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Fidel Cashflow


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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Fidel Cashflow

  1. Earlier I saw him roleplaying with it. taking people's blood as weapon mod and running around so they would not be able to shoot him.
  2. i make youtube videos and am currently a tmod on the server thats my life story, suck it
  3. Actually vip can also manipulate the colors/materials of other players including staff. Take account of what Walter said, we did this in his Bar.
  4. Exploit Description: You can materialize/color players, this includes making someone invisible. How to reproduce: Try to color/materialize another user. Priority: High
  5. Would you want better cars and less FPS, or would you want more FPS and good enough cars. Adding things like TDM cars or SCars can potentially lower player's frames.
  6. After editing the permissions of a player did you goto the context menu, find the users name, and then click on the orange box?
  7. I've had this issue in the past, I pmed Sugar on the forums but he didn't really seem to believe me.
  8. Take away either the 300 armor from juggernaut or the minigun, its too op . I mean a tank with a minigun?
  9. Meh, Alex Trebek is my favorite. (jk ur my fav show host)
  10. North Korea Soviet Union Communism
  11. Make it so you can buy more cc slots.
  12. Joke's on you, I saw you earlier today.
  13. Bug Description: Using the Tranq M9 with a particular player model. Note: This did not crash the server. How to reproduce: Fix the tranq m9. Priority: High
  14. As a wise man once said, "I should beat my children more often."
  15. Moderator channels are cancer cancer cancer cancer!
  16. Last time my mom went to the hospital was to get her stomach cut open.
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