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Two White Crocs


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Two White Crocs

  1. 1; One person with an AWP shouldn't be able to murder a whole squad of people.
  2. Dad gave me permission. No weebs allowed.
  3. A little peek into the everyday lives of the LeBlancs. [video=youtube]
  4. You supported Zek Sorry, but no more applications. If you want in the LeBlancs you have to stand out to Valentine or I.
  5. I wouldn't say you having six printers, four pro bit miners, three processors, and four standard bit miners is nothing.
  6. Exploit Description: You buy printers, bit miners, processors, etc., if the server crashes you can buy more of any of those things, then do !recover and have more of those than the limit allows you. How to reproduce: Buy 2 printers. *Server Crashes* Buy 2 printers Do !recover You now have 4 printers, you can do this with anything out of the f4 menu with a limit. Priority: High
  7. Increase party limit. Fix all the shit inside the crafting table, a lot of it is broke. Instead of the colors of the names in chat being dictated by job, I think we should be able customize it to any color we want.
  8. Gnome is tame compared to the majority of minges I have dealt with. Take a look at his reputation the forums, most people disagree with that statement.
  9. I like how the first rule is to not be a minge, but Gnome is in the "family"
  10. That laugh turned me on a little
  11. Bring back physgun color. Rework the lawyer job so it can bail players out of jail for a certain amount of cash. Like say you get arrested, a lawyer can use some sort of SWEP that creates a menu where they can view jailed players, then they choose who they want to bail out. Once you are chosen you can pay the lawyer to get bailed from a pop-up menu and get released, or you can just deny it and stay in jail. I was thinking the lawyer could set their bail price. Create a chain of command for warrant acceptance for when the mayor isn't on. Say the there is no mayor, then if you want a warrant, the SWAT Chief accepts it, if there is no SWAT Chief, the CP Chief accepts it, and so on and so forth. Fix in-game stats, they tend to be off by a couple hundred hours.
  12. Possibly have a button on the printer that says "Claim" and when it is pressed the entity is owned by you. I've seen something like this on other servers, and I think it's a great idea. It's so annoying to steal someones printers, only to have them relog.
  13. This is a permabannable offense. PM me with the specifics of what happened Yuh, you can't use an alt if you get your main gets banned, and vice versa. [align=center]RIP Magicsockdust [/align]
  14. Bug Description: One you place a house alarm on a door, if it gets destroyed, you can no longer place house alarms on such door. How to reproduce: Put a house alarm on a door, destroy it, and try to put another one on the door. Priority: Medium [video=youtube]
  15. Welcome Ladies and Gents! In this volume of my newborn series I will be showing you how to use house alarms! Disclaimer: I will be posting a separate post like this one in the "Bugs" thread, because there is a bug in this system. [video=youtube]
  16. https://titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=4731
  17. hecko Ladies & Gents! This is the beginning of a series that I am starting to help new players out. I aim to teach them all the "confusing" aspects of this server, as well as cover updates that are worth explaining. In this first volume I will be showing off our drug system. Disclaimer You can hear my little sister getting in trouble in the end of the video, pay no mind. [video=youtube]
  18. Drug buyer only buys meth. And meth maker have been removed. That is incorrect, I shall make a video showing you gentlemen how it is done. :cool:
  19. I believe this is just due to you not having good luck. There isn't that big of a drop chance, but increasing it would make the Weapon Modifier job even more OP than it already is.
  20. You can get a vape on your CC for $5, I used to have one.
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