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wDs. KillerBob The Anal Av


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by wDs. KillerBob The Anal Av

  1. So, don't get me wrong a 20min cooldown is outrageous. But this new raid option where the same raiders are coming back 3-5 times in 15mins is kind of messed up. I mean my bases aren't the easiest to get into without C4, or a torch and I can generally defend it pretty well. But allowing as many raiders as the party allows to constantly raid (even before my props comeback from being torched) is kind of crazy. Also, there is no way to know if your base is still being raided since you never know how many people/who is involved. Yet again raising an issue of coming back "too early" so you break NLR by going near your base.... Would almost be better if there was a "raid-ee" cooldown instead of a "raider" cooldown. Meaning each player can only be raided once per 15mins. Potentially being shown in a new !raidmenu? !raidmenu Anal Avenger - 14.7 mins Some Guy - Can Be Raided That other guy - 12 mins If that's even remotely possible... Thoughts?
  2. I think making !raid and !heist should be changed. Here's a common situation I run into. I'll own the fenced Grow house, and I'll of course have Printers, miners...etc... I will grow some weed, run it to the buyer; come back to my street and BOOM. Blundergat to the mouth. Thinking it's RDM x 1, I simply return to my base, find my doors open, 1 or more people inside and kill them, thus meaning I broke NLR and RDM'D x however many people I killed. It sucks that theres no way to know if a player is raiding or heisting, other than being warned/kicked/banned for RDM or NLR breaks. Yes I know you can !raidmenu and look to see who just started a raid, but how do you knowif their raiding your base or the neighbors? Would it be possible to change a raiders color when they use !raid? Like if player X types !raid and player Y types assist, could they both be visually turned Red, so people know its a raid and not some RDM'ing mingebag? It just seems that if it was possible it would not only avoid petty comments in /ooc but it would also reduce the @ chat, aswell as mods having to waste time for a sit.
  3. Agreed, possibly a matter of age and maturity aswell.
  4. The part that gets me is that there is a format to follow. Plus when I find something worthy of a report I want it taken seriously. There's numerous threads where if they would of just followed the format they would potentially get the result that they wanted.
  5. Ok, fellow TitsRP players; After filing my last report I've read alot of other reports filed. I am now concerned by the lack of care many of you are putting into the reports. It's pretty sad to see that there is a perfectly good Format thread (found here https://titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=313) and most people aren't using it. In turn that makes the moderators unable to do much about an issue since there a complete lack of evidence. I'm going to use a players name that was Perma Banned due to my last report to post a basic proper filing. So, start here. https://titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=313 Then copy the format and move to Reports>player or Reports>staff. (in this case it should be in Reports>Player) Your Steam Name: wDs. KillerBob Your ingame name: Anal Avenger Your Steam Profile/SteamID: Lowery187 Who are you reporting? (Their name and profile): Dr. No Chill - STEAM_0:1:53477216 http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198067220161 Evidence[/b]: [attachment=226][attachment=225]
  6. How about 3 different processors? Light processor 50k. Limited to knives pistols and lower tier guns Medium processor 100k Limited to Medium tier pistols (deagle..etc..) shotguns and lower tier rifles. Heavy processor 200k limited to High tier weapons Blundergats, C4, Howls, Assimovs, Vectors, wabbajacks, crossbows...etc the raid weapons Secondly, Possibly adding better rewards to !unbox. No one wants to pay $1500 for a key and $750 for a crate to get a knife. third, Potentially adding a RPG for raids, Shipment cost being 1,500,000. Contains 3 RPGs, 1 shot per RPG. No way to get ammo unless buying another shipment. Classes who can buy RPG's: Any VIP+ class that can purchase Gun Shipments. Each RPG round temporarily no collides all props within a radius of 10 in game units. last, !knifefight playername the ability to offer a knifefight between 2 agreeing players.
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