idea why I didn't add them so I am adding them now. I am going to be trying something new over the next few weeks. I am going to be heavily removing content that is either relatively pointless and managing content that I never knew that was in the server. This is because people tell me "Sugar, this server is great and all but my FPS sucks compared to other servers". I understand that, we have over 400 addons compared to top servers that have 130 - 200 addons. Also a new rule, if you are inactive for 10 days and you own a custom class it will be removed until you come back and tell me you want it back. This will inevitably save us a lot of resources. If we ever wanted to upgrade player capacity, this is 200000% NEEDED. Without further due, here is the changelog.


    • Changed weapons to CW weapons (I am changing the weapons on CC's to the best of my ability)
    • Changed printers to a more friendly version
    • Changed a lot of playermodels
    • Changed it so Cops have to go through lower tier jobs to get into higher tier
    • Added back the day and night cycle
    • Added a new weapon to the Stalker / Hobo / Hobo Lord jobs
    • Added Enforcer Addon which may help when the server is being spammed by props
    • Added a Mayor Menu which will help the plebs that don't know how to use the Mayor.
    • Added a food mod that allows people to cook! Also enabled hunger mod, hunger will only drop by 1 from 100 very slowly so don't scream at me.
    • Removed the Gambler Job
    • Removed Guard Job
    • Removed Spyro The Dragon Job
    • Removed Cars and its mods, if you want a refund for your cars, please post on the forum here http://titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=12
    • Removed some custom jobs that were inactive
    • Removed Bodygrouper addon
    • Removed a bank, we only need one
    • Removed old playermodels / guns that were laying around
    • Removed Pepper Spray
    • Removed Game Room
    • Updated ULX
    • Updated ULib
    • Updated DarkRP
    • Updated MOTD addon
    • Updated Crash Menu to remove dead servers
    • Updated loading screen pictures
    • Updated Shipments to fix some pricings and to make it so most assault rifles / snipers go to the Black Market Dealer
    • Updated Mayor timeout so there is no bar over your head for over a minute
    • Switching back to full workshop support instead of half / half (except for modified weapons)
    • Made all custom weapons on all custom classes purchasable from the Black Market Dealer, these will all go for hefty amounts and it will be named "Playername's Weapon". I feel as this is the right thing to do considering it gives every player a chance. They will be in shipments of 5, no you cannot opt out of it, its a weapon that you spawn with every death and every player should get a chance to use them

  3. Since we have removed our suggestion addon in the server (caused crashes and lag) here is an official thread where you can make suggestions to.


    Offer anything, such as fixing broken stuff, adding new stuff, removing stuff, new jobs, ect. Also post a link to the addon if you want something added.

  4. May 10th Changelog



    Now that my Rust base was deleted by the admins, I can return. My bad. Sorry for not responding to 90% of the messages. Rust is a REALLY FUN game which I would definitely open up a server for if you guys were interested.



    Here is an update I held off because I was playing Rust for 9 hours a day for the past 4 days


    • Changed the HUD
    • Added arcade machines. Let me know if you want a specific game and I can put it on
    • Added a Body Grouping tool to the server to allow players to use bodygroups on playermodels
    • Updated DarkRP to the latest version
    • Fixed default spawn of the meth dealer

  5. staffguidelines.png


    👍 The Do's 👍
    DO be respectful and relatively professional during sits and RPing, no one likes an immature moderator/admin
    DO help people with any questions they have an attempt to be the first one to a sit all the time, this will be noticed and you may get promoted
    DO respect other people’s privacy. Spectating them or teleporting to them constantly is a big NO
    DO listen to both sides of an admin sit and use logs to your advantage
    DO ask for admin/mod help if you're unsure what to do or how to punish people
    DO use common sense. Banning people for 2 weeks because they had 4 fading doors instead of 3 is a big NO
    DO ignore sits with the ignore button if it does not follow the "Sit Guidelines"
    DO go to sits that follow the "Sit Guidelines"
    DO be a positive role model. Our players look up to you guys. Acting like children will get the players to act like children


    👎 The Do Not's 👎
    DO NOT
    abuse no-clip. This is the fastest way to get demoted. Flying away for RP reasons and flying into bases or anything else is not tolerated
    DO NOT warn people for 3 different reasons if they broke three different rules in one act. 1 warning will do and they should learn from it. If they don't warn them again
    DO NOT ban/kick people for RP reasons. Ex) Billy Bob raided Sugar's house and Sugar got angry and banned him for 2 hours for some bullshit reason
    DO NOT compensate people with money or guns unless you're running a charity. You will not be refunded
    DO NOT unban people unless you banned the wrong person or given explicit permission by an S-Mod+
    DO NOT think you're above the rules. Staff will follow all the server rules as players do
    DO NOT teleport or bring other staff without messaging them first. This goes along with respecting their privacy. Message them in admin chat, discord, or steam first
    DO NOT ban or kick other staff unless they go rogue for whatever reason. Message a admin or higher immediately if this happens
    DO NOT cause drama or get involved in drama as staff. This includes leaking private staff chat / discussions to players and can lead to a demotion on the first offense
    DO NOT talk or act like a child. This does not mean you can't have fun, but staff should be professional at all time when interacting with players
    DO NOT use staff tools for your own amusement. This includes /forcerpname for yourself or your friends on the Server or Discord
    DO NOT use staff tools on players unless you're involved in a sit (example: teleporting your friend inside your base because it's easier)

       DO NOT  add personal messages into your bans   ( example:(GN) Isaac banned Rubik for Reason: Mrdm/Nitrp/ get a life nerd               

    🔗 Useful Binds 🔗

    Staff Menu: bind g "ulx menu"
    Noclip: bind v "ulx noclip"   
    Server Logs: /slogs in chat or bind t “slogs” in console


    ⚙️ Chat/Console Commands ⚙️

    !noclip;ulx noclip - Used to noclip in sitland ONLY
    !xban - Used to ban players with the menu it brings up
    !warn - Used to warn players when they do something wrong
    !sit - Used to go to sitland
    !thetime - shows the time in OOC - useful before reset to help other players
    !nolag - Freezes all server props - used to stop lag or prop spammers
    shownlr - Shows death positions  - useful in NLR sits and crossfire sits
    !menu;ulx menu - Brings up a menu with the commands listed below
    !gigamute - Gags and Mutes the player that this is used on - useful for racist/vulgar people


    ⚙️ Staff Menu Commands ⚙️

    gigamute - Gags and Mutes the player that this is used on
    cpban - Stops the player from being any CP job  - used in NLA cases
    mute - Stops the player from using text chat - useful for people spamming local chat or being racist - use Gigamute most of the time
    gag - Stops the player from using voice chat - useful for people being racist - use gigamute most of the time
    ban - bans the player selected for the time selected - used to ban people committing extreme offenses
    kick - kicks the player selected - used to kick vulgar people - useful for racist/vulgar people
    spectate - spectates the player selected - used to spectate prop spammers, hackers, people farming with a building sign, etc.
    bring - brings the player selected - used to bring people to a sit
    goto - goes to the player selected - used to goto prop spammers, mrdmers that are jailed, etc.
    return - returns the player selected - used to return players after a sit
    send - sends the player selected to the other player selected
    teleport - teleports the player selected to you
    jail - jails the selected player at their current location - Can only be used when they are alive
    jailtp - jails the selected player and brings them to you - Can only be used when they are alive
    stopvote - stops a current vote kick/ban - use this only when staff are on and a player makes a vote

    Strip - Strips the weapons from the selected player - useful for MRDMers but mostly just use jailtp
    Set Team - Sets the job of the selected player - Useful for people that jobs get glitched or someone breaks a rule 


    📃 Important Links 📃

    Punishment Guidelines - https://forums.titsrp.com/topic/1770-official-proper-punishment-times-and-reasons/
    Sit Guidelines - https://forums.titsrp.com/topic/8060-official-titsrp-sit-guidelines/
    MOTD - https://forums.titsrp.com/topic/5-rules-darkrp-server/

    Trial Mod + Mod Summarized Guidelines - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1c4ZcOWE1KbESwNsQbEbfwHnr315ArwyWYnFHM21_nfg/edit#gid=672323028

    • Like 1
  6. April 22nd - 25th Changelog


    • Turrets now have health
    • Turrets and health / armor regenerators are in categories now
    • Added a FUCKING DRONE that you can defend your base with / wreck havoc with. Black Market Dealer and Gun Dealers sell it
    • Removed some pills that were invincible
    • Changed prices on Ark weapons, C4 and added elastic cuffs to Black Market Dealer

    Added a ton of new toys to the black market dealer. Only he will sell them and it will be expensive so spend your money wisely.


    • Added 3 landmines: Small, Medium, Large
    • Added a Warmine and a claymore
    • Added 3 types of turrets that will kill on sight unless you are registered to them
    • Made spawning pills for Superadmins only (sorry you guys cause shit fests)
    • Made it so it does not download 2 pill packs

  7. April 21st Changelog


    • Fixed Taser
    • Updated Inventory
    • You can now drop and pickup weapons properly
    • Removed Theater due to people unable to join or people going inside and crashing
    • Added base defense Shop Turret for most shop owners
    • Added base defense Shop Turret Advanced for most shop owners
    • Added health and armor kits to gun dealers to sell and use
    • Changed prop limit from 45 -> 35 to help with some performance issues at high players
    • Changed sv_maxupdaterate and sv_minupdaterate to different values to test performance
    • Changed Stacker to the updated version, Improved Stacker

  8. April 19th Changelog - Pending


    • Added back the second bank vault
    • Added back the theater
    • Added a script to disable physgun reloading
    • Added a second layer of AC protection
    • Voices of the people the camera man is talking to will properly go through the TV (This means you can now interview people)
    • Raiders can now buy a weapon from their F4 menu 
    • Thieves can now buy a weapon from their F4 menu
    • Hobos can now show their dolla dolla with the M9 Bayonet Fade, purchasable from the F4 menu

  9. April 6th Changelog  Pending



    • Fixed prop pushing and prop surfing
    • Fixed AWarn
    • Fixed Chef Player Model
    • Fixed car npc and meth dealer from spawning in 2 different spots
    • Fixed Textscreens
    • Added a gangsta tec 9 and p99 to crips and bloods
    • Added BMW Car Pack
    • Added Ford Car Pack
    • Added a day and night cycle + weather
    • Added a gang addon, show us your true power
    • Added the Destroyer of Worlds job
    • Added the Magic Man job
    • Added pepper spray
    • Added some shit here and there
    • Added a chat command to get out of morphing if you bugged it
    • Added any jobs that were not in the MOTD, to the motd
    • Removed a bunch of unused addons / playermodels / custom jobs that were inactive

  10. April 4th Changelog


    I have decided to not let the server die and it would be great if people played on it. I will be idling to increase the player count by 1 at least. It would be a shame if I let everything we just had die so here are some updates. 


    Also on 4/6 I will be removing a lot of peoples custom classes if they are inactive. A lot of the servers content is custom shit from other people so if they don't want to play I will remove it to increase download speeds for everyone else. If they come back, they will get it back, simple as that.


    Plus its Spring Break for most people on the east coast so this would be a great time to revive a server!


    • Added back Methdealer (we will see if he crashes the server or not)
    • Updated VCmod
    • Updated Anti-Cheat
    • Updated Hitman Script
    • Updated Car mod
    • Updated inventory addon
    • Updated AWarn
    • Upated VxDonation
    • Updated Ulx and ULib
    • Updated Atlas Chat
    • Updated Radio + Microphone mod
    • Updated DarkRP gamemode
    • Added weed to the entity list (it was always in game but not on the list, derp)

  11. March 21st - March 22nd Changelog


    Someone released a module that can rewrite the networking functions and we are going to try it out. I am adding back every addon that I removed. If the server crashes regularly like before, I will just remove everything again until it is fixed.


    • Added back all the addons that were taken out before
    • Removed Meth addon. I am almost 100% certain that the server is crashing because of it

  12. March 17th Changelog



    As Gmod STILL is NOT fixed. I am working on another solution. Barebone servers will still crash but at a much later interval. Here is what im doing. Everything removed in the next couple of days will come back once Gmod is fixed.

    [*]Removed Realistic Player Damage

    [*]Removed Bank Vault

    [*]Removed VCmod and cars for now

    [*]Removed Meth (replaced with weed)

    [*]Removed PermaProp placer (using alternative)

    [*]Removed the Car dealer for now (theres no fucking cars)

    [*]Removed the stungun

    [*]Removed Textscreens for now



    If anyone is curious as to why i'm removing these specific addons its because these contain networking variables that have been very iffy the past week. People are having success removing all addons dealing with these certain ones. I know, it sucks but its better to keep the actual server alive rather to have it crash every 20 - 30 minutes. Trying to find the actual addon causing it would be very difficult as I cannot test this myself. (I idled on the server for like 2 hours without it crashing when everything was on) so that means at some point, the server will just overload itself and crash. I have some other tools I am trying to see if what I did works. ALL of these addons that I have been removing in the past couple days WILL be making a comeback when the game is fixed. Sorry for the inconvenience.

  13. March 16th Changelog


    Due to the server crashing a ton STILL after another update. Here we go. This will piss people off but I have no other choice but to remove a ton of addons until shit is more stable


    • AWarn is back
    • Updated to the latest version of Gmod
    • Removed Mayor Voting NPC
    • Removed Knockout Swep
    • Removed News Camera
    • Removed Police Vault
    • Removed some weapons / features
    • Removed economy module
    • Removed Adv Dupe 2
    • Fixed the background on the 3D2D text (only positive)

  14. March 14th Changelog



    In order to combat crashes, I am taking out some addons for now that have NOT been updated for the new DarkRP update or the new Gmod update in general and have these variables that cause server crashes in them.


    • Changed some variables in Dlogs, its working again
    • Removed Traptoide addon
    • Removed Utime
    • Removed the warning system for the time being

  15. March 7th Changelog


    [*] Added different cars back. These are smaller in size and fewer but better than nothing.

    [*] Removed Oblivion Magic Swep and Kerrigan for now.

    [*] Removed Pokemon Trainer and Pokoeball swep for now

    [*] Removed a few addons that were not in use

    [*] Removed all Superman Models + superhero jobs



    Trying to combat crashes. Its strange. Usually no errors server side or clientside but we always find a way to crash with no explanation.


    Also trying to remove a lot of junk that is not used. Superhero sweps will stay though, don't worry.

  16. March 5th Changelog


    [*] Moved off MySQL for DarkRP storage

    [*] Added Pokemon Trainer with a working pokeball for DarkRP (re-coded by me)

    [*] Added random events (Testing)


    Note that the NPCs spawned by the pokeball should only be used for pokemon battles. They will not attack other players.

  17. March 1st Changelog


    [*]Changed map to Evilmelon because #yolo

    [*]Removing dead classes from people who have died and haven't risen from the dead for 1 - 2 months

    [*]Buffed Printers

    [*]Moved off MySQL for a few addons, next week I will convert the actual darkrp db to sqlite

    [*]Being really picky and removing models and jobs that just are not used

    [*]Removed all cars. If you want a refund, please post on the "Refund Thread" and I will hook you up.

    [*]Added the jobs: Sewer Lord, Sewer Follower, Kerrigan (VIP), Pissed Baby

  18. February 20th Changelog


    [*]Added Utime, this will now log your time

    [*]Added Spray Mesh, this will fix sprays and allow better sprays

    [*]Updated the MOTD to support HTML, should be easier to navigate

    [*]Trying a tickrate

    [*]Trying to clean some shit as I say every changelog

    [*]New kidnapping tools for Cultists, Hobo Lord and Pedophile

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