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wDs. KillerBob The Anal Av


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by wDs. KillerBob The Anal Av

  1. He was just so tired that he need a nappy, poor little champ falls asleep in terrible locations and positions...
  2. Look how adorable he is, napping in that garbage bin. Daww, he was so tired.
  3. Current Stalemate is 7/11 which is 63% yes, we are 3 hours in with RDM's, Spawn is propblocked, and the servers just poopoo... This situation is all too common for late night players, which is why I personnally feel that all you should need is 50 or 60% Approval.
  4. The Amount of players that need to vote yes is ridiculous. Every night I get royally screwed on the server (Check my reports...) because I can never get enough Yes votes. Today I've gotten up to 8/12 votes which is 66%. Which apparently doesnt meet the minimum, so there is now still 2 Prop abusers, prop plockers, and RDM'rs running around in the server. Votes should not be unanimous since most players on at night are either AFK, or Team minge'rs.
  5. Make Drug buyer somehow give you the money and not drop it. Iv'e lost at least 2mill to people gravgunning my money.
  6. My Dupes aren't working either. I open the dupe, wait until ghosting completes, When it says ready I left click, But then it says "Please wait 0.2 seconds." Like I'm trying to spawn too many individual props at once. so none of my dupes will...dupe...
  7. I also think that depending on server perfomance the Climbing swep would make things alot more interesting. As far as adding Pee to just hobo's, i think it would be funny as well as highly entertaining for all users to have access.
  8. I'd personnaly love to see the Pee swep added for all classes, just something stupid and fun to piss people and CPD off.. Also the crysis bow is definitely fun in my opinion. It's something that kills but its not the most conventional of weapons.
  9. Just a thought for weapons that are completely different: I think this ones fun. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=373311407 Useful For raiding.. Or Terror attacks http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=692549430&searchtext=Fun+Swep ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Odd Sweps: To me this is just fun when bored. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=113495466&searchtext=Fun+Swep Could be used obviously for "Weird Job Ruleset" Or could be used by all and if caught in public its AOS. If you pee on someone they can kill you? http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=273090192
  10. I guess the new question is what can we replace it with? Could we spitball some ideas here?
  11. the amount of time it would take me to remember how to play with scripts,,,, I'm trying to atleast suggest something to keep a fun weapon or two
  12. There is also the MilitaryWeaponsMod (I forget the actual name) where players can buy a M4 and press C [context menu] and modify the weapon, installing suppressors, sights, grips,mags, ammo...etc..... The Wabbajack could also just have its functions change to where it only spawns a dormant NPC/non violent towards players. Also reducing the explode radius.
  13. It's the cooldowns that not only protected us (since it's usually 1 or 2 raid parties) but prevented the over raiding. By having cooldowns it kind of lets us know like "hey those are the raiders, they are raiding my neighbor, while they cooldown I'm going to make sure my base is allset."
  14. There should be something for VIP's too look forward to...But thats another issue, for another day. If the wabbajack is removed/up for removal. Maybe we should come up with ideas for fun weapons? It gets a bit boring just having guns that go Pew Pew Pew and riddling people with bullets (esp from highly inaccurate GMOD weapons)
  15. This is useless since in the update tommorow there will be no adverting raid or doing anything to raid just raiding and no cool down to raiding Now playing with the new raid system, and having made a discussion post (to discuss the new system.) What about possibly making a !raidmenu that gives the person being raided a cooldown? For example: ThatGuy: Can Be Raided 0 minutes <---This player can be raided now OtherGuy: Can Be Raided 14.7 minutes <---This player can be raided in 14.7 minutes This still allows raiders to avoid cooldowns, just means they have to select new targets per 15mins. The raider would see the base he wishes to raid, type !raidmenu, Click ThatGuy, which then starts the cooldown for all raiders to raid ThatGuy.
  16. There is many nights where I am on without staff.. But that's not the issue.. Another way to look at it too is now I won't be surprised if @ is going to be full of "HE'S DOUBLE RAIDING ME HALP"
  17. I'm pretty sure that sugar added a rule that the same people can't raid the same building/house/base. I think everyone in the raid needs to wait the 15 minutes, but don't take my word for that. Yup, as I said a trillion times. :P That would be a cooldown time..
  18. Theoretically, Fun weapons are usually OP. Plus making them CC only is kind of a buzzkill, then there will be the "You only do it so people have to buy into the server!" forum posts ( I ran a CS:S server where we limited AWP's, and server slots to paid VIP players..) The wabbajack is Fun and yes if misused can cause mass RDM. If used correctly (as a defence weapon, or during a raid) theres only the potential for crossfire.
  19. I made the thread to discuss the new raid system, since today I know the same 5 people consistently attempted to raid Checkmate and I 5 times in 15 minutes. There's nothing stopping them from doing so besides "hey don't do that" with the potential of staff action if there is enough proof to determine that they are actually doing it...
  20. I really enjoy the wabbajack, it just has to be used properly is all, If anything make it VIP+ only to avoid too many people gaining access..
  21. If adverting Raid is metagaming then why are we Adverting Kidnaps... But anyway, I feel that raiders are getting a bit too much power. Theres no way for me to prove if i get raided by the same people over and over again unless I specifically see 1 of the player names twice. 6 raiders, I get killed by ThatGuy ThatGuy types "over" *2minutes later* 4 raiders, and I'm lucky enough to see ThatGuy. Thats the only way I can prove if the same people are over-raiding my base.... To me this just leaves people who are basing at a disadvantage since by the time we spend 200k+ on buying entities, we get an attempted raid, and theres nothing to prevent Raid, after raid, after raid. Except for a building sign which means I cannot have any Printers or miners untill i'm done building.... So if they left a printer behind then what? I either have to blow up my printer then place a "building sign" or build without a sign and have the potetial of getting raided while i do so...
  22. First: Not all raiders break the entities found inside, nor can they take them all at once. Second: I was literally put in a sit and got a verbal for that today. Third: From being told by almost every Mod that I cannot return untill it's over, how am I to know if someone is gearing up to raid me? Fourth: I can only have 1 camera which is Normally placed facing the entrance so I can see whose knocking/trying to get in.
  23. Here is where another one of my issues is, every time I go back to my base I end up in a sit, or being killed and then /ooc is filled with "You NLR breaking faggot." That's without entering or even holding a gun... Very true indeed, but it's always best to check with cameras, voice chat, etc. Being allowed 1 camera, we usually place our cameras at the entrance. Therefore that's all we can see, not in the base -.- ESP in a blackout base
  24. With waiting 10 minutes, you now leave your base to be Re-Raided by a new raiding party...
  25. I'ts not a need for an NLR Bubble, there just needs to be a way for players to know if their base is being raided or not. Q: How do I know if the people who raided my base are done? A: They type "/advert over" Who is "they." Q: Who is raiding my base + who is assisting? A: How do I know whose name to look for in chat if I don't know who is raiding my base.... Q: Can i just go back? A: Apparently not, I'm supposed to wait forever untill I 100% know they left my base. Since going back in during a raid, or going near my base to check is breaking NLR. It's not a bitch thread where I'm crying saying "I don't like getting raided." It's a thread to show that the raid system is now definitely ProRaider not 50/50. Before we could atleast look and see !raidmenu to see who is currently raiding and wait till we see an "over" message, and hope it was the ones raiding our base...
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