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Two White Crocs


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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Two White Crocs

  1. ur dumb i might be dumb, but who gay? ur gay
  2. Finally a gang I can get behind ecksdeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  3. Secondary Server? For all of you who have been in the DarkRP community for a while, I'm sure you know of a couple servers that have the word "ICE" before them, there are three in fact. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=952638808 I'm proposing that we do this. The server is ALWAYS almost maxed out, and I'm sure with the new map we will get more player slots and more room, but how many slots can you put on one server before it becomes uncontrollable? One concern is our host, it can barely host one server, so how is it supposed to host two? Sugar has said we're moving hosts, to one that is better and cheaper. As a final statement, I'd like to add that even if the second server fails, it's not a permanent edition, we could easily terminate it after a month.
  4. "Preferably under the age of 12" [align=center]You're under the age of 12 [/align]
  5. Make kings able to place down their own lawboards. Add a fire exguinisher to the F4 that gets rid of the annoying ass fire effect.
  6. I wish I thought of this guide (Good guide m8).
  7. Greyguard = Autism (Who the heck spells grey with an e anymore)
  8. No, then it defeats the purpose of being able to farm. I love that printers stay after d/c, it makes raiding way more enjoyable because there is now an actual gain. To make them disappear is terrible.
  9. NO I called it I am da director. You will be there when I cannot Diddles did it first you gook Well IM doing it now you gook Besides, why not have Steve Harvey host it Understandable have a great day.
  10. NO I called it I am da director. You will be there when I cannot Diddles did it first you gook
  11. Had Jigsaw destryed the printers, I might be sympathetic to your cause. But that's not the case.
  12. *Clap, clap, clap, clap, clap* I'm proud of you Blacnova, I'll apply the day you become active.
  13. Add a counter on the event menu to see how many tokens we have.
  14. I'm sorry, but no. Saying only the king can make the gate has some logic to it, but it's honestly not even a good rule. There is no gain from only the king being able to make the gate, zero benefits. Are you serious? TitsRP has always been extremely lenient towards building, just because a poll to remove one-ways fails, doesn't mean you should just go after other aspects of our basing code, please stop. Bruh. That is ridiculous, you can't just ban a base. The only way I would accept this rule is if we got a cinema plugin, which is useless in my opinion. Eh, sure I'll say we can keep one-ways, I'd rather completely get rid of them. But it's no big deal if we keep them. I like them if I'm being honest. I want this feature ridiculously bad, Sugar please. No, god no, old C4 was cancer.
  15. Will you buy my unboxed fidget spinners?
  16. Are you saying people without an account cannot vote? Seems a bit odd to me. Anyone can spam the result as a guest, guest votes = nothing.
  17. 12/19 votes for the one-ways to stay are guests. RIP one-ways
  18. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
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